L2/SD-2 -- Action items from UTC and L2 after Mountain View
May 17, 2001
UTC# |
L2# |
Who? |
Action |
Status |
86-1 |
Mike Ksar |
Contact Kamal Mansour about the status of the proposal he is writing for Arabic combining characters (old action item 85-A1). |
Done |
86-2 |
Lisa Moore |
Add new liaison member to list of liaison organizations (Michael Kaplan from INFITT, the INternational Forum for Information Technology in Tamil). |
Done |
86-3 |
Murray Sargent |
Confirm there is a room available for the new dates for UTC 88 (August 14-17, 2001). |
86-4 |
Dave Birdsall |
Write a SQL character handling background paper for UTC/L2 distribution. |
86-5 |
Dave Birdsall |
Revise Liaison Report based on feedback received at the meeting. [L2/01-052] |
Done ? |
86-6 |
Lisa Moore |
Send a note to Toby Phipps letting him know that the UTC is eagerly awaiting the DB technical report (old action item 84-A29). |
Done |
86-7 |
Ken Whistler |
Provide feedback to J.M. Sykes on terminology and the character/glyph model. [L2/01-057] |
86-8 |
Editorial Committee |
Change the status of UTR#7:
Plane 14 Characters |
Done |
86-9 |
Ken Whistler |
Prepare the updated Unicode 3.1 collation tables and modify the packaging to be one file. |
86-10 |
Mark Davis, Editorial Committee |
Update UAX#19: UTF-32. [L2/01-061] |
Done |
86-11 |
Editorial Committee |
Prepare an addition to the boiler plate of technical reports that points to useful informative material. |
In progress |
86-12 |
Mark Davis |
Pursue IANA registration of UTF-32 (all three forms). |
86-13 |
Officers |
Revisit allowing proxy designations by e-mail in the UTC Procedures. |
In progress |
86-14 |
Lisa Moore |
Update the UTC Procedures document with feedback received at the meeting and post on the public part of the web. |
Done |
86-15 |
Mark Davis, Editorial Committee |
Update UTR#24: Script Names. [L2/01-062, 063] |
Done |
86-16 |
Rick McGowan |
Reply to the author of the Kannada paper, L2/01-037, thanking him and letting him know that the UTC will incorporate explanatory material into the Standard and character annotations where appropriate. Point out that sorting is done by using the Unicode Collation Algorithm; appendices 1 and 3 are unnecessary; and to propose new characters for encoding in Unicode, he should fill out a proposal summary form and submit with background information, evidence of usage, etc. Also inform him of the involvement by Dr. Om Vikas. |
Done |
86-17 |
Ken Whistler, Mark Davis |
Update the math and East Asian property information in the property file to account for adding U+3008 and U+3009 to the list of characters with the math property. [L2/01-033] |
Done |
86-18 |
Asmus Freytag |
As Unicode Liaison to L2 and WG2, support the UTC's action in 86-M5 (rejecting the disunification of brackets and braces) during L2 and WG2 meetings. [L2/01-033] |
86-19 |
Murray Sargent |
Inform MathML of the change to use U+3008 and U+3009 as math characters instead of U+2329 and U+232A. [L2/01-033] |
86-20 |
Cathy Wissink, Markus Scherer |
Co-author a FAQ on GB18030. |
86-21 |
Cathy Wissink, Markus Scherer |
Organize the UTC work effort to publish a mapping for GB18030. |
86-22 |
Editorial Committee |
For Unicode 3.1, number articles with Roman numerals and consistently note the status of the sections as part of the header. |
Done |
86-23 |
Ken Whistler |
Add non-characters from planes 3 to 16 to the nameslist, and designate planes 15 and 16 as private use. |
Done |
86-24 |
Asmus Freytag |
Update charts to include non-characters from planes 3 to 16 to the nameslist, and designate planes 15 and 16 as private use. |
Done |
86-25 |
Editorial Committee |
