
Unicode Technical Committee meeting times:

    Monday, January 29            10 am to 5 pm
    Tuesday, January 30             9 am to 5 pm
    Wednesday, January 31        9 am to 5 pm
    Thursday, February 1           11 am to 1 pm

L2 Plenary meeting time:

    Thursday, February 1            1 pm to 5 pm

Scheduled discussions:

  B.8.1 Unicode 3.1                            9 am Tuesday
  B.9.1 Proposal on new dingbats        9 am Wednesday
  B.9.6.2 Status Report on Linear B    Wednesday morning
  B.7.3.1 Add U+FB1D to the            1:30 pm Wednesday
    Composition Exclusion list
  B.5 IETF discussions                       Wednesday morning

A. Administrative Issues

A.1 UTC membership roll call
  A.1.1 Call for proxies
  A.1.2 Roll call

A.2 Declaration of joint meeting

A.3 Registration of new documents

A.4 Approval of joint meeting agenda
Latest version of this document [L2/01-010]

A.5 Minutes and action items
  A.5.1 Approval of minutes of Joint Meeting UTC 85/L2 182 [L2/00-324]
  A.5.2 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]

A.6 Calendar Review

  UTC 87/L2 184 - May 21- 24, 2001, Pleasanton, host Peoplesoft
  UTC 88/L2 185 - August 14-17, 2001, Seattle, host Microsoft
  UTC 89/L2 186 - November 6-9, 2001, Baltimore, host Share, Annual Members Mtg
  UTC 90/L2 187 - January 28-31, 2002, Bay Area, host TBD
Calendar posted at www.unicode.org/unicode/timesens/calendar.html

B. Liaison Reports and Technical Topics

B.1  WG2
  B.1.1 Convenor's Report [Ksar]
    B.1.1.1 Roadmap Topics [L2/00-366, L2/01-024, 030]
    B.1.1.2 Presentation of Tone Contours [L2/01-025]
    B.1.1.3 Response to Japan on IPA Tone Letters [L2/00-421]
    B.1.1.4 Legacy Cuneiform Font Implementations [L2/00-419]
    B.1.1.5 WG2 Meeting 40 in Mountain View [L2/01-003, 034, 036]
  B.1.2 Liaison Report [Freytag]
  B.1.3 10646-1, Amendment 1 [L2/00-426, Suignard, Freytag]
    B.1.3.1 Recycling Symbols [L2/01-005, Freytag]
    B.1.3.2 Math [L2/01-067, Freytag]
    B.1.3.3 Khmer character U+17DD [Whistler]
    B.1.3.4 PDAM comments [L2/01-073, Freytag]
  B.1.4 10646-2, FDIS status [L2/00-434, Suignard]
  B.1.5 Review WG2/SC2 minutes and action items [L2/01-050, Umamaheswaran]

B.2  WG20
  B.2.1 Convenor's Report [Winkler]
  B.2.2 Liaison Report [Whistler]
  B.2.3 CEN - Taxonomy for European Localization Requirements [ L2/01-021, Winkler]
  B.2.4 CEN - Matching and Browsing [L2/01-022, Winkler]
  B.2.5 May CLAUI meeting [L2/01-028, Winkler]
  B.2.6 Feedback on 15435, 15897, 14652 [L2/00-381, 383, 385, 386, Whistler]
  B.2.7 Normatively referencing TR 14662 in COBOL standard [L2/01-035]
  B.2.8 ISO/IEC 2375 (code and 10646 conversion registration) [L2/00-430, L2/01-055, Hart]

  B.3.1 Liaison Report [L2/01-031, Jenkins]

B.4 TC304
  B.4.1 Liaison Report
  B.4.2 Matching and Browsing [L2/01-022, Küster]

  B.5.1 Liaison Report [McGowan]
  B.5.2 Permanent references in RFCs [L2/01-032, Fältström]
  B.5.3 Internationalization terminology [L2/01-039, Hoffman]
  B.5.4 Guidelines for Internationalization of Protocols [L2/01-051, Alvestrand]
  B.5.5 Ethnologue summary [L2/01-056R, O'Donnell]

