NCITS decisions with impact on L2 work 

April 2000


PPC Report

PPC met on 2000 January 06 at ITI to consider actions assigned at NCITS Meeting #10, held in October 1999 in Red Bank, New Jersey. The meeting was attended by:



Issue No. 6 - Archival Standards

>The following changes are proposed to implement the proposal:

3.4.2. Program of Work

The work of a TC on each assigned project falls in one or more of three main categories:

... a through c

The program of work includes the following functional elements for each assigned project as appropriate:

a) through h)

j) Conduct the required review and recommendation for revision, reaffirmation, designation as a stabilized standard, or withdrawal.

k) ...

4.4.4. "The voting table"

After "Recommendation on withdrawal" under TC rules, add "Recommendation for status as a stabilized standard" with the same voting rules and criteria as for withdrawal.

5.2.Maintenance of American National Standards, ANSI Technical Reports, and NCITS Technical Reports

Upon ANSI approval of an American National Standard or the ANSI registration of an ANSI Technical Report, and upon NCITS approval of an NCITS Technical Report, that document is automatically assigned to a maintenance project.

A maintenance project retains that status until experience indicates a need for revision, reaffirmation, or withdrawal, or has been converted to status as a stabilized standard, in accordance with 5.2.7.

a) the four-year anniversary of the approval of the standard or the four-year anniversary of the last reaffirmation of the standard; or

b) the nine-year anniversary of the approval of an NCITS Technical Report or the registration of the ANSI Technical Report, or the nine-year anniversary of the last reaffirmation of an ANSI or NCITS Technical Report.

5.2.7.Stabilized standards

Whenever it is determined that a standard has ongoing validity and effectiveness, but is mature and unlikely to require maintenance of any sort, it can be designated as a stabilized standard, which removes the requirement for period reaffirmation.

In order for a standard to be declared a stabilized standard, at least five years must have passed since the previous reaffirmation, without any modifications.

If it is determined that the standard should be designated as a stabilized standard, the TC shall forward a package that includes all of the following:

a) The rationale for the recommendation.

b) A copy of the authorizing Project Proposal.

c) The final tally of the TC vote recommending status as a stabilized standard with a copy of any unresolved negative votes and the TC response to each.

d) If the standard was adopted under a project proposal that contained coordinating liaison organization requirements, the final tally of the vote from each coordinating liaison organization or a letter from each coordinating liaison organization expressing lack of interest in the reaffirmation or withdrawal action.

The TC package is forwarded to the NCITS Secretariat and the NCITS Secretariat initiates the public review of the TC recommendation.

a) If comments are received as a result of the public review, these comments are forwarded to the TC that made the recommendation and the TC will consider these comments at their next meeting, provide a response to each commentor, and forward final TC recommendation to NCITS for final action. The final TC recommendation will contain a copy of each comment and the TC's response to each, in addition to the information contained in paragraphs a) through d) above.

b) If there are no comments, the NCITS Secretariat will initiate an NCITS letter ballot for approval of the TC recommendation. If there are any negative votes on the NCITS letter ballot, a 15-day reconsideration ballot will be issued. At the completion of the letter ballot process:

If the NCITS letter ballot passed, the NCITS Secretariat submits the recommendation to BSR for a national standard or ANSI technical report. For an NCITS Technical Report, the reaffirmation or withdrawal will take effect immediately.

If the NCITS letter ballot failed, for lack of affirmative votes, and there were no negative votes, final action is taken by NCITS at its next meeting.

If the NCITS letter ballot failed based on the number of negatives, the recommendation is returned to the TC that originated it for further deliberation.

The NCITS Secretariat will maintain a list of stabilized standards. Besides providing status of the standards, this list will be used by the Secretariat to:

a.       Report to ANSI on reaffirmation of ANSI standards that the standard is reaffirmed, without requiring a TC ballot or public review,

b.      Report to JTC 1 TAG on reaffirmation of ISO standards for which an NCITS TC holds the TAG that the standard is reaffirmed, without requiring a TC ballot or public review.

In either case, the Secretariat shall post the action on the NCITS web site and respond to the authority requesting the reaffirmation.

If a new work proposal is generated and adopted against a stabilized standard, the standard will revert to maintenance status.

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Issue No. 8 - TC Empowerment over Structure

Revise clause 3.5 NCITS Task Groups (TGs)

3.5.NCITS Task Groups (TGs)

TGs may be established as required to deal with specific segments of work. A TG may be formed to develop one or more related standards and/or technical reports, or a portion of one standard, or to collect data or study a particular problem to facilitate decisions by the parent body.

A TG has a term assignment lasting beyond the current and two following meetings of its parent body. Establishment of a TG is requestedapproved by vote of its parent body with notification to NCITS.and is approved under the following procedures:

a) Requests for establishment of TC TGs are approved by NCITS.

If it is not addressed in conjunction with approval of a project proposal,subsequent NCITS approval action shall be accomplished by an NCITS thirty-day default letter ballot. If objections are noted, the issue shall be put on the next NCITS agenda as a TC recommendation.

b) Requests for establishment of an SG TG are approved by the parent body of the SG with notification to NCITS.

All requests for reports ofestablishment of TGs must include the proposed scope (list of projects) and program of work for the TG when it is forwarded to NCITSby the TC or SG for approval.

