August 11, 2006
Meeting location: Cupertino, hosted by Apple. Logistics at
Membership: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, RLG, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (10)
Members present: Adobe, Apple, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sybase, Unicode, Yahoo! (9)
Members in jeopardy: RLG (1)
Observers: Google
The minutes of meeting L2 #203 are approved by unanimous consent.
See L2/SD-2 for the current action items.
See L2/SD-3 for the current document register.
UTC 108/L2 205 - August 8-11, 2006, Seattle, host Adobe
UTC 109/L2 206 - November 7-10, 2006, San José, host Adobe
UTC 110/L2 207 - February 6-9, 2007, Mountain View, host Unicode
UTC 111/L2 208 - May 15-18, 2007, Mountain View, tentative host Google
Doc. # | Subject | Source |
L2/06-158 | Proposed Modifications to the Program of Work of SC 2:
JTC1 N8130 |
8:0:0:2 to approve
8:0:0:2 to approve
L2/06-199, L2/06-196 | ISO/IEC 14651:2001/FDAM 3, Information Technology -- International string ordering and comparison -- Method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering -- Amendment 3 | SC2 N3862 |
8:0:0:2 to approve
L2/06-159 | Request for Category C Liaison between UC Berkeley and SC 2/WG 2 | JTC 1 N8131 |
8:0:0:2 to approve The US TAG wishes to take this opportunity to thank UC Berkeley and the Script Encoding Initiative for their active participation and support in the development of ISO/IEC 10646.
L2/06-188 | Request for Approval of the Unicode Consortium as an Approved RS Originator Organization (ARO) | JTC 1 N8136 |
8:0:0:2 to approve The US TAG wishes to take this opportunity to thank the Unicode Consortium for its active participation and support in the development of ISO/IEC 10646.
L2/06-195, L2/06-193 | Systematic Review of International Standards:
in060566 |
8:0:0:2 to recommend revision of the standard to include the character repertoire of ISO/IEC 10646:2003, its amendments 1 and 2 plus 4 characters to align the repertoire to that of the Unicode Standard 5.0; will participate if revised. This standard is used by the US industry. This standard is implemented without change. National standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 14651-2001 corresponds to this standard.
8:0:0:2 to confirm; will participate if revised. This standard is used by the US industry. This standard is implemented without change. National standard INCITS/ISO/IEC 6937-2001 corresponds to this standard.
8:0:0:2 to confirm; will participate if revised. This standard is used by the US industry. This standard is implemented without change. There is no corresponding national standard.
8:0:0:2 to confirm; will participate if revised. This standard is used by the US industry. This standard is implemented without change. There is no corresponding national standard.
No letter ballot since the last meeting.
The motions and consensus of the joint UTC/L2 meeting are adopted as L2 motions and consensus by unanimous consent.
IRG #26, June 12–16, 2006, Hue, Vietnam: Ken Lunde, Michel Suignard
SC 2/WG 2, September 25–29, 2006, Tokyo, Japan: Asmus Freytag, Michel Suignard, Ken Whistler
SC 2/WG 2/OWG Sort, September 25–29, 2006, Tokyo, Japan: Asmus Freytag, Michel Suignard, Ken Whistler