Pre-Preliminary Minutes of the UTC 120 / L2 217 Joint Meeting
Redmond, WA -- August 10-14, 2009
Hosted by Microsoft
UTC #120 Agenda
Revision date: July 16, 2010
Day 1, Monday, August 10, 2009
Meeting opened at 10:58.
Quorum info: 10 members, 4 inst, 1 suppt.
8 full members in regular attendance; 3 institutional in regular attendance; 0 supporting in regular attendance. Quorum is 6 (?).
Roll call: Adobe, Google, IBM, MS, Sun, Sybase, SNLTR, Yahoo!, UCB
9 members present.
Update agenda items:
C.13 - Warang Kshiti, L2/09-291
B.11.4 - WD/PDUTR #46 L2/09-293
B.14 CJK IVD L2/09-290
E.3.1 Kaithi decomposition questions for Unicode 5.2 [Anderson, L2/09-270]
[120-C1] Consensus: (1) Put canonical decompositions for the left hand side of table A Kaithi as given in right hand part plus the nukta, 110BA. (2) Add text to the standard that U+110A8 (ya) can be displayed with or without the nukta (dot), and does not have a decomposition and add an annotation. Both to be done for Unicode 5.2
[120-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the UnicodeData.txt file with canonical decompositions for above Kaithi.
[120-A2] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee: Review the text of 5.2 to make sure it's in line with above consensus 120-C1 for Kaithi.
[120-A3] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Regenerate the names list for Unicode 5.2 (because there are new Kaithi decomps), including any other changes coming out of this meeting.
[120-A4] Action Item for Eric Muller, Ken Whistler: Include in the names list an annotation on Kaithi letter Ya. L2/09/270.
[120-A5] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Michel Suignard: Regenerate the charts for Unicode 5.2, taking into account whatever changes are needed from UTC #120.
[120-A6] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to the ballot comments a request for editorial update to Kaithi decompositions in FDAM 6, and in the 10646 CD.
Break for lunch at 12;05 to return at 1:00.
E.1.3 Unicode agenda for Bangla [L2/09-294]
E.1.2 Proposals for discussion on Bengali script [Chaudhuri, L2/09-274]
Powerpoint presentation and discussion of various consortium and UTC policies, followed by discussion of L2/09-274 in order A through I.
[120-A7] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Update the documentation for the coded character U+09D7 to the effect that it is not used independently to write the Bangla language. L2/09-294. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A8] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Add discussion of historical "ri" and "li" characters for Sanskrit in Bengali block introduction; 098C (li), 09C4 (Double ri-kar), 09E0 (Double ri), 09E1 (Double li), 09E2 (li-kar), 09E3. See document L2/09-294 section C. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A9] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add the historic "ri" and "li" characters for Sanskrit to UTS #39, for the next version. 098C (li), 09C4 (Double ri-kar), 09E0 (Double ri), 09E1 (Double li), 09E2 (li-kar), 09E3. See document L2/09-294 section C.
[120-A10] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Add text to the 0980 Bengali block description (near the old bottom of page 313) to say that joiners/non-joiners are typically not used and should not be depended upon outside of particular fonts. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A11] Action Item for Eric Muller: Review the use of ZWJ and ZWNJ in the text of the standard, in light of issues raised in document L2/09-294.
[120-A12] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Add a note in the text that the sequence <0995 09CD 09B7> should be treated as having a unique identity for users of the script. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-C2] Consensus: Add sequence <0995 09CD 09B7> with the name BENGALI LETTER KHINYA to provisional named sequences for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A13] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add <0995 09CD 09B7> to provisional named sequences data file.
5:30 - Yahoo left for the day; now represented by proxy (Adobe).
Meeting adjourned for the day at 6:00 pm.
Day 2, Tuesday August 11, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:35
Roll Call: Adobe, Apple, IBM, MS, Sun, Sybase, UCB, Yahoo!, SNLTR
9 members present
A.6 Calendar Review
Q3 2009 meeting, at MS in Redmond, August 9-13, 2010
A.5.2.1 Action Item Review
Note: Discussion of UTR #47 removed from agenda for this meeting, B.11.1
E.2.1 Proposal to Encode the Grantha script [Ganesan, L2/09-141R]
E.2.2 Re: Grantha Proposal [Sharma, L2/09-258]
E.2.3 Tamil Grantha Comments [Karlsson, L2/09-277]
Note: The discussion went through L2/09-141R, then through L2/09-258 point by point to check.
[120-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Kent Karlsson's document L2/09-277. UTC generally agrees with the Grantha proposal 141R and will encode separately for various reasons; analogous to Devanagari without decomps on the vowels, and similar layout.
