Recently Closed Action Items
Auto generated on: November 06, 2006 at 12:55:07
From UTC #108 and L2 #205
Action | Who | Description | Date Closed | Status | Outcome |
108-A8 | Ken Whistler | Change the general category of U+02EC from Sk to Lm in the next version of the standard. | 2006-10-25 | Done | UCD |
108-A9 | Mark Davis | Respond to Martin Hosken on L2/06-243, check if rhotic hook is used in orthographies and needs to be changed to gc=Lm. | 2006-08-09 | Done | |
108-A11 | Mark Davis | Provide text of a "note added in proof" re the NBSP erratum for UAX #29 for the Unicode 5.0 book. | 2006-09-06 | Done | UAX #29 |
108-A14 | Rick McGowan | Respond quickly to Kent Karlsson on the outcome of his document L2/06-265. | 2006-08-17 | Done | |
108-A15 | Mark Davis, Editorial Committee | Draft a PRI based on L2/06-235 to define a stable normalization process. | 2006-08-22 | Done | PRI #95 |
108-A16 | Rick McGowan | Post the PRI on stable normalization, to close October 31, 2006. | 2006-08-22 | Done | PRI #95 |
108-A18 | Mark Davis, Editorial Committee | Make updates and post UTS #39. | 2006-08-16 | Done | UTS #39 |
108-A19 | Mark Davis, Editorial Committee | Review and post UTR #36. | 2006-08-16 | Done | UTR #36 |
108-A24 | Mark Davis | Continue to work with the collation registry authors to make it support Unicode collations and Unicode members' collations. | 2006-11-03 | Closed | moot |
108-A31 | Ken Whistler | Update the linebreak properties of U+00A1, U+00BF AI --> OP; U+060C EX --> IS; U+066A EX --> PO in a future version of the standard. | 2006-10-25 | Done | UCD |
108-A33 | Debbie Anderson | Follow up on script-specific linebreak questions for N'ko and others mentioned in L2/06-224. | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
108-A35 | Rick McGowan | Find out what Government of Sikkim wants changed in 3 characters for Lepcha encoding. If specific erros are identified, bring them to the attention of UTC and WG2. | 2006-10-16 | Done | |
108-A38 | Rick McGowan | Report to Everson and Andrew West there is no consensus on the 4 Balti letters. Discuss and come back when they have consensus. | 2006-08-17 | Done | |
108-A39 | Rick McGowan | Respond to author of L2/06-229 that all of the characters he request for Tamil are already representable as sequences, and the standard doesn't include duplicate encodings. | 2006-10-31 | Done | |
108-A41 | Debbie Anderson | Invite David Perry to rewrite L2/06-256 into a UTN for epigraphers and paleographers. | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
108-A42 | Michel Suignard | Add the sets of 6 and 5 Roman characters documented in L2/06-234 to the WG2 requirements doc for a future amendment. | 2006-09-28 | Done | ballot comments |
108-A43 | Michael Everson | Update the roadmap with new block 10190-101CF, Ancient Symbols. | 2006-09-28 | Done | Roadmap |
108-A44 | Ken Whistler | Update the pipeline with the 6 + 5 Roman characters. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A45 | Debbie Anderson | Contact author of L2/06-234 to get updated proposal for submission to WG2 and submit fonts to Asmus Freytag. | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N3138 |
108-A46 | Lisa Moore | Add C.7.2 L2/06-269 to the agenda for the next meeting. | 2006-11-01 | Done | agenda |
108-A47 | Ken Whistler | Update pipeline to include U+A788 | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A48 | Rick McGowan, Lorna Priest | Forward L2/06-244 to WG2 and send a font to Asmus Freytag for printing. | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N3140 |
108-A50 | Rick McGowan | Follow up with Lorna Priest on L2/06-259. | 2006-10-31 | Done | |
108-A51 | Lisa Moore | Put C.8.2 Proposal to Encode Additional Orthographic and Modifier Letters on the agenda for the next meeting. | 2006-11-01 | Done | agenda |
108-A52 | Ken Whistler, Rick McGowan | Document the property decisions and other issues that need to be resolved in L2/06-259. | 2006-10-31 | Done | |
108-A53 | Ken Whistler | Update the pipeline for U+1035. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A54 | Michel Suignard | Add U+1035 to US ballot comments for Amd 3. | 2006-09-28 | Done | ballot comments |
108-A55 | Michael Everson | Provide font for U+1035 to Asmus for printing. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
108-A56 | Ken Whistler | Add 85 Cham characters AA00..AA5F to the pipeline. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A57 | Michael Everson | Provide font for Cham to Asmus for printing. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
108-A58 | Eric Muller | Update L2/06-207 and submit revision to Rick McGowan for the document register. (and submit to WG2) | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N3126 |
