
CEN/TC304 N972

Subject/Title: Resolutions in the 17th TC304 plenary in Brussels, 23 February 2001

Source: Secretary of CEN/TC304

Date: 1 March 2001


Resolutions in the 17th TC304 plenary in Brussels, 23 February 2001

CEN national standardization bodies present in the plenary were the following: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Norway, and Sweden. Ireland was present through a proxy held by the Finnish head of delegation. The following CEN affiliated national standardization bodies were present: Lithuania and Poland. The delegate from the Netherlands had an unfortunate accident in the open meeting the day before and the Netherlands were thus not represented (see resolution 2)

All resolutions were adopted unanimously with the exception of resolution no. 3.

#1 Þorgeir Sigurðsson

TC304 wishes to thank Þorgeir Sigurðsson for his excellent work as the secretary of CEN/TC304 and wishes him well in his future endeavours.


#2 Johan van Wingen

TC304 regrets the accident that has prevented Johan van Wingen from the Netherlands from participating in this plenary meeting and wishes him a speedy recovery.


#3 N1923

CEN/TC 304 states as its intention to perform a revision of EN 1923 (as an ENV). It also accepts the offer of the Swedish member body to provide an editor, to produce a revision proposal based on the draft document CEN/TC304 N968. The main intention with this revision is to publicise the availability of the 8859-15 code table and other changes to the 8859 series and this is to be stated in the foreword.

This resolution was adopted with 7 positive votes of: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Norway and Sweden

Ireland voted against

There was no abstention.

#4 Taxonomy

TC304 notes that the letter ballot on the proposed taxonomy in N961 has failed as such mainly due to the controversiality of the right hand side of the table. As the subject area will be addressed at the CEN/ISSS level as part of the eEurope initiative as a result of the Cultural Diversity Study conducted by PWC, TC304 resolves to wait for further guidance from ISSS.


#5 Matching

TC304 accepts the study on Matching in document N962 (revised version) together with the forthcoming summary on recommended actions to be prepared by the editor and resolves to have it openly available at the TC304 web-site. TC304 further resolves to send the document to CEN/ISSS as an input for the action plan being prepared as result of the Cultural Diversity Study. TC304 wishes to thank the Matching Project Team for its work.


#6 Eurolocale

TC304 notes that the CWA 14051-1 and -2 on Eurolocale have been published and resolves to make part one of the CWA an ENV depending on the feedback from the SC22 registration ballot. TC304 wishes to thank the Eurolocale Project Team for its work.


#7 Keyboard Report

TC304 notes that the Keyboard report has been submitted to CEN /BT for acceptance for publication as a CEN report and wishes to thank the Keyboard Project Team for its work.


#8 EOR

TC304 thanks the Project Team for the successful completion of ENV 13710 European Ordering Rules.


#9 ESR Submittal

TC304 notes that the CWA 14094 on European Culturally Specific ICT Requirements (ESR) has been published and resolves to send it to ISO/IEC JTC1 SC22/WG20 as an input for the revision of the Cultural Registry Standard and also to send it to CEN/ISSS as an input for the action plan being prepared as result of the Cultural Diversity Study. TC304 wishes to thanks the ESR Project Team for its work.


#10 Population of the Cultural Registry

CEN/TC304 recognizes that the information collected by the Project Team from some of the NSOs for the Cultural Registry is of considerable value and should be utilised although the work of the PT has been halted. An Ad-Hoc group led by the chair will be set up for this purpose.


#11 Cultural Diversity Study

CEN/TC304 notes the Cultural Diversity Study made by PWC and encourages its members to study it and send comments to the PriceWaterhouseCooper Project Team well before 9th of March when a final report is to become available, with a copy to the CEN/ISSS, attention of James Boyd.


#12 Ad-Hoc on Cultural Diversity Study

CEN/TC304 resolves to set up an Ad-Hoc group to comment on the PWC Cultural Diversity Study and for making a future self-assessment for TC304 for submission to the steering group to be set up by CEN/ISSS.


Action item for this purpose on the chair to assemble input from Gerhard Budin, Erkki Kolehmainen, V. S.Umamaheswaran (at a later stage), Göran Tellström, Marc Küster, Karl Ivar Larsson, Þorgeir Sigurðsson

#13 Thanks to Host

TC304 wishes to thank James Boyd of CEN/ISSS for attending large part of the TC304 meeting and for use of the facilities at the CEN meeting centre.


#14 Future meeting

Older tentative meeting dates were cancelled but a new tentative meeting date was put at 14-15 June 2001 in Brussels.
