
From: Garner, Jennifer [mailto:jgarner@itic.org]
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 8:21 AM
To: Cathy Wissink
Cc: Michel Suignard; Spittle, Deborah; Barra, Lynn
Subject: Call for Volunteers to Serve as INCITS/L2 International Representative - Closing January 9, 2005


Cathy –


Michel Suignard’s current term as INCITS/L2 International Representative will expire in May 2005.  In anticipation of this expiration, please issue the attached call for volunteers to serve as INCITS/L2 International Representative to the members of L2 at your earliest opportunity as the call will close on January 9, 2005.


Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Best regards -


Jennifer T. Garner

Associate Director, ITI Standards Programs

INCITS Secretariat

Email:    jgarner@itic.org

Tel:  202.626.5737;  Fax:  202.638.4922





Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005
Telephone 202-737-8888; Fax 202-638-4922

Date:  December 8, 2004
Date Due: January 9, 2005
Reply to: Jennifer T. Garner
Phone: (202) 626-5737
email: jgarner@itic.org
cc:   C. Wissink, INCITS/L2 Chairman

To: The Members of INCITS/L2

From: Jennifer T. Garner, for the INCITS Secretariat

Subject: CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS - International Representative - INCITS/L2, Character Sets and Internationalization

The term of office of the current INCITS/L2 International Representative, Mr. Michel Suignard, will expire in May 2005.  This first call for volunteers to serve as International Representative of INCITS/L2 is being issued the the members of L2 and will close on January 9, 2005.

Any member of the INCITS Subgroup is welcome to volunteer to serve. Before one considers doing so, however, the commitment in time and responsibilities should be considered. Officers must actively support the administrative structure that ensures due process to all participants, assists in reaching consensus and protects the accreditation of the entire system. [There is no limit to the number of terms an individual may serve. There is a rule prohibiting one individual from being appointed to two or more offices of the same committee simultaneously.]

The INCITS/RD-2, Organization and Procedures of INCITS, generally describes officers' responsibilities, and a more detailed list of duties has been compiled in the INCITS/RD-3, Officers' Guide.

Those willing to make this commitment must submit three written statements in support of their candidacy:

  1. A one-page statement of experience, indicating the volunteer's expertise in the subgroup's program of work, voluntary standards efforts, committee experience and leadership abilities (to be forwarded to the INCITS Subgroup for an advisory ballot if there is more than one candidate).
  2. A statement of management support for a three-year term on company letterhead acknowledging the additional workload, financial resources and duties required of an officer over and above that of a technical participant.  This statement must be signed by the candidate's management and submitted on their organization's letterhead.

The statement of management support for the three-year term is a good faith commitment, not a legal binding commitment. If future circumstances require the applicant to resign from the office before the term has been fulfilled, this will be accepted without prejudice.

  1. A statement as to whether or not the candidate is a representative of a U.S. domiciled organization.

Any supplemental materials will be forwarded along with the advisory ballot to INCITS, which appoints all INCITS Subgroup officers. The statements from candidates wishing to serve in the above referenced position on the INCITS Subgroup should be sent to the attention of Jennifer Garner (jgarner@itic.org) no later than January 9, 2005.