[120-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shriramana Sharma's document L2/09-258 re Grantha proposal and assure contact between him and Naga Ganesan.
Break for lunch at 11:40 - 12:50
B. Feedback on Unicode 5.2 beta data files [Priest, L2/09-254]
[120-A16] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update annotations in Nameslist.txt with suggestions from parts 2 and 3 of document L2/09-254.
B.10.17 Issue 147: Proposed deprecation of U+0673 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW
Brief discussion. Will come back to it later in this meeting.
D.1 Emoji: Review of PDAM 8 [Scherer, L2/09-272]
Markus Scherer and Kat Momoi joined by telephone.
[120-C3] Consensus: Accept 11 new emoji compatibility symbols with names and code positions as listed in L2/09-272: U+1F565 - U+1F56F EMOJI COMPATIBILITY SYMBOL-6 .. 16 in a future version of the standard.
[120-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline.
[120-A18] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add a request to encode 11 emoji compat symbols in PDAM 8 to US comments.
[120-C4] Consensus: Approve a name change to U+1F4AA from FLEXED BICEP to FLEXED BICEPS.
[120-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline.
[120-A20] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add name change to ballot comments to PDAM 8.
[120-C5] Consensus: Approve a name change of U+1F69A from TRUCK to DELIVERY TRUCK.
[120-A21] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to record name change of U+1F69A from TRUCK to DELIVERY TRUCK.
[120-A22] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add name change of U+1F69A from TRUCK to DELIVERY TRUCK to ballot comments PDAM 8.
[120-A23] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Request three glyph changes for U+1F3A5 MOVIES, U+1F420 CAMEL, U+1F526 BOOKMARK in ballot comments on PDAM 8.
[120-C6] Consensus: Approve changing name of U+1F3A5 from MOVIES to MOVIE CAMERA; and change the annotation to "film, movies".
[120-A24] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to record changing name of U+1F3A5 from MOVIES to MOVIE CAMERA; and change the annotation to "film, movies".
[120-A25] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add the name and annotation change for U+1F3A5 from MOVIES to MOVIE CAMERA to ballot comments on PDAM 8.
[120-A26] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments a request to include emoji sources in PDAM 8.
Discussed ad hoc meeting on emoji issues. Attendees include Yasuo Kida, Peter Edberg, Peter Constable, Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Kat Momoi, Michael Everson, Michel Suignard.
C.17 Proposal to include Chinook Pipa script (revised) [Van Anderson, L2/09-283]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.10.1 Issue 127: Review of Proposed Update Unicode Standard Annex #44: Unicode Character Database
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B. UAX #44 Feedback [Freytag, L2/09-266]
B.10.1.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/09-124]
[120-A27] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a caution about the use of the "Age" property in UTS #18. See L2/09-230, L2/09-266.
[120-A28] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add a caution about the use of the "Age" property in DerivedAge.txt file in UCD for Unicode 5.2. See L2/09-230, L2/09-266.
[120-A29] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add a caution about the use of the "Age" property in UAX #44 for Unicode 5.2. See L2/09-230, L2/09-266.
[120-A30] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Robert Muir on his UCD comments: Strong agreement in UTC not to make any changes. What he describes is a common situation. L2/09-230.
[120-A31] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Leo Broukhis regarding DECIMAL EXPONENT SYMBOL that UTC does not consider it a core math symbol, so it won't be given the category Sm.
[120-A32] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Williamson regarding his feedback in L2/09-230. Consult Ken Whistler with some dispositions. About NaN, this is as designed, not a bug in the file. We only list the enumerated values in the PropertyValueAliases.txt. See L2/09-230, Not_A_Number.
[120-A33] Action Item for Lisa Moore, Editorial Committee: Highlight in "what's new" for Unicode 5.2 that the ISO comment property is "null".
[120-A34] Action Item for Mark Davis: Raise issue whether the ISO comment property should be stabilized or deprecated or both.
[120-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Communicate to Carl Oehlander re his feedback in L2/09-230 that there is a topic on the agenda for the next UTC meeting to deal with linebreak issues associated with East Asian Width. Ask for more information from him.
[120-A36] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add the property to missing tags to DerivedNormalizationProps.txt as per L2/09-230 comment from Asmus Freytag re Defective "@missing" directive.
[120-A37] Action Item for Ken Whistler: In ArabicShaping.txt 200D comes before 200C; change them to be in codepoint order. For Unicode 5.2. Respond also to Karl Williamson.
[120-A38] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the ZWSP annotation that it is not just for linebreak control. For Unicode 5.2. See L2/09-230.