108-A59 | Ken Whistler | Update the pipeline to include name changes for 6 Malayalam Chillu letters, per consensus 108-C18. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A60 | Mark Davis, Rick McGowan | Convey Unicode actions on Malayalam back to government of Kerala and encourage them to provide feedback to WG2. CC to Swaran Lata, Govt. of India. | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
108-A61 | Asmus Freytag | Reflect the results of the UTC discussion of Korean issues in the UTC liaison statement to WG2. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
108-A62 | Ken Whistler | Add 6 approved characters for Telugu to the pipeline. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A63 | Michel Suignard | Add 6 approved characters for Telugu to the requirements doc for a future amendment. | 2006-09-28 | Done | ballot comments |
108-A64 | Michael Everson | Provide a font for the Telugu character additions to Asmus for printing. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
108-A65 | Michel Suignard | Add 3 Latin characters and 1 Greek symbol to requirements doc for a future amendment. | 2006-09-28 | Done | ballot comments |
108-A65a | Ken Whistler | Add 3 Latin characters and 1 Greek symbol to pipeline. | 2006-09-07 | Done | Pipeline |
108-A66 | Michael Everson | Provide font for 3 Latin characters and 1 Greek symbol to Asmus for printing. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
108-A67 | Lisa Moore | Add the following script agenda items to the UTC agenda for the next meeting: C.9, C.17, C.18, and C.19. | 2006-11-01 | Done | agenda |
108-A68 | Rick McGowan | Close PRI #83 according to consensus 108-C22. | 2006-08-23 | Done | |
108-A69 | Debbie Anderson | Contact Cyrillicists and suggest they make a new proposal for "beautiful omega". | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
108-A71 | Rick McGowan | Extend the PRI close date for UTR #25, PRI #75. | 2006-09-28 | Done | PRI #75 |
108-A74 | Rick McGowan | Respond to the author of L2/06-251 conveying the sense of the scripts subcommittee. | 2006-11-03 | Done |
From UTC #107 and L2 #204
Action | Who | Description | Date Closed | Status | Outcome |
107-A21 | Lisa Moore | Add documents L2/06-178, L2/06-086, and agenda item B.12.2 to the agenda for the August 2006 UTC meeting. | 2006-08-08 | Done | agenda |
107-A30 | Michel Suignard | Add Cyrillic glyph corrections for U+0486 to ballot comments. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A32 | Lisa Moore | Add B., document L2/06-135 to the agenda for the August, 2006 meeting. | 2006-08-08 | Done | agenda |
107-A38 | Ken Whistler | Update UnicodeData.txt after Unicode 5.0 to change the general category of U+05BE to Pd from Po. | 2006-10-25 | Done | UCD |
107-A41 | Asmus Freytag, Editorial Committee | Update PU UTR #23, removing the PD30 limited property definition, and publish ASAP. (Ready for final verification.) | 2006-11-03 | Done | UTR #23 |
107-A48 | Ken Whistler | Update UnicodeData.txt, giving the Bidi_Mirrored property to U+27C8 and U+27C9 in a future release of Unicode, after 5.0. | 2006-10-25 | Done | UCD |
107-A52 | Michel Suignard | Add glyph errata for U+0340 and U+0341 to ballot comments for PDAM 3 of 10646. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A54 | Eric Muller | Relay feedback on L2/06-206 to authors of that document. | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A59 | Eric Muller, Editorial Committee | Write some FAQ entries regarding outcome of the Malayalam decision regarding /au/ vowel. L2/107-C26. | 2006-08-21 | Done | FAQ |
107-A61 | Lisa Moore | Put "invisible letter" onto the August UTC agenda. | 2006-08-08 | Done | agenda |
107-A63 | Michel Suignard | Watch for the model for Hangul due from ROK by July 15. If it doesn't appear, prepare 10646 text for the August 2006 UTC meeting describing the effect of normalization sequences. | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A64 | V S Umamaheswaran | Modify the WG2 Principles and Procedures to eliminate the question about implementation levels, for the August 2006 UTC. | 2006-08-08 | Done | L2/06-248 |
107-A66 | Lisa Moore | Create a standing agenda item under properties for review of new properties. | 2006-08-08 | Done | agenda |
107-A67 | Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee | Draft a cover letter to notify SC2 of changes to the standard that they normatively reference. | 2006-08-04 | Done | L2/06-278 |
107-A72 | Michel Suignard | Request Devanagari Sign High Spacing Dot at U+0971 for addition to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A78 | Michel Suignard | Add request for name change of U+0D3D to MALAYALAM SIGN AVAGRAHA to ballot comments for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A86 | Debbie Anderson | Send font to Asmus for 22 Old Cyrillic characters, U+2DE0 - U+2DF5. | 2006-10-25 | Done | |
107-A88 | Michel Suignard | Add request for 22 Old Cyrillic characters to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A89 | Debbie Anderson | Work with author of L2/06-172 to produce a WG2 proposal and forward to Mike Ksar. | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N3097 |