Incorporate agreed to changes (motions 86-M8-11) to Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Report #27: Unicode 3.1, and publish as the Unicode Standard Annex #27: Unicode 3.1. [L2/01-041, 058, 092] |
Done |
86-26 |
Editorial Committee |
Update UAX#27: Unicode 3.1, making Cn the default value for the general category. Including explanatory text for C10. [L2/01-009R]. |
Done |
86-27 |
Editorial Committee |
For Unicode 3.1, update the proplist file to include the new categories of derived properties decided in motion 86-M13. [L2/01-082] |
Done |
86-28 |
Sairus Patel |
Prepare an updated dingbats proposal, give to Mike Ksar for submission to WG2, and provide fonts to Asmus Freytag. [L2/00-436, l2/01-087] |
Done |
86-29 |
Ken Whistler |
Add the fourteen new dingbat characters to the pipeline document. [L2/00-436] |
Done |
86-30 |
Rick McGowan |
Initiate an internet draft describing the Unicode process for standardizing technical content. L2/01-032] |
86-31 |
Officers |
Improve communications processes with liaison organizations and the public in response to the IETF's desire to work with publicly released information. [L2/01-032] |
86-32 |
Rick McGowan |
Initiate an internet draft
describing the registration |
86-33 |
Asmus Freytag |
Provide wording on UTC
actions (86-M15, 16) |
Done |
86-34 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the pipeline document with the four additional recycling symbols approved in 86-M16. [L2/01-005] |
Done |
86-35 |
Ken Whistler |
Update pipeline with the
UTC's action to rescind |
Done |
86-36 |
Michel Suignard |
Include in US comments on Amendment 1, the UTC's action to rescind U+17DD KHMER SIGN LAAK as documented in 86-M17. |
Done |
86-37 |
Michel Suignard |
Have the US comments on
Amendment 1 support |
86-38 |
Michel Suignard |
Include in the US comments the UTC's approval of the 10646-2 FDIS in motion 86-M18. |
Done |
86-39 |
Michel Suignard |
Include in the US comments on Amendment 1 the UTC's decision that symbol names should use "BLACK" instead of "FILLED" and "WHITE" should be added to character names that are complementary characters to those with "BLACK" in the names. |
Done |
86-40 |
Mark Davis |
Respond to Michael
Everson's comments and concerns about the COMBINING GRAPHEME JOINER found in
WG2 action item 39-10-a. |
86-41 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the composition
exclusion list to include |
Done |
86-42 |
Mark Davis |
Normalizationtest.txt to account for adding |
Done |
86-43 |
Editorial Committee |
Update UAX#15: Unicode
Normalization Forms |
Done |
86-44 |
Editorial Committee |
Update the Unicode Policies
document to note the |
Done |
86-45 |
Editorial Committee |
Include in Unicode 3.1 the corrigendum to normalization forms which adds U+FB1D YOD WITH HIRIQ to the composition exclusion list. [L2/01-004] |
Done |
86-46 |
Committee: now |
Once all updates to account for the corrigendum in normalization forms which added U+FB1D YOD WITH HIRIQ to the composition exclusion list are complete (86-A41-45), announce the change publicly. [L2/01-004] |
86-47 |
Unicode Liaisons |
Inform Liaison Members of
the corrigendum in |
86-48 |
Editorial Committee |
Increase the warnings about
using language tag |
Done |
86-49 |
Lisa Moore |
Respond to the Georgian Ministry of IT on re-ordering the Georgian characters (point to the collation table that can be used for ordering) and on the representation of their requested character by a combining sequence. [L2/01-059] |
Done |
86-50 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the pipeline
document with the two new |
Done |
86-51 |
Lisa Moore |
Forward the proposal for
the two new Georgian accepted in 86-M21 to WG2 with a cover letter.