[120-A39] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Javier Sola re ZWSP annotation that this will be fixed/changed in 5.2. See L2/09-230.
[120-A40] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add Name_Alias to PropertyAliases.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt for Unicode 5.2.
B. UAX #44 Feedback [Freytag, L2/09-266]
[120-A41] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Use feedback from Asmus Freytag in L2/09-266 re validation of the text for updating UAX #44.
[120-C7] Consensus: Advance PU UAX #44 to approved UAX #44 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A42] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update and post final approved version of UAX #44 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A43] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #127.
B.13.1 Maintaining a typology of Unicode characters [Whistler, L2/09-280]
[120-C8] Consensus: Create a working draft PD UTR on Character Categories.
[120-A44] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Produce working draft PD UTR on Character Categories for the next UTC.
B.13.2 Placement of Nameslist.html and XML (in UCD or UAX#44)
Discussion. No UTC action at this time.
Adjourned for the day at 5:52.
Day 3, Wednesday August 12, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:45.
9 members present: Sybase, UCB, Apple, Google, Adobe, Sun(proxy), Yahoo!, MS, IBM
B.10.3 Issue 133: Review of Proposed Draft Unicode Technical Standard #46: Unicode IDNA Compatible Preprocessing
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.3.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/09-024]
[120-A45] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #133 with disposition that the draft was superseded by a new proposed draft.
B.11.4 Proposed Draft UTS #46 Unicode IDNA Compatible Preprocesssing
B.11.4.1 Working Draft [Davis, Suignard, L2/09-293]
[120-C9] Consensus: Revise the working draft UTS #46 in accordance wth the discussion, having a single compatibility mapping and simplified terminology, and exteding the discussion of tactics and compatibility, and advance to draft status.
[120-A46] Action Item for Mark Davis, Michel Suignard, Editorial Committee: Update the draft of UTS #46, and post.
[120-A47] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for UTS #46, to close October 26, 2009.
B.11.3.1 Updated Confusable Data [Davis, L2/09-275]
[120-A48] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update and post a proposed update to UTR #36 for public review. L2/09-275.
[120-A49] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for UTR #36, to close October 26, 2009.
Lunch 12:15 - 1:15
B.13.4 Personal name validation characters [Davis, L2/09-232]
Discussion. Mark Davis will revise document for tomorrow.
B.15.1 PEP 383 Security and interoperability problems [Davis, L2/09-236]
[120-C10] Consensus: Add a section to UTR #36 based upon L2/09-236 as modified in discussion, with pointers to it from other relevant documents.
[120-A50] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a section to UTR #36 based upon L2/09-236 as modified in discussion.
[120-A51] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Add a pointer from UTS #22 to new content of UTR #36 for security issues.
[120-A52] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add pointers from Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 of TUS to UTR #36 for character conversion security issues. This is for Unicode 6.0.
[120-A53] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Beef up the security FAQ with more discussion of character conversion issues. See L2/09-236, UTR #36.
B.10.6 Issue 136: Review of Proposed Update UAX #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
[120-M1] Motion: Add the property value "CP" Close_Parenthesis with the contents U+0029 and U+005D, and make the rule changes for CP and CL as per L2/09-128R (UAX #14-23, draft 2) in Unicode 5.2.
Moved by Mark Davis, seconded by Peter Edberg
6 for (IBM, Sybase, Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft)
1 against (Adobe)
3 abstain (UCB, Sun, SNLTR)
Motion carries.
[120-A54] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update Linebreak.txt for 5.2 to include the property value "CP" Close_Parenthesis with the contents U+0029 and U+005D.
[120-A55] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: Update the text of UAX #14 for Unicode 5.2, and post final approved document.
[120-A56] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add long and short aliases for lb=CP to PropertyValueAliases.txt, for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A57] Action Item for Mark Davis: Regenerate the linebreak test data file LinebreakTest.txt for 5.2, taking into account the addition of "CP", etc.
[120-A58] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu: Supply additional test cases for CP and CL to Mark Davis for inclusion in LinebreakTest.txt. For 5.2.
[120-A59] Action Item for Eric Muller: Add the property value "CP" Close_Parenthesis with the contents U+0029 and U+005D to UAX #42. See motion 120-M1 above.
[120-A60] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Add document L2/09-276 to the agenda of the next UTC.
B. Proposal to allow line break in "abc .def" or "abc .123" [Edberg, L2/09-263]
Discussion. No action at this time.
[120-C11] Consensus: Approve UAX #14 for Unicode 5.2, with changes previously discussed in this meeting.
