Pre-Preliminary Minutes of the UTC 121 / L2 218 Joint Meeting
Cupertino, CA -- November 2-6, 2009
Hosted by Apple
UTC #121 Agenda
Revision date: August 26, 2010
Day 1, Monday, November 2, 2009
Joint Meeting opened at 10:30
11 full members / 9 in regular attendance
4 inst members / 3 in regular attendance
1 supporting / 0 in reg attendance
Quorum is 7.
9 members represented: UCB, Adobe, Apple, Google, IBM, Yahoo, Sybase, MS, Sun (proxy)
Calendar review: UTC #125 / L2 #222 at Apple, [November 1-5, 2010]
A5.2.1 Action Item Review
[121-A1a] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Retire the UTF-8 sample code (CVTUTF code).
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
B.9 Unicode Locales Project (CLDR)
B.9.1 Liaison report [Davis]
B.9.2 Proposal for CLDR to specify preferred character sequences [Edberg, L2/09-264]
B.9.3 Filtered Languages/Scripts
Oral reports by Mark.
B.11.3 Request for Corrigendum to UAX#14, Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm [Freytag, L2/09-315]
Brief discussion. (Will come back to it later.)
B.11.2 Formalized invariants [Davis, L2/09-222]
Note: There was an error in consensus numbering that was discovered only well after all the numbers had been assigned. There is no consensus with the number "C1" for this meeting.
[121-C2] Consensus: Mark Davis to prepare a background document explaining the invariant tests and asking for feedback on tests.
[121-A1b] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare a background document for a PRI on invariant tests. See L2/09-222.
[121-A2] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRI on invariant tests to close January 26, 2010.
B.10.1 Issue 147: Proposed deprecation of U+0673 ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH WAVY HAMZA BELOW
[121-A3] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #147 with the status that it will be deprecated in Unicode 6.0.
B.13.2 ISO comment property [Davis]
[121-C3] Consensus: Mark the hyphen property be deprecated; and make the ISO comment property be both deprecated and stabilized.
[121-A4] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the metaproperty spreadsheet and UAX #44 text.
B.13.3 A framework for Unicode metaproperty maintenance [Whistler, L2/09-346]
Long discussion.
[121-A5] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Produce an update of L2/09-346 (metaproperty framework) and associated spreadsheet for the next meeting.
B.13.4 Cased and Case_Ignorable not disjoint [Scherer, L2/09-355]
Some discussion, to resume again later.
B.13.5 Normalization of Non-Zero Combining Marks [Scherer, L2/09-356]
[121-A6] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Take input L2/09-356 and add to normalization FAQ with review from editorial committee.
[121-C4] Consensus: Add text to composition exclusions in UAX #15 to exclude any sequence that would produce a character with non-zero combining class. Issue a proposed update of UAX #15 for public review.
[121-A7] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #15 with the new text on composition exclusions. See L2/09-356.
[121-A8] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Post PRI for proposed update UAX #15, to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A9] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update CompositionExclusions.txt. See L2/09-