[L2/01-046, 047, 048] |
Done |
86-52 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the pipeline with the rejected Georgian letter U-BRJGU and document the combining sequence that can be used to represent it –– <U+10E3, U+030C>. [L2/01-046, 047, 048] |
Done |
86-53 |
Michael Kaplan |
Run the chart program using
a Nuskhuri font and |
Done |
86-54 |
Editorial Committee |
Update the Georgian text in Unicode 3.1 based on document L2/01-040 and motion 86-M23. |
Done |
86-55 |
Joe Becker |
Inform Michael Everson of the UTC actions on Georgian. |
Done |
86-56 |
Lisa Moore |
Inform the Georgian Ministry of IT of the latest Unicode text on Georgian and let them know a new code chart based on the liturgical font will be included. |
Done |
86-57 |
Lisa Moore |
Reply to the Patriarch of Georgia on behalf of the UTC. |
86-58 |
Editorial Committee |
Update the text of Unicode 3.1 and change UAX#9 to reflect motions 86-M24, 25. [L/01-089] |
86-59 |
Editorial Committee |
Include the derived property files as separate files in the Unicode 3.1 directory and update readmes as appropriate. [L2/01-082] |
Done |
86-60 |
Mark Davis |
Make fixes in the derived property list files for Unicode 3.1 as discussed during UTC#86. [L2/01-082] |
Done |
86-61 |
Mark Davis, Ken Whistler |
Update the proplist file for the whitespace property for Unicode 3.1 as agreed in motion 86-M27. [L2/01-082] |
Done |
86-62 |
Editorial Committee |
Ensure that proplist.html has sufficient explanation in Unicode 3.1. [L2/01-082] |
Done |
86-63 |
Asmus Freytag, Murray Sargent |
Form an ad hoc group to refine the math proposal given in L2/01-088. |
Done |
86-64 |
Asmus Freytag |
The Unicode liaison to WG2
should oppose the |
Moot |
86-65 |
Asmus Freytag |
Respond to Patrick Ion on the math variant characters, informing him that the UTC is determining if the eight math characters given in document L2/01-064 should be encoded individually. This work will be undertaken by the math ad hoc group. |
Done |
86-66 |
Mark Davis |
Notify UTC corporate members of the impending deadline for comments on the W3C character model. [L2/01-071] |
86-67 |
Mark Davis |
Forward UTC comments on the W3C character model to the W3C I18N Working Group. [L2/01-071] |
86-68 |
Mark Davis |
Produce a document on the ISO 8601/XML Schema date/time range problems for L2 to forward to the appropriate ISO committee. [L2/01-043] |
86-69 |
Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee |
Provide text in bidi implementation guidelines in Unicode 3.1 to describe non-removal of explicit controls. [L2/01-089] |
Done |
86-70 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the pipeline document with the new character ARABIC TAIL FRAGMENT. [L2/01-069] |
Done |
86-71 |
V.S. Umamaheswaran |
Update the proposal summary
form for the |
Done |
86-72 |
Ken Whistler |
Update the pipeline document with the new character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG . [L2/00-423] |
Done |
86-73 |
Asmus Freytag |
The Unicode Liaison to WG2 is instructed to support the new character LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG . [L2/00-423] |
Done |
86-74 |
Asmus Freytag |
Provide input to Michel Suignard for US comments on changing the name of U+2140 from DOUBLE STUCK CAPITAL SIGMA to DOUBLE STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATION. [L2/00-426] |
86-75 |
Michel Suignard |
Include in the US comments on Amendment 1 the UTC's decision that the name of U+2140 should be changed from DOUBLE STUCK CAPITAL SIGMA to DOUBLE STRUCK N-ARY SUMMATION. [L2/00-426] |
Done |
86-76 |
Arnold Winkler |
Provide comments on the Taxonomy for European Localization Requirements to Uma for him to forward to CEN. [L2/01-021] |
86-77 |
Lisa Moore |
Respond to the COBOL committee's query about normatively referencing TR 14562. [L2/01-035] |
Done, 01-097 |
86-78 |
Editorial Committee |
Review document L2/01-081,
update as |
183-79 |
Davis, Whistler |
Draft text to include references to Bidi and Normalization into the PDAM#1 for 10646-1:2000 |
183-80 |
Arnold Winkler |
Confirm UTC/L2 meeting arrangements with Toby Phipps |
Done |
183-81 |
Arnold Winkler |
Report changes in US delegates to NCITS |
Done |
183-82 |
Lisa Moore |
Lisa will reply to Klein and recommend that Unicode be used instead of TR 14652 for COBOL. |
Done |
183-84 |
Joan Aliprand |
contact Pat Harris to prepare documentation for registration of ANSI/NISO Z39.47 |
