ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2 N 2365 L2/01-257 |
DATE: 2001-06-19
Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) - ISO/IEC 10646
Secretariat: ANSI
Calling Notice Meeting 41 preliminary agenda |
1st Call WG2 Meeting # 41, in Singapore 15 18 (noon) October 2001 |
Mike Ksar, Convener |
JTC 1.02.18 ISO/IEC 10646 |
SC2/WG2 participants are requested to make plans to attend especially for those who need a visa to enter Singapore |
ACT Make plans to attend and provide input on agenda items to include in the preliminary agenda. |
2001-08-31 |
SC2/WG2 members and Liaison organizations |
Electronic |
2 |
This is the first call for WG2 meeting # 41 from 15 18 (noon) October 2001 in Singapore. The host organization is IT Standards Committee of Singapore and Sybase. Preliminary logistics information has already been posted to the SC2 web site in document SC2 N3529. To access the SC2 web site the user name is sc2 and the user password is Denmark. Ms Thay Yean Lan is the contact point for the logistics. Here are her coordinates:
THAY Yean Lan
Secretariat, IT Standards Committee
Phone: +1 (65) 211 0960 Fax : + 1 (65) 211 2211
Those of you who need a visa to enter Singapore should start working on this as early as you can.
WG2 will be meeting starting at 10:00 am Monday, 15 October 2001 and conclude on Thursday, 18 October 2001, hopefully before noon. SC2 plenary will start at 14:00 on Thursday 18 October 2001.
This first call for WG2 meeting # 41 includes a tentative agenda but I invite you to send me topics to add to it. The agenda outline is similar to the one we used in our earlier meetings. It will be broadcast by email and posted to the SC2/WG2 website at URL: www.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2. The deadline for receiving documents related to this meeting is 31 August 2001. I do not plan to send out a hard copy document except for experts who do not have access to the web and need a hard copy. If you cannot send me an electronic copy of your contribution, please send me the paper copy and I will scan it and create a pdf file for posting. I do not guarantee posting any documents that arrive after 30 September 2001.
The objective of this meeting is to continue the WG2 program of work, with special focus on the disposition of comments on ballots for FPDAM1, 10646-1:2000 and to review new contributions.
Mike Ksar
Convener ISO/IEC/JTC 1/SC 2/WG 2
Microsoft One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 U. S. A. |
Phone: +1 425 707-6973 Fax: +1 425 936-7329 e-mail:mike_ksar@10646.com or mikeksar@microsoft.com
Preliminary Agenda Meeting # 41
Topic (Document No.) |
Proposed Outcome |
1. Opening and roll call Update WG2Distribution List
2. Approval of the agenda Approved agenda
3. Approval of minutes of meeting 40 Approved Minutes
4. Review action items from previous meeting Updated Action Item List
5. JTC1 and ITTF matters: FYI
6. SC2 matters: FYI
6.1. SC2 Program of Work FYI
6.2. Submittals to ITTF FYI
6.3. Ballot results FYI
7. 10646-1: 2000
7.1. FPDAM1 10646-1:2000 disposition of comments Prepare and confirm
8. 106464-2:
9. Architecture issues
10. Publication issues
11. IRG status and reports
11.1.IRG Resolutions
12. Defect reports
13. Liaison reports
13.1.Unicode Consortium
14. Other business
14.1.Web Site Review
14.2.Future Meetings
14.2.1. Meeting 42 March/April 2002 Ireland
14.2.2. Meeting 43 Fall 2002 -
15. Closing
15.1.Approval of Resolutions of Meeting 41