[120-A61] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #136 with resolution that the document will be published s part of the Unicode 5.2 release.
B.13.5 Normalization properties [Davis, L2/09-233]
[120-A62] Action Item for Mark Davis: Modify the comment for NFKC_CF in DerivedNormalizationProps.txt to caution about usage and point to UAX #44. L2/09-233. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A63] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add text to UAX #44 to clarify derivation and usage of NFKC_CF. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A63a] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add text to UAX #31 to clarify derivation and usage of NFKC_CF. For Unicode 5.2.
B.13.7 Rumi numerals: bidi property [Anderson, L2/09-271]
[120-C12] Consensus: Change the bidi property of Rumi numerals from "R" to "AN" for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update UnicodeData.txt changing the bidi property of Rumi numerals from "R" to "AN" for Unicode 5.2.
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
[120-A65] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Incorporate changes to UAX #9 from public feedback in document L2/09-230, and make changes suggested in HL6, and post final version for Unicode 5.2.
[120-C13] Consensus: Approve UAX #9 with updates from feedback document L2/09-230, for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #134 with resolution that UAX #9 will be updated based on feedback and published with Unicode 5.2.
[120-A67] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Check the links in section 5.1 of UAX #9 prior to release for Unicode 5.2.
B.10.5 Issue 135: Review of Proposed Update UAX #11: East Asian Width
B.10.5.1 Feedback
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.5.2 Document for review [Muller, L2/09-127]
[120-C14] Consensus: Approve UAX #11 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A68] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #135.
[120-A69] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #11 and post final approved version for Unicode 5.2.
B. Suggestions for UAX #24 [Freytag, L2/09-255]
[120-C15] Consensus: Approve UAX #24 for Unicode 5.2 after final edits.
[120-A70] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #137.
[120-A71] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Incorporate edits from L2/09-255 and post the final approved version of UAX #24 for Unicode 5.2.
Brief break to 4:30 - 4:40.
B. Grapheme break changes, especially for Thai and Lao [Edberg, L2/09-265]
[120-C16] Consensus: Approve UAX #29 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A72] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #138.
[120-A73] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Edit and post the approved version of UAX #29 for Unicode 5.2.
C.9 Proposal for encoding the Miao Script [Fickle, L2/09-253]
Long discussion. Erich Fickle on the phone. UTC took no action at this time.
Adjourned for the day at 6:00.
Day 4, Thursday August 13, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:35.
Roll call: Adobe, Yahoo!, MS, IBM, Sybase, Sun(proxy), Google, Apple, SNLTR
9 members present.
C.4 Proposal to encode Malayalam Dot-Reph character [Johny, L2/09-245]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.23 Proposal to encode Sharada (WG2 N3595) [SEI, Pandey, L2/09-074R2]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.6 Proposal for encoding the Meroitic Hieroglyphic and the Meroitic Cursive scripts (WG2 N3665) [SEI, Everson, L2/09-250]
[120-C17] Consensus: Approve two Meroitic hieroglyphic symbols U+1099E MEROITIC HIEROGLYPHIC SYMBOL VIDJ and U+1099F MEROITIC HIEROGLYPHIC SYMBOL VIDJ-2. Change the name of the Meroitic block to Meroitic Cursive and update the repertoire of characters and character names for Meroitic characters, 66 characters at U+109A0 - U+109F0, with names and glyphs as shown in document L2/09-250.
[120-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include two Meroitic hieroglyphic symbols U+1099E MEROITIC HIEROGLYPHIC SYMBOL VIDJ and U+1099F MEROITIC HIEROGLYPHIC SYMBOL VIDJ-2, and name changes for Meroitic as per consensus 120-C17.
D.2.2 Proposal to Encode Two Mathematical Symbols [Iancu, L2/09-273]
[120-C18] Consensus: Accept U+27CE SQUARED LOGICAL AND and U+27CF SQUARED LOGICAL OR for encoding in a future version of the standard. See L2/09-273.
[120-A75] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the Pipeline to include U+27CE SQUARED LOGICAL AND and U+27CF SQUARED LOGICAL OR as per consensus 120-C18.
[120-A76] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+27CE SQUARED LOGICAL AND and U+27CF SQUARED LOGICAL OR to the document requesting additions for future encoding in WG2 as per consensus 120-C18.
[120-A77] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu: Follow up with Barbara Beeton re any existing mappings for U+27CE and U+27CF.
[120-A78] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Murray Sargent, Editorial Committee: Add the 2 characters U+27CE SQUARED LOGICAL AND and U+27CF SQUARED LOGICAL OR to the Math property table in UTR #25, when they are approved.