107-A92 | Michel Suignard | Include glyph erratum for U+0485 and U+0486 in ballot comments for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A93 | Debbie Anderson | Submit L2/06-192 to Mike Ksar for WG2 | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A95 | Debbie Anderson, Rick McGowan | Discuss L2/06-181 offline and come back to the November 2006 UTC meeting with a consolidated proposal. Give font to Asmus and have him produce 3-column chart with additions for the proposal. | 2006-11-01 | Done | L2/06-359 |
107-A96 | Rick McGowan | Discuss necessary roadmap update with Ken Whistler and Michael Everson for Old Cyrillic additions. | 2006-09-28 | Done | Roadmap |
107-A98 | Debbie Anderson | Work with author of L2/06-149 to submit revised proposal to Mike Ksar for WG2. | 2006-08-04 | Done | |
107-A99 | Debbie Anderson | Send font for 16 Arabic characters to Asmus Freytag. | 2006-08-04 | Done | |
107-A100 | Michel Suignard | Add request for 16 Arabic characters to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A101 | Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler, Debbie Anderson | Follow up with authors of L2/06-138 to resolve questions and submit revision for August 2006 UTC meeting. | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A102 | Asmus Freytag | Correct the glyphs for U+2B41 and U+2B42 in Arabic math character repertoire addition. | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
107-A104 | Michel Suignard | Add request for 27 Arabic math characters to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A105 | Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler, Michael Everson | Update roadmap for Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic symbols (U+10F00..) and send roadmap info to Asmus (and Uma). | 2006-09-28 | Done | Roadmap |
107-A108 | Michel Suignard | Add 10 astrology symbols to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A114 | Michel Suignard | Add U+0BD0 TAMIL OM to requirements doc for Amd 3. | 2006-08-11 | Done | |
107-A115 | Michael Kaplan | Send a font for U+0BD0 TAMIL OM to Asmus Freytag. | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A116 | Debbie Anderson, Rick McGowan | Follow up with Ralph Cleminson on Cyrillic proposal. | 2006-08-08 | Done | |
107-A128 | Michael Everson | Provide an udpated font for Rejang. | 2006-09-28 | Done | |
107-A134 | Michel Suignard | Add 6 chillu characters to requirements doc for a future amendment. | 2006-08-11 | Done | ballot comments |
107-A135 | Eric Muller | Forward L2/06-207 to Mike Ksar for WG2. | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N3126 |
107-A137 | Lisa Moore | Put L2/06-111, L2/06-119, L2/06-170, L2/06-163, L2/06-134 on August 2006 UTC agenda. | 2006-08-08 | Done | agenda |
From UTC #106 and L2 #203
Action | Who | Description | Date Closed | Status | Outcome |
106-A2 | Mark Davis, Editorial Committee | Incorporate L2/06-055 into the public review of draft UTS #39 | 2006-08-08 | Done | UTS #39 |
106-A3 | Rick McGowan | Open a new PRI for the next draft of UTS #39 when ready for posting. | 2006-08-10 | Closed | |
106-A19 | Jonathan Kew, Lisa Moore | Follow up with Dr. Durrani of the Pakistan NLA explaining the policy on Arabic letters and asking for more information for those marks that we may want to encode generatively. | 2006-08-08 | Done | L2/06-240 |
106-A45 | Mark Davis, Ken Whistler | Split the confusables data into 3 categories and add to draft UTS #39. | 2006-08-08 | Done | UTS #39 |
106-A49 | Rick McGowan, Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee | Follow up with TDIL on named sequences for Gurmukhi. | 2006-08-17 | Done |
From UTC #105 and L2 #202
Action | Who | Description | Date Closed | Status | Outcome |
105-A27 | Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Editorial Committee | Make changes in document UTS #39 and post for public review. | 2006-08-10 | Closed | UTS #39 |
105-A38 | Michael Everson, Andrew West, Chris Fynn | Revise L2/05-244 taking into account canonical equivalence issues and text in the standard and comments in L2/05-338, plus the consideration of FA and VA for Chinese. (Tibetan for Balti.) | 2006-09-28 | Done | WG2 N2985, WG2 N3010, resolved in WG2 |
105-A48 | Debbie Anderson | Follow up with user community of egyptological characters. | 2006-11-03 | Done | |
105-A51 | Richard Cook | Secure agreement from all authors on an updated Egyptian hieroglyphics proposal and create a publicly reviewable document. | 2006-08-08 | Closed | Moot, overtaken |
105-A53 | Debbie Anderson, Michael Everson | Coordinate old Cyrillic encoding proposals. | 2006-11-03 | Done | L2/06-357 |
From UTC #104 and L2 #201
Action | Who | Description | Date Closed | Status | Outcome |
104-A15 | Mark Davis, Ken Whistler | Communicate to WG2 a revised list of mirrored characters for Annex E (once they have been firmed up for Unicode 5.0). | 2006-08-08 | Done |