UTC Document Register 1999 - 2000

February 9, 2000

Updated March 22, 2010, to consolidate contents of both the 1999 and 2000 UTC document registers. Updated March 21, 2012, to add a stray 1998 document. Updated December 6, 2016, to add links to new format registers.

The UTC decided in February 2000 that this UTC-specific document registry would be discontinued. Thereafter new UTC-specific documents were added to the L2 document register, with "UTC" in the project field.

See updated new format registers: UTC 1999, UTC 2000

UTC Doc# Title Source Date L2 Doc#
UTC/1998-002 Additional requirements for Unicode 3.0 conformance Edwin Hart 1998-11-30  
UTC/1999-001 Devanagari--Eyelash RA James E. Agenbroad 1999-01-27 L2/99-026
UTC/1999-002 Collected book comments Honomichl 1999-01-27  
UTC/1999-003 Additional requirements for Unicode 3.0 conformance Edwin Hart 1999-01-28  
UTC/1999-004 Unicode 3.0 book comments Paul Hoffman, IMC 1999-01-28  
UTC/1999-005 Comments on Unicode 3.0 Ed Hart 1999-02-03  
UTC/1999-006 not assigned      
UTC/1999-007 not assigned      
UTC/1999-008 Recommended Outline for Submitting Requirements Other than Character and Script Proposals to the UTC Edwin Hart 1999-05-11  
UTC/1999-009 Draft WG2 resolutions (Fukuoka) consent docket for the UTC meeting in Redmond, June 1999 (text version: u1999-009.txt) Ken Whistler 1999-05-12  
UTC/1999-010 Summary of WG2 actions in Fukuoka requiring UTC ratification Ken Whistler 1999-05-11  
UTC/1999-011 Summary of normative changes to Conformance for Unicode 3.0 Ken Whistler 1999-05-23  
UTC/1999-012 Excerpts from Working Draft for Unicode 3.0 (paper document only) Ken Whistler 1999-05-24  
UTC/1999-013 Tildes and Micro-sign decomposition Kent Karlsson 1999-05-27  
UTC/1999-014 Recursion depth limit for IDC's John Jenkins 1999-06-01  
UTC/1999-015 Re: Brief note on length of ideograph descriptions Ken Whistler 1999-06-01  
UTC/1999-016 Changes between UnicodeData-2.1.9d3.txt and UnicodeData-2.1.9.txt Ken Whistler 1999-06-03  
UTC/1999-017 Data cross-checks (Unicode 3.0) Mark Davis 1999-06-02  
UTC/1999-018 Raised decimal Mark Davis 1999-06-04  
UTC/1999-019 Unicode new project proposal Akio Kido 1999-05-26  
UTC/1999-020 Using ideographic description characters (Diagram) John Jenkins 1999-06-04  
UTC/1999-021 Liaison report from W3C: W3C XML CG statement on annotation characters Martin Duerst 1999-06-08  
UTC/1999-022 AFII report, including WAVE DASH (WG2 N2030) Asmus Freytag 1999-06-10  
UTC/1999-023 Progressing TR#9 - Bidi Algorithm Asmus Freytag 1999-06-09  
  For meeting October 1999      
UTC/1999-024 Normative Changes to UnicodeData.txt after the beta period for Unicode 3.0 Ken Whistler 1999-08-25  
UTC/1999-025 Proposal for a signature byte sequence for SCSU Markus Scherer 1999-09-08  
UTC/1999-026 AFII font for UCS 2000 Tex Texin 1999-10-18  
UTC/1999-027 Unicode Technical Report #20 Mark Davis 1999-09-28  
UTC/1999-028 Unicode Technical Report #21 draft Mark Davis 1999-11-03  
UTC/1999-029 Unicode Technical Report #17 Mark Davis 1999-11-23  
UTC/1999-030 Unicode Technical Report #18 draft Mark Davis 1999-11-23  
UTC/1999-031 Unicode Technical Report #19 Mark Davis 1999-11-16  
UTC/1999-032 Unicode encoding forms Mark Davis    
UTC/1999-033 Results of letter ballot on Unicode Data Version 3 Lisa Moore 1999-10-22  
UTC/1999-034 Unicode Character Mapping Formats (draft) Mark Davis 1999-10-25  
  For meeting February 2000      
UTC/2000-001 Draft UTR #19: UTF-32 Mark Davis 1999-11-16  
UTC/2000-002 Proposed Draft UTR #20: The Use of Unicode in Markup Languages Duerst, Davis, Hideki, Freytag 1999-09-28  
UTC/2000-003 Draft UTR #22: Character Mapping Tables Mark Davis 1999-11-23  
UTC/2000-004 UTC proposal -- Control codes Mark Davis, Ken Whistler 2000-01-12  
Mark Davis 2000-01-13  
UTC/2000-006 Proposal to restrict the range of code positions to the values up to U-0010FFFF Mark Davis 2000-01-13  
UTC/2000-007 Clarification of "cased" in UTR #21 Mark Davis 2000-01-11  
UTC/2000-008 European Fallback Rules CEN TC304 N932 1999-12-15  
UTC/2000-009 SCSU signature byte sequence Markus Scherer 2000-01-28 L2/00-058
UTC/2000-010 Comments on TR #22 -- JTC1 conversion tables Martin Duerst 2000-01-27 L2/00-059
UTC/2000-011 Where is my character (draft) Mark Davis 2000-01-31 L2/00-038
UTC/2000-012 UTR #11: East Asian Width -- restated definitions Asmus Freytag 2000-01-31 L2/00-039
UTC/2000-013 Property changes for Unicode character database Ken Whistler 2000-01-31 L2/00-040
UTC/2000-014 Unicode submission form Mark Davis 2000-02-01 L2/00-041
UTC/2000-015 Changes to 10646-1 for PUA Ken Whistler 2000-01-14 L2/00-042