C.12 Proposal for encoding the Chakma script (revised; WG2 N3645R) [SEI, Everson, Hosken, L2/09-187]
[120-C19] Consensus: Accept 67 Chakma characters U+11100 - U+11143 and block Chamka U+11100 - U+1114F for encoding in a future version of the standard. Canonical combining class for characters U+11127 - U+1112D and U+11130 - U+11132 to be zero. See L2/09-187R.
[120-A79] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 67 Chakma characters U+11100 - U+11143 as per consensus 120-C19.
C.7 Proposal for encoding additional Sundanese characters for Old Sundanese (WG2 N3666) [Everson, L2/09-251]
[120-A80] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 67 Chakma characters U+11100 - U+11143 as per consensus 120-C19 to the document requesting additions for future encoding in WG2.
[120-C20] Consensus: Accept 9 Sundanese characters at U+1BAB - U+1BAD, U+1BBA - U+1BBF; and 8 Sundanese characters U+1CC0 - U+1CC7 in block Sundanese Supplement U+1CC0 - U+1CCF for encoding in a future version of the standard. Take the names from page 8 of document L2/09-251.
[120-A81] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 9 Sundanese characters at U+1BAB - U+1BAD, U+1BBA - U+1BBF; and 8 Sundanese characters U+1CC0 - U+1CC7 in block Sundanese Supplement U+1CC0 - U+1CCF .
[120-A82] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 9 Sundanese characters at U+1BAB - U+1BAD, U+1BBA - U+1BBF; and 8 Sundanese characters U+1CC0 - U+1CC7 in block Sundanese Supplement U+1CC0 - U+1CCF to the document requesting additions for future encoding in WG2.
[120-A83] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update the Sundanese font for Unicode 5.2, in the next chart production.
[120-A84] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add a request to update the Sundanese font to the ballot comments on 10646 CD.
C.8 Proposal to encode the Pahawh Hmong script [SEI, Everson, L2/09-252]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.13 Proposal for encoding the Warang Citi script (WG2 N3668) [Everson, L2/09-291]
[120-A85] Action Item for Michael Everson: Update the roadmap name of Warang Citi (previously Varang Kshiti).
C.2.1 Proposal to encode a Middle Dot letter for Phags-pa transliteration [West, L2/09-031R]
C.2.2 On the proposed U+A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT (L2/09-031R = N3567) [Anderson, L2/09-278]
[120-A86] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments on Amendment 8 the request to remove U+A78F LATIN LETTER MIDDLE DOT.
C.14 COMBINING TRIPLE INVERTED BREVE and other triple-length combining marks [Anderson, L2/09-281]
Long discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
[120-A87] Action Item for Peter Constable (UTC Liaison to WG2): Triple marks should be handled by the mechanism associated with two part diacritics in the Combining Half Marks block at U+FE20.
B. Proposal to reallocate eight phonetic subscripts [Iancu, L2/09-195]
[120-C21] Consensus: Move the eight phonetic subscripts A7F2-A7F9 to 2095-209C in Amendment 8.
[120-A88] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to reflect moving eight phonetic subscripts A7F2-A7F9 to 2095-209C.
[120-A89] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add moving eight phonetic subscripts A7F2-A7F9 to 2095-209C in Amendment 8 to ballot comments on amendment 8.
B. Comments on ISO/IEC CD 10646 (SC2 N4079) [Muller, L2/09-282]
[120-A90] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Include information from L2/09-282 as amended in discussion in ballot comments on 10646 CD.
Long discussion.
B.13.8 Specifying Joining Behavior for Manichaean Aleph [Pournader, Anderson, L2/09-284]
[120-A91] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Roozbeh Pournader: Give feedback to Michael Everson that Manichaean aleph be left joining and beth/bheth be dual joining.
D.2.1.1 Preliminary proposal to encode characters from the STIX PUA collection, Part 1 [Iancu, et al, L2/09-261]
D.2.1.2 Preliminary proposal to encode characters from the STIX PUA collection, Part 2 [Iancu, et al, L2/09-262]
[120-C22] Consensus: Encode U+26E2 ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS.
[120-A92] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+26E2 ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS as per consensus 120-C22.
[120-A93] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Request addition of U+26E2 ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS as per consensus 120-C22 to Amd 8.
[120-A94] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu: Create a new proposal summary form and complete proposal for U+26E2 ASTRONOMICAL SYMBOL FOR URANUS as per consensus 120-C22.
B.13.6 Unihan property names [Davis, L2/09-237]
[120-C23] Consensus: For the Unihan properties we have agreed to add, use the Unihan tag with the letters "cj" prefixed to the tag as the short name and the long name, and add the Unihan tag itself as an alias. Adjust the existing kRSUnicode aliases to fit this pattern.
