
Motions of the UTC 86 / L2 183 Joint Meeting

Mountain View, CA -- January 29 - February 1, 2001

February 7, 2001

UTC 85/L2 182 Minutes
[86-M1] Motion: Approve the minutes of UTC 85/L2 182 as documented in L2/00-324.
Moved by Sandra Martin O'Donnell, seconded by Mike Ksar

5 for (Compaq, HP, Justsystem, Progress, Unisys)
0 against
3 abstain (Basis, RLG, Sybase) 

Language Tags
[86-M2] Motion: Change the status of UTR#7: Plane 14 Characters for Language Tags to Superseded by by the publication of Unicode 3.1.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

8 for (unanimous) 

Collation Tables
[86-M3] Motion: Prepare a collation table that includes the Unicode 3.1 characters with the expectation that the UTC will vote on it as a new version of UTS#10: Unicode Collation Algorithm at the next meeting, UTC 87.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar

9 for (Basis, Compaq, HP, Justsystem, Microsoft, Progress, RLG, Sun, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Sybase)

[86-M4] Motion: Approve the update to UAX#19: UTF-32 as given in document L2/01-061 and amended during discussion, with final text to be prepared by the Editorial Committee.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

10 for (unanimous)

Script Names
[86-M5] Motion: Advance Draft UTR#24: Script Names to UTR#24: Script Names after incorporating feedback received during the meeting and a final review by the Editorial Committee. [L2/01-062, 063]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

10 for (unanimous)

Scripts and New Characters - Disunifying Braces and Brackets
[86-M6] Motion: Reject the proposal to disunify braces and brackets given in document L2/01-033, because the proposed characters are already encoded in Unicode. Add U+3008 LEFT ANGLE BRACKET and U+3009 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET to the list of characters with the math property and document in Unicode 3.1 that the brackets, double brackets, and double braces are used in math.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Joan Aliprand

8 for (Compaq, HP, Justsystem, Microsoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (Basis, Progress)

GB 18030
[86-M7] Motion: The UTC should begin the work to publish a GB 18030 mapping.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Mike Ksar

10 for (unanimous)

Unicode 3.1 - UAX#27
[86-M8] Motion: Amend Unicode 3.1 to change the Chapter 3, C1 conformance clause to read "A process shall interpret Unicode code units (values) in accordance with the Unicode transformation format used." [L2/01-058]
Moved by Sandra Martin O'Donnell, seconded by Asmus Freytag

11 for (unanimous)

[86-M9] Motion: Amend Unicode 3.1 to change Section 5.2, as described in document L2/01-058 and amended in discussion. The final summary of the text is given in L2/01-092 .
Moved by Sandra Martin O'Donnell, seconded by Asmus Freytag

11 for (unanimous)

[86-M10] Motion: Amend Unicode 3.1 to add the appropriate list of ideographs to the section on ideographic description sequences, p. 269. Details left to the Editorial Committee.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Mike Ksar

10 for (unanimous)

[86-M11] Motion: Accept Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #27: Unicode 3.1, given in document L2/01-041 and modified during the meeting, asUnicode Standard Annex #27: Unicode 3.1 after final review by the Editorial Committee.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

10 for (unanimous)

[86-C1] Consensus: Remand the Glossary discussion back to the Editorial Committee for a recommendation to the UTC.

[86-M12] Motion: Add text to UAX#27: Unicode 3.1 and to UnicodeData.html that Cn is the default value for the general category and applies to code points that are unassigned and those that are non-characters. [L2/01-009R]

Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

9 for (Basis, Compaq, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (HP)

Unicode 3.1 - Properties, Derived Properties
[86-M13] Motion: Approve the proplist file (L2/01-082) as amended in the meeting with:
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag

11 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Progress, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Microsoft)

Scripts and New Characters - Dingbats
[86-M14] Motion: Accept the fourteen dingbat characters with the proposed names, code point assignments and properties as given in L2/00-436:
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Rick McGowan

9 for (Apple, Basis, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, RLG, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (Compaq, Progress)

WG2 - 10646-1, Amendment 1
[86-M15] Motion: The UTC affirms the current names, glyphs, and annotations for the recycling symbols at 2673..2670 as given in 10646-1, Amendment 1, L2/00-426. The UTC will request a glyph change for U+2672 UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL to a white glyph, as documented in L2/01-005, point 1, p.6.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Mike Ksar