B.6 W3C
  B.6.1 Liaison Report [Davis]
  B.6.2 W3C Character Model [L2/01-071]

B.7 Unicode Technical Reports, Standards, and Standard Annexes
  B.7.1 UTR#7 Plane 14 Characters for Language Tags (superseded by V3.1) [Whistler]
  B.7.2 UTS#10 Unicode Collation Algorithm - new tables [Whistler]
  B.7.3 UAX#15 Unicode Normalization Forms
    B.7.3.1 Add U+FB1D to the Composition Exclusion list [L2/01-004, 074, 075, 077, Dürst; L2/01-038,Rosenne]
  B.7.4 UAX#19 UTF-32 [L2/01-061, Davis; L2/01-068, Constable]
  B.7.5 UTR#22 Character Mapping Tables [Davis]
  B.7.6 Proposed Draft UTR#23 Survey and Guidelines for Unicode Character Properties [L2/01-081, Freytag]
  B.7.7 Draft UTR#24 Script Names [L2/01-062, 063, Davis]
  B.7.8 Proposed Draft UTR#28 Unicode Support for Mathematics [L2/00-409R, Sargent]

B.8 Editorial Committee
  B.8.1 Unicode V 3.1 [L2/01-041, Davis; L2/01-058, O'Donnell; L2/01-079, Constable]
  B.8.2 Unicode V 3.2 [Davis]
  B.8.3 Defining normative glossary definitions and managing their updates [L2/01-083; Whistler]

B.9 Scripts, New Characters
  B.9.1 Proposal to complete the Dingbats block [L2/00-436, L2/01-087, Patel]
  B.9.2 Proposal to add N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG [L2/00-423, Everson]
  B.9.3 Kannada [L2/01-037, McGowan]
  B.9.4 Georgian [L2/01-046, 047 and 048, Georgian MIT; L2/01-059, 072, Everson; L2/01-040, Becker; L2/01-078, Georgian church]
  B.9.5 Proposal to disunify braces/brackets [L2/01-033, Karlsson]
  B.9.6 Ancient Scripts
    B.9.6.1 "Encoding Iranian Scripts in Unicode" [L2/01-007, Bunz]
    B.9.6.2 Status Report on Linear B [L2/01-084, Anderson]
  B.9.7 Proposal to add Arabic Tail character [L2/01-069,  Morgan, L2/01-076,Scherer]
  B.9.8 Superscript and Subscript Math Operators [L2/00-412, Sargent]
  B.9.9 Addition of eight Math characters to the VS1 variant table [L2/01-064, Ion]

B.10 Properties
    B.10.1 Cn - Category Definition [L2/01-009R, Davis, Whistler]
    B.10.2 Ranges in UnicodeData [L2/01-054, Davis]
    B.10.3 Case Mappings Should not Cross BMP Boundary [L2/01-053, Scherer]
    B.10.4 Approving new PropList.txt for Unicode 3.1 [L2/01-082, Davis]
    B.10.5 Bidi bugs [L2/01-089, Davis]

B.11 Deprecating Language Tags [Davis]

B.12 Use of Joiners in Ligation [L2/01-042, Everson, L2/01-049, Constable]]

B.13 ISO 8601/XML Schema Time Changes [L2/01-043, Davis]

B.14 Unicode Transcriptions [L2/01-044, Davis]

B.15 Restoring Canonical Equivalence [L2/01-065, 066, Ellert]

B.16 SQL 2002 [L2/01-057, Sykes, L2/01-052, Birdsall]

B.17 UTC Procdures

B.18 GB 18030

C. Miscellaneous

D. Close of Joint Meeting

E.1. Review of UTC motions (recommendations to L2) [L2/01-011]

E.2. UTC position on current ballots [Winkler]

E.3. Review of action items from this meeting [L2/SD2]

E.4. Closing of joint meeting