[120-A95] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add the CJK properties with their names to PropertyAliases.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt. Also add the "M" source. For Unicode 5.2.
[120-A96] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Create an FAQ on the meaning of "Ideograph" and "Unified_Ideograph" properties.
[120-A97] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the documentation of kIRG_MSource to UAX #38 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A98] Action Item for Eric Muller: Add kIRG_MSource to UAX #42 for Unicode 5.2.
B.13.3 Unihan organization [Davis, L2/09-223]
[120-A99] Action Item for John Jenkins: Move the properties among the Unihan data files so they are strictly in accordance with their categorization in UAX #38. And rename Unihan_NormativeProperties.txt to Unihan_IRGSources.txt. Rename Unihan_OtherMappings.txt to Unihan_Mappings.txt.
[120-A100] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Put B.11.2 Formalized invariants [Davis, L2/09-222] on the agenda for next meeting.
B.10.11 Issue 141: Review of Proposed Update UAX #38: Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B. Comments on Proposed Update UAX #38: Unicode Han Database [Vallois, L2/09-257]
B.10.11.2 Document for review [Jenkins, Cook, L2/09-133]
[120-M2] Motion: Release the component files of in Normalization Form D.
Moved by Eric Muller, seconded by Rick McGowan
1 for (Adobe)
2 against (Google, Sybase)
6 abstain (UCB, Sun, Apple, Yahoo!, MS, SNLTR)
Motion fails.
[120-C24] Consensus: Approve UAX #38 with updates for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A101] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #38 and post final for 5.2.
[120-A102] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #141.
B. Issues with the new casing related properties in the beta DerivedCoreProperties [Freytag, L2/09-248]
[120-C25] Consensus: Change the names of 4 properties:
IsLowerCase to Changes_When_Lowercased
IsUpperCase to Changes_When_Uppercased
IsTitleCase to Changes_When_Titlecased
IsCaseFolded to Changes_When_Casefolded
with short names CWL, CWU, CWT, CWCF.
[120-A103] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Make the appropriate adjustments in the text of the standard section 3.13 to clarify that the function names used in the definitions are string functions, and update and clarify the pointers to the related properties.
[120-C26] Consensus: Change: Is_NFKC_CaseFolded to Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded (short name: CWKCF) and invert the meaning; and change: Is_Cased to Changes_When_Casemapped (short name: CWCM) as per consensus 120-C25. L2/09-248.
[120-A104] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #44 with 6 new property names as per consensus 120-C25. L2/09-248. See 120-C25 and 120-C26.
[120-A105] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropertyAliases.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt to reflect the 6 updated property names (and short aliases). Regenerate DerivedCoreProperties.txt with the 5 updated derived casing properties (with new names). Regenerate DerivedNormalizationProps.txt with the updated derived normalization property (with new name). All as per consensus 120-C25 and 120-C26. L2/09-248.
[120-A106] Action Item for Mark Davis: Request that the officers add a stability policy that Property Aliases will not collide even if the letters "Is" are removed from the start of the alias.
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
[120-A107] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shriramana Sharma on his UAX #44 feedback ("Make 0903 DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA independent") that the problem he describes is part of the general updates needed to make rendering engines deal with the new Vedic characters correctly; i.e., part of a larger issue with Vedic interactions, and shouldn't be dealt with by changing this one property.
B. Removing noncharacter code points in C7 [Davis, L2/09-241]
[120-C27] Consensus: Delete the words "or the deletion of non-character codepoints" from conformance clause C7.
[120-A108] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update C7 and associated text in the standard and elsewhere regarding non-characters, for Unicode 5.2. See 120-C27, L2/09-241.
[120-A109] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add additional text on non-characters, if needed, to UTR #36. See 120-C27, L2/09-241.
[120-A110] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Highlight change to C7 on the beta page as soon as available. See 120-C27, L2/09-241.
B. UCA Beta [Whistler]
Brief discussion.
B.14.1 Draft IVD registration for Compatibility Characters [Muller, L2/09-290]
Long discussion and demonstration.
Meeting adjourned for the day at 6:06 pm.
Day 5, Friday, August 14, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:30
Roll call: Sybase, UCB, Adobe, Sun(proxy), Yahoo!, MS, IBM, SNLTR, Apple
9 members present.
B. Request change name of VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA
[120-A111] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shriramana Sharma that it is too late to change the name of VEDIC SIGN NIHSHVASA in Unicode 5.2. Forward the note to Peter Scharf and ask for his feedback, e.g., if an annotation is appropriate.