Upon agreement of its parent TC, a TG may serve as the TAG to its counterpart, the related WG. In this case, the TG may input directly to the WG with notification to its parent TC.

When a TG serves as a U.S. TAG, the procedures in 5.6 shall be followed.

Change clause 4.4.4 voting table:

For NCITS Action under Organization, Delete "Establishment of TG" and change "Appointment of TC TG, and TAG SG officers"

For TC Action under Organization, change "Recommendation to establish Establishment of a TG".

Change clause TC, TG, and SG TC, TG, and SG

The Chairs and IRs of these NCITS Subgroupsof TCs and all IRs are elected by NCITS from each NCITS Subgroup's membership. Their terms are three years.

HODs are appointed from the TAG membership for each specific international meeting for which an NCITS Subgroup is the U.S. TAG. HODs are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of their Chairs. A HOD's term is flexible and includes the period of time before and after the international meeting which is required by the U.S. TAG to prepare U.S. positions and report results of the meeting.

Vice Chairs, Secretaries, Project Editors, Liaisons, Vocabulary Representatives, TG and SG Chairs, and other officers are appointed by and serve at the pleasure of their Chairs.

Change Appendix A. NCITS and NCITS Subgroup Officer Appointments

TC, TG and SG


NCITS membership

3 years


Vice Chair

NCITS Subgroup Chair

3 yearsindefinite



NCITS Subgroup Chair




NCITS membership

3 years



NCITS Subgroup Chair

[see note 2 below]


Project Editor

NCITS Subgroup Chair




NCITS Subgroup Chair




NCITS Subgroup Chair




NCITS Subgroup Chair

[see note 1 below]



NCITS Subgroup Chair



Vice Chair

TG or SG Chair




TG or SG Chair




NCITS membership

3 years



TG or SG Chair


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Issue No. 9 - TC Empowerment over their own Program of Work

1. Change clause 3.4.2 Program of work, item b) as follows:

b) Submit to NCITS requests for approvednew projects within the TC's general area of interest.

2. Change clause 4.4.4 voting table under TC Action, Project Proposals, as follows:

TC Action



Project Proposals




Thirty-day LB or meeting vote

Two-thirds voting

3. Change clause 5.1, Milestone 1, as follows

Add to the fifth paragraph as follows:

If the Project Proposal originates within an NCITS Subgroup, voting on the submission of the Project Proposal is conducted in accordance with 4.4; the vote must be included with submission of the Project Proposal.

The Project Proposal must be included on the Draft Agenda for the Subgroup meeting at which action is expected according to 4.3.4.

If the Project Proposal is approved, work on the project may begin immediately on the project.

The Chair of the originating Subgroup shall forward to the NCITS Secretariat within three calendar-days the following information: 1) The approved Project Proposal

2) The next Subgroup meeting information
3) Any other supplemental information the Subgroup may wish to provide (i.e., draft press release) for registration of an NCITS project number and web announcement.

Upon receipt of the information package from the Chair of the originating Subgroup, the Secretariat shall electronically notify NCITS members of the approved Project Proposal.

Any two NCITS members may request an appeal of the approved Project Proposal within seven calendar-days.

If there is no appeal of the approved Project Proposal, a project number is assigned and announced by the Secretariat.

If an appeal is made of the approved Project Proposal, the Chair of the originating Subgroup is notified and NCITS voting is conducted according to 4.4.

If the Project Proposal is not approved, the Secretariat so notifies the proposer.

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Issue No. 10 -TC requirements regarding abstentions on technical issues

Revise SD-2 paragraph 4.2 to remove:

Abstention votes shall not be permitted in TCs and TGs on any action requiring a two-thirds vote under the criteria for approval in 4.4.4."

Revise SD-2 paragraph to: Two-thirds Voting Rule

The two-thirds voting rule is defined as approval by at least a majority of the members eligible to vote and at least two-thirds of those voting, excluding abstentions.

For NCITS TCs and TGs, abstentions are excluded when determining whether either of the abovecriteria has been satisfied. In addition, the number of affirmative votes shall exceed the quorum requirements.

[Example was approved at NCITS #10, October 1999)]

For example, on a non-technical issue: If a voting group consists of thirty-six members and the count on a vote was nineteen affirmatives, nine negatives and eight abstentions, the motion would pass since:

a) a majority of the membership voted in the affirmative (nineteen is greater than thirty-six divided by two); and

b) the number of affirmative votes (nineteen) was in excess of two-thirds of the number of ballots cast, not counting the abstentions (twenty-eight), and

c) the number of affirmative votes (nineteen) was in excess of the quorum requirement (twelve).

On the other hand, if the count had been nineteen affirmatives, eleven negatives, four abstentions and two not voting, the motion would fail since:

a) although a majority of the voting membership voted affirmatively,

b) the number of affirmative votes (nineteen) is less than two-thirds of the number of ballots (thirty-four) less the number of abstentions (four)-- that is, nineteen is less than two-thirds of thirty.

Furthermore, if the count had been eleven affirmatives, one negative, sixteen abstentions, and eight not voting, the motion would fail since:

a) although a majority of the members who voted on the motion had voted affirmatively,

b) the number of affirmative votes (eleven) does not exceed the quorum requirement (twelve) for the subgroup.

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