10 for (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Progress, RLG, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (Justsystem, Sun)

[86-M16] Motion: The UTC accepts four proposed characters documented in L2/01-005, points 3 and 4, p.6:
[86-M17] Motion: The UTC rescinds the adoption of the character U+17DD KHMER SIGN LAAK and will request its removal from 10646-1, Amendment 1. 
WG2 - 10646-2, FDIS
[86-M18] Motion: The UTC approves the contents of the 10646-2 FDIS. [L2/00-434]
WG2 - 10646-1, Amendment 1 Normalization - YOD WITH HIRIQ
[86-M20] Motion: Correct the status of U+FB1D YOD WITH HIRIQ in Unicode 3.1 to add the character to the composition exclusion list for normalization and clarify that this action is a corrigendum.  Make a note in the Unicode Policies document about this action. [L2/01-004, 077]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Rick McGowan

9 for (Apple, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Progress, RLG, Unisys)
0 against
2 abstain (Sun, Sybase)

Scripts and New Characters - Georgian
[86-M21] Motion: Accept GEORGIAN LETTER IRRATIONAL VOWEL at 10F7 and GEORGIAN LETTER AINI at 10F8. [L2/01-046, 047, 048]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Rick McGowan

11 for (unanimous)

[86-M22] Motion: The UTC rejects Georgian letter U-BRJGU because it already can be represented by the sequence <U+10E3, U+030C>, GEORGIAN LETTER UN followed by COMBINING CARON. [L2/01-046, 047, 048]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Rick McGowan

11 for (unanimous)

Unicode 3.1 - Georgian Text
[86-M23] Motion: The UTC approves the Georgian script text given in L2/01-040 and amended during discussion, with a gif to be provided showing the code chart with a liturgical (Nuskhuri) font.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Sandra Martin O'Donnell

11 for (unanimous)

Unicode 3.1 - Properties, Bidi Bugs
[86-M24] Motion: Remove the part of the bidi implementation guideline that deals with leaving the explicit controls in the data stream during processing. [L2/01-089]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

9 for (Apple, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Progress, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
3 abstain ( Basis, Compaq, Microsoft)

[86-M25] Motion: Remove the left and right parentheses and make minor editorial changes as necessary in P2 (Bidi). [L2/01-089]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by V.S. Umamaheswaran

11 for (Apple,  Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Progress, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (Microsoft)

Unicode 3.1 - Properties, Derived Properties
[86-M26] Motion: Include the derived data files as separate files in the Unicode 3.1 directory, with the Editorial Committee to make further packaging changes as appropriate. [L2/01-082]
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Asmus Freytag

12 for (unanimous)

Unicode 3.1 - Properties, Whitespace
[86-M27] Motion: Approve in Unicode 3.1 a single whitespace property, which omits ZWSP, with the list of characters with the whitespace property given in L2/01-082.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

11 (Apple, Basis, Compaq, HP, IBM, Justsystem, Microsoft, Progress, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
0 against
1 abstain (RLG)

[86-M28] Motion: Establish an ad hoc group to refine the math proposal given in L2/01-088.  If the ad hoc group is satisfied, the ask the UTC Chair for a letter ballot.
Moved by Asmus Freytag, seconded by Murray Sargent

5 (Basis, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Unisys)
0 against
3 abstain (Progress, RLG, Sybase)

ISO 8601/XML Schema
[86-C2] Consensus: The UTC views the gap between ranges in dates and times to be a problem in XML Schema for ISO 8601. [L2/01-043]
Unicode 3.1 - Properties, Bidi Bugs
[86-M29] Motion: Add new text based on the reference implementations to the bidi implementation guidelines describing non-removal of explicit controls. Exact text to be provided by the Editorial Committee in Unicode 3.1. [L2/01-089]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Asmus Freytag 

9 for (unanimous)

Scripts and New Characters - Arabic Tail Character
[86-M30] Motion: Accept the addition of the character ARABIC TAIL FRAGMENT at U+FE73, with the properties of an extender. [L2/01-069]
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Ken Whistler

8 for (Basis, IBM, Microsoft, Progress, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unisys)
2 against (HP, Compaq)
0 abstain 

Scripts and New Characters - N With Long Right Leg
[86-M31] Motion: Accept the addition of the character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG at U+0220. [L2/00-423]
Moved by Ken Whistler, seconded by Joan Aliprand

9 for (unanimous)

WG2 - 10646-1, Amendment 1