To: INCITS Executive Board and INCITS Technical Committee, Task Group, and Study Group Officers –
Date: November 5, 2008
The INCITS/RD-2, Organization and Procedures has been revised and is being circulated to members for immediate use.
The current INCITS/RD-2 is ‘Version 2008.11.05’, has been assigned document number ‘in081453’ and is available at The changes incorporated in this revised version are documented on the revision history page of the INCITS/RD-2.
Action Requested for Executive Board: Please reply to this email by November 20, 2008 to confirm receipt of this notification.
Action Requested for TC, TG, and SG Chairs: Please reply to this email by November 20, 2008 to 1) confirm receipt of this notification 2) that you have distributed this notification to your members.
A redline version of the INCITS/RD-2 is also available from the INCITS home page for those interested in viewing the changes from the previous version.
InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards
INCITS Secretariat, Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
1250 Eye St. NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005