183-85 |
Joan Aliprand |
Publish mapping tables for ISO TC46 standards |
UTC# |
L2# |
Who? |
Action |
Status |
85-1 |
Mark Davis, Kamal Mansour |
Write a proposal for Arabic combining characters. |
Done |
85-2 |
Sandra Martin O'Donnell |
Working with Peter Constable and Rick McGowan, further refine the requirements for qualified namespace authorities. |
In progress |
85-7 |
Kamal Mansour |
Prepare a proposal summary form for ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS BEH and ARABIC LETTER DOTLESS QAF and forward to WG2. [L2/00-354] |
Done |
85-9 |
Mark Davis, Editorial Committee |
Put a link on the Unicode web site to the roadmap. |
In progress |
85-12 |
Ken Whistler |
Draft two documents in response to JIS X 0213 compatibility characters: 1) our counter proposal to Sato-san's document L2/00-378 and 2) a document that maps JIS X 0213 compatibility characters to the CJK radical extension. Distribute these documents with a liaison statement to WG2 and ask Kimura-san to distribute to SC2. |
85-14 |
Sandra Martin O'Donnell |
Draft FAQ material to respond to Unicode and internationalization concerns that have come up on the SUS discussion list. [L2/00-382] |
Planned for February delivery |
85-15 |
Ken Whistler |
Send notes on Unicore soliciting comments on 15897, 15435 and 14652. [L2/00-381, 383, 385, 386] |
85-17 |
Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee |
Incorporate into V3.1 changes to explanatory text for datafiles regarding changes to the General Category property and Case Mappings. [L2/00-392] |
Done |
85-22 |
Mark Davis, Ken Whistler |
Work with Michael Everson
to produce a new |
Done |
85-27 |
Mark Davis |
Write a response on FDIS 8601 to be reviewed by the Editorial Committee and forwarded through WG20. [L2/00-389] |
In progress |
85-30 |
Arnold Winkler |
Watch the SC35 list for
anything regarding CLAUI |
Closed, ongoing |
85-33 |
Michael Kaplan, Editorial Committee |
Update the Tamil block description to note that item 5, page 232 is archaic practice. [L2/00-400] |
In progress |
85-36 |
Om Vikas |
Pursue organizing an ad hoc work group of Indic experts and UTC experts for educational purposes. |
85-37 |
Michael Kaplan |
Provide text on visual ordering of input for Indic script block introductions. |
In progress |
85-38 |
Om Vikas |
Provide text for Indic script block introductions, particularly including information on syllable formation. |
85-40 |
Asmus Freytag |
Solicit further input from Unicore on Proposed Draft Technical Report #23, Character Property Model, and update based on input received during the UTC and from Unicore, including a change in title to Proposed Draft Technical Report #23, Survey and Guidelines for Unicode Character Properties. [L2/00-401] |
progress |
85-41 |
Ken Whistler |
Note in the datafiles the new property defined for ZWSP - collapsible white space. |
UTC# |
L2# |
Who? |
Action |
Status |
84-02 |
Murray Sargent |
Add descriptive text for the math proposal that can be used in publication of the Standard. We need to know how the math characters should be used in practice, any systematic relationships, and the use of other characters with the math property that won't be in the math block. |
open |
84-04 |
Asmus Freytag |
Complete the table given in the Character Foldings proposal, L2/00-261, and make suggested updates including the rationale section. |
In progress |
84-29 |
Toby Phipps |
Include the issues raised in L2/00-184 in the TR on using Unicode in databases. |
84-44 |
Mark, Editorial Committee |
Pull out appropriate text
from L2/00-262 on handling |
84-28 |
Editorial Committee |
Correct the terminology
used on the Unicode web site |
In progress |
UTC# |
L2# |
Who? |
Action |
Status |
83-02 |
Mark Davis |
Have Cora Chang verify the collection of compatibility characters given in L2/00-087 (map to source and verify no duplicates) |
In progress |
83-30 |
Patrick Ion |
Analyze math symbols to propose annotations to clarify character usage. |
Waiting for input from Patric |
83-45 |
John Jenkins (taking over from Mark Davis) |
Document in Unicode 3.1 that the radical characters are compatibility characters and ensure that this is communicated to WG2 and the IRG. |
Arnold ask John on 8/16/2000 |
UTC # |
L2 # |
Who ? |
Action |
Status |
81-01 |
Officers, Aliprand |
Develop a policy on patents and inform the UTC |
open |