of the UTC 83 / L2 180 Joint Meeting
Mountain View, CA -- April 25 - 28, 2000
August 8, 2000
UTC 82/L2 179 Minutes
[83-M1] Motion: Approve the minutes of UTC 82/L2 179 without modification. [L2/00-005R2]
WG2 - Beijing MeetingMoved by Arnold Winkler, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran9 for (Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
3 abstain (Compaq, NCR, Xerox)
[83-M2] Motion: Accept the seventeen characters documented in the report on the Beijing meeting, sections D 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 [L2/00-108] with the proposed code assignments:[83-M3] Motion: Accept the twenty five characters documented in the report on the Beijing meeting, sections E 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 [L2/00-108]:8 Cyrillic Sami characters encoded in the holes in the extended Cyrillic area KHMER LAAK (U+17DD) PESO SIGN (U+20B1) 5 additional Yi Radicals into the holes in the existing Yi Radicals chart SQUARE FOOT (U+23CD) and PROPERTY LINE (U+214A)
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Mark Davis11 for (Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Xerox)
Double plus sign and triple plus sign 15 dentist symbols Double hyphen Iteration mark Masu mark Two Katakana vertical digraphs (U+309F, U+30FF) Part alternation mark White and black sesame dots
11 for (Basis,
Compaq, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
1 abstain (Justsystem)
Digit Hex Values in Property Files
[83-M4] Motion: Use Unicode scalar values in Unicode data files for all values including surrogates:
Use from four to six hex digits Add to the data files the private use ranges that are above FFFF When announcing 3.0.1, announce the format change U+ syntax will allow 4, 5, or 6 hex digits
Mirroring CharactersMoved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag11 for (unanimous)
[83-M5] Motion: Create a proposed clarification for UTR#9 on the intention and scope of mirroring. Leave the mirror property as it exists today in Unidata and extend it as new characters are added to the standard. Revise the proposed text file to include classification by language usage. [L2/00-131]
Character Normalization in IETFMoved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Ken Whistler12 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
1 abstain (NCR)
[83-C1] Consensus: The UTC recommends incorporating into UTR#15 useful information from Internet Draft Character Normalization in IETF Protocols, and having the IETF reference UTR#15 rather than write a RFC on normalization. Other options that can mitigate potential problems would be to make the internet draft informative and change parts of the document. [L2/00-132]Vedic Accents
[83-C2] Consensus: The UTC finds that variant selectors should be unified across scripts and encoded in one area.Old Italic
[83-M6] Motion: The UTC endorses the changes to Old Italic that document L2/00-140 would make to the 10646-2 CD, other than the glyph for 10307 (the glyph in the CD should be used). A summary of the changes are:Georgian
- Removal of punctuation, 10320
- Additional character, 1031F
- Change of name from Etruscan to Old Italic
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran13 for (unanimous)
[83-M7] Motion: The UTC does not support the proposal to add additional Georgian characters to the BMP. It does not see sufficient justification at this time for adding different characters instead of using fonts. We ask that the modifier letters (30-37) be presented in a separate proposal for separate consideration. [L2/99-082]UrduMoved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran
11 for
0 against
1 abstain
[83-M8] Motion: The position of the Unicode consortium for a long time has been to treat these Urdu numbers as font variants. We therefore oppose the proposal documented in L2/00-134.ThaanaMoved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar
10 for (Apple, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, NCR, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
1 against (Basis)
2 abstain (Oracle, Microsoft)
Moved by Rick McGowan, seconded by Murray Sargent[83-M10] Motion: Reject all proposed Thaana characters other than the THAANA LETTER NAA. [L2/00-120]13 for (unanimous)
12 for (Apple,
Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun, Sybase, Unisys,
0 against
1 abstain (NCR)
[83-C3] Consensus: The UTC has found errors in the glyphs of U+066B and U+066C and will correct U+066B and U+066C to their V2 shapes, and add explanatory text to the book any of U+066B, U+066C, U+060C, U+002C, or U+002E as numeric separator charactersMath
[83-C4] Consensus: The size and baseline needs to be corrected for U+25AA BLACK SMALL SQUARE and U+25AB WHITE SMALL SQUARE. The size and position needs to match that of the inside square in U+25A3 WHITE SQUARE CONTAINING BLACK SMALL SQUARE. U+224C ALL EQUAL TO also needs a glyphs change, as the reverse tilde/lazy s divergence appears to be a glyph variant, and Unicode chooses a consistnent tilde shape.Parts of the Standard[83-M11] Motion:The UTC accepts the list of math symbol characters, their glyphs, and positions with the following corrections: [L2/00-119]
- Three character name changes:
- Glyph updates:
- U+2050 changed from last meeting
- U+23AF missing glyph - extends arrows
- U+25FB, U+25FC need to be smaller
- U+25FD, U+25FE need to be larger and raised
- U+2985, U+2986 will change shape so that they can be mapped to JIS 213 white parentheses
- U+29F5 SET DIFFERENCE, the glyph should have a smaller angle
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Murray Sargent11 for (unanimous) [83-C5] Consensus: The preferred rendering of not a number is the three letters NAN .
