

From: Mark D.K. Whistler [aprfoolucode@comic.com]

Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 8:52 AM


Subject: The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0


We are pleased to announce the release of The Unicode Standard, Version 4.0. The character repertoire in Unicode 4.0 is so far identical to that of Unicode 3.0.1, but it will soon increase thanks to *your* help.


The primary feature of Unicode 4.0 is that the addition of new code points has now been entirely *liberalized*. The Unicode Technical Committee, jointly with all involved national bodies, has verified that all characters that are likely to be needed for use on computers in the next millennium have already been added with Version 3.0.1.


In a recent e-mail to this mailing list, a respected official of The Unicode Consortium wrote: "In other words, unless someone manages to wrest the standard away  from the two committees and puts up a public website with an 'Encode Your Character Here For Free and Enter Our Sweepstakes!' interface, I'm not going to worry about 'precious codespace' and neither should anybody else."


Well, now we can publicly announce that the words of that official were just an anticipation of the decision that the UTC was in process of making. Unicode has now so many empty slots that everybody can get one (or more) and encode whatever he or she wishes!


Open the form attached to this mail and be the first one to take advantage of the new mechanism to propose Unicode characters.


Electronic proposal form



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