B.10.12 Issue 142: Review of Proposed Update UAX #41: Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes
B.10.12.2 Document for review [Danish, L2/09-134]
[120-C28] Consensus: Approve UAX #41 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A112] Action Item for Magda Danish, Editorial Committee: Edit and post final UAX #41, with addition of corrigendum 6.
[120-A113] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #142.
B.10.13 Issue 143: Review of Proposed Update UTS #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm
B. Discussion and proposal of default Lisu sort order [Hosken, L2/09-247]
B.10.13.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/09-135]
[120-A114] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Take the feedback in L2/09-247 into account when defining the default sort order for Lisu.
[120-A115] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Issue a letter ballot to approve UTS #10 as soon as feasible.
[120-A116] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend the PRI #143 for UTS #10 to October 26, 2009.
[120-A117] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Once the letter ballot for UTS #10 is decided, close PRI #143.
B.10.9 Issue 139: Review of Proposed Update UAX #31: Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.9.2 Document for review [Davis L2/09-131R]
[120-A118] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to John Cowan on his feedback on UAX #31, Mark Davis will accept the feedback and incorporate it.
[120-A119] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Gihan Dias re change of Sinhalese to Sinhala that it is being done in the text for 5.2.
[120-A120] Action Item for Mark Davis: Clarify the use of ZWJ and ZWNJ in UAX #31 section 2.3, based upon the discussion of feedback from Gihan Dias in L2/09-230.
B.9.3 Filtered Languages/Scripts [Davis, L2/09-286]
Discussion. No action.
[120-A121] Action Item for Bidyut Chaudhuri: Provide information with examples of minimal pairs with ya-phala and information as to their frequencies. (ra + ya-phala vs ya + reph)
B.10.10 Issue 140: Review of Proposed Update UAX #34: Unicode Named Character Sequences
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.10.2 Document for review [Whistler, L2/09-132]
[120-C29] Consensus: Approve UAX #34 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A122] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Edit and post final version of UAX #34 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A123] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #140.
B.10.14 Issue 144: Review of Proposed Update UAX #42: Unicode Character Database in XML
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.14.2 Document for review [Muller, L2/09-136]
[120-C30] Consensus: Approve UAX #42 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A124] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Edit UAX #42, including aligning the regexes with UAX #44, and post the final version for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A125] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #144.
B.10.15 Issue 145: Review of Proposed Update UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.15.2 Document for review [Davis, Duerst, L2/09-137]
[120-C31] Consensus: Approve UAX #15 for Unicode 5.2
[120-A126] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Make final edits to UAX #15 and post for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A127] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #145.
[120-A127a] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #146.
B.10.16 Issue 146: Suggested restructuring of text in Chapter 3 for clarification of Unicode Normalization
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.16.2 Document for review [L2/09-138]
B.10.16.3 Background document [Whistler, L2/09-267]
[120-C32] Consensus: Approve the restructured text for Chapter 3 for Unicode 5.2.
Break for lunch at 11:45 - 12:40
B.10.2 Issue 128: Review of Proposed Update Unicode Technical Standard #37: Unicode Ideographic Variation Database
B. General feedback [L2/09-023, L2/09-230]
B. Knightley feedback [L2/09-023R]
B.10.2.2 Document for review [Muller]
B.10.2.3 Background document [Muller, L2/08-394]
[120-A128] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to John Knightley re his feedback in L2/09-023R that his feedback was addressed.
[120-C33] Consensus: Advance PU UTS #37 to approved.
[120-A129] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Make final edits and post UTS #37.
[120-A130] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #128.
B.10.17 Issue 147: Proposed deprecation of U+0673 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
[120-A131] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Remove "Balochi" annotation on U+0673 for Unicode 5.2.
[120-A132] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #147 to close October 26, 2009.
[120-A133] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to Elena Bashir re feedback on wavy hamza.
B.10.19 Issue 149: Review of Proposed Update UTS #22: Unicode Character Mapping Markup Language (CharMapML)
B. General feedback [L2/09-230]
B.10.19.2 Document for review [Davis, Scherer, L2/09-268]
[120-A134] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Geoffrey Sneddon re his feedback in L2/09-230, that his comments are addressed in text and data in the update for Unicode 5.2.
[120-C34] Consensus: Advance PU UTS #22 to approved.
[120-A135] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Make final edits and post UTS #22.
[120-A136] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #149.
B.10.20 Other feedback
[120-A137] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Leo Broukhis that we are looking into the zodiac annotations he mentioned.
[120-A138] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Williamson re his feedback in L2/09-230 on clarifying stability policy: There is no guarantee that a property value for a property does not have the empty set. A clarification will be written into UAX #44.
[120-A139] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Clarify in the text of UAX #44 that the set of characters with a given property value may be empty, or may be changed to be empty in a future version of the standard. For Unicode 5.2. Mention ISO comment field as a recent example.
B.13.4 Personal name validation characters [Davis, L2/09-232]
[120-A140] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update UAX #29 and UAX #31 based on items 1-3 in the "Proposal" section of document L2/09-232R.
[120-A141] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add a consistency check to the invariant test based on item 4 of the "Proposal" section of L2/09-232R.
B.12.3.1 Approve Unicode 5.2 [Whistler]
[120-C35] Consensus: Approve Unicode 5.2 for release.
(All actions are already in place.)
B.1.4 Amendments/Ballots
Discussion and review of ballot coments.
[120-C36] Consensus: UTC supports the positions given in documents L2/09-302, 303, 304, 305; and the recommendations in 301.
B.1.7 Proposed Additions to Principles and Procedures document [Umamaheswaran, L2/09-246]
[120-A142] Action Item for Peter Constable: Include in liaison report to WG2 a request to update Unicode references to Unicode 5.2.
C.15 Proposal to encode 10 Latin letters for pre-1921 Latvian orthography (supersedes L2/08-405; WG2 N3587 revised) [German NB, L2/09-112]
[120-C37] Consensus: Approve 10 Latin characters at U+A7A0 - U+A7A9 as documented in L2/09-112.
[120-A143] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 10 Latin characters at U+A7A0 - U+A7A9 as documented in L2/09-112.
[120-A144] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to the document requesting new additions, the 10 Latin characters at U+A7A0 - U+A7A9 as documented in L2/09-112.
[120-C38] Consensus: Approve the updated version of L2/09-301 that includes the 10 Latin additions from L2/09-112.
B.9 Unicode Locales Project (CLDR)
B.9.1 Liaison report [Davis]
B.9.2 Proposal for CLDR to specify preferred character sequences [Edberg, L2/09-264]
Discussion and oral report by Peter Edberg. Request for feedback on L2/09-286.
B.13.8 Specifying Joining Behavior for Manichaean Aleph [Pournader, Anderson, L2/09-284]
[120-C39] Consensus: Revise rule R7 in section 8.2 of the Unicode Standard to allow correct joining behavior for exceptional conditions in cursive scripts, for a future version of the standard. L2/09-284.
(E.g. Manichaean.)
[120-A145] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Revise rule R7 section 8.2 for Unicode 6.0 to allow for exceptional conditions in cursive scripts. See consistency 120-C39 and L2/09-284.
Adjourned for the day at 4:10.
L2 continues. Adjourned at 4:43.
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing | E-mail Address |
Deborah Anderson | U C Berkeley | |
Van Anderson | self | |
Bidyut Chaudhuri | SNLTR | |
Peter Constable | Microsoft | |
Craig Cummings | Yahoo! | |
Mark Davis | | |
Peter Edberg | Apple | |
Andrew Glass | Microsoft | |
Laurentiu Iancu | Microsoft | |
Rick McGowan | Unicode | |
Lisa Moore | IBM | |
Eric Muller | Adobe | |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft | |
Michel Suignard | Unicode | |
Chris Weber | self | |
Ken Whistler | Sybase | |
By Phone | ||
Michael Everson | Evertype | |
Erich Fickle | China | |
N. Ganesan | self | |
John Jenkins | Apple | |
Kat Momoi | ||
Simon Montagu | self | |
Markus Scherer | | |
Tex Texin | Xencraft | |
Erik van der Poel | |
Members Represented
Member | August 10 | August 11 | August 12 | August 13 | August 14 |
Full | |||||
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
2. Apple, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Denic e. G. | no | no | no | no | no |
4. Google, Inc. | yes(proxy) | yes | yes | yes | yes |
5. IBM Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
6. Microsoft Corporation | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
7. NetApp | no | no | no | no | no |
8. Oracle Corporation | no | no | no | no | no |
9. Sun Microsystems, Inc. | yes(proxy) | yes(proxy) | yes(proxy) | yes(proxy) | yes(proxy) |
10. Sybase, Inc. | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
11. Yahoo! | no | no | no | no | no |
Institutional | |||||
1. India, MIT | no | no | no | no | no |
2. W. Bengal, SNLTR | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Tamil Nadu Gov't | no | no | no | no | no |
4. UC Berkeley | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Supporting | |||||
1. Monotype Imaging Corp. | no | no | no | no | no |