[83-C6] Consensus: The UTC directs the editorial committee to change the naming and numbering of Unicode Technical Reports that are part of The Standard to the name: Unicode Standard Annex (UAX). The versioning will be the same as The Standard (e.g. 3.X.X), with the file version maintaining the current update numbering scheme. [ L2/00-118]
[83-M12] Motion: Create a type of stand-alone Unicode Standard document called the Unicode Technical Standard, and put UTR#10, Unicode Collation Algorithm in this category, changing its name to: Unicode Technical Standard #10, Collation Algorithm. [L2/00-118]
11 for (Basis,
Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Sun, Sybase,
0 against
2 abstain (SAP, Xerox)
[83-M13] Motion:
Put UTR#6, A Standard Compression Scheme for Unicode in the Unicode
Technical Standard category, changing its name to: Unicode Technical
Standard #6, Compression Scheme (SCSU).
11 for (Basis,
Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Sun, Sybase,
0 against
2 abstain (SAP, Xerox)
[83-M14] Motion: The UTC approves an update version of the Unicode Standard, Version 3.0.1, to be issued in June, which is to encompass changes to the data files, semantic changes, and corrigenda, except for those related to new characters, that have been approved by this committee by the end of this UTC meeting. The renaming of UTRs will coincide with this release, so that the 3.0.1 update version will include the appropriate Unicode Standard Annexes and Unicode Technical Standards.
10 for (Compaq,
IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against
2 abstain (Basis, NCR)
[83-M15] Motion: Advance Proposed Draft UTR#20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages to Draft UTR#20: Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages. [L2/00-145]
13 for (unanimous)
[83-M16] Motion: Accept the proposed changes (fixes for version numbering, contracting characters, missing case in the formulation of shifted, fixes in normalize, steps 1 and 2, and derived collation elements) given in document L2/00-141, plus the notation changes given in the first e-mail from L2/00-157, and update the text of UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm, after review by the Editorial Committee.
11 for (Basis,
Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sun, Sybase,
0 against
1 abstain (Xerox)
13 for (unanimous)
11 for (Basis,
Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Unisys,
1 against (Sybase)
1 abstain (Sun)
13 for (Basis,
Compaq, IBM, HP, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase,
Unisys, Xerox)
0 against ()
1 abstain (PeopleSoft)
[83-M20] Motion: Accept the revised wording of L2/00-141, section 3.2.2, item 2, and update the text of UTS#10: Collation Algorithm, after review by the Editorial Committee:Math
- Add Shifted Trimmed definition and examples.
- Shifted Trimmed: The same as shifted except that trailing FFFF's are removed.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler8 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Peoplesoft, NCR, Sun, Sybase)
0 against ()
1 abstain (Microsoft)
[83-M21] Motion: Change the glyph for U+2216 SET MINUS to have a smaller angle to eliminate the need for a new set difference character. Change the proposed U+29F5 character to REVERSE SOLIDUS OPERATOR and override the glyph update in 83-M11, which will be the reverse counterpart to U+2215 DIVISION SLASH.
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Asmus Freytag14 for (unanimous)
[83-M22] Motion: Rescind UTC acceptance of the four duplicate radicals that we accepted at the last meeting: U+FA4A, U+FA66, U+FA5E, U+FA5F, because we accepted them without first seeing which radicals they were. [L2/00-148]
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Rick McGowan13 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, NCR, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys, Xerox)
0 against ()
1 abstain (HP)
[83-M23] Motion: Instruct our L2 liaison to communicate to L2 that we support the DIS 14651 documented in L2/00-110.Supplemental Terminal GraphicsMoved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran
13 for (unanimous)
[83-M24] Motion: Move to accept eighteen characters documented in L2/00-159:
- Horizontal lines (Scan 1,3,7,9) at 23BA..23BD
- Quadrants at 2596..259F
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran
9 for (Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Oracle, PeopleSoft, SAP, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against ()
1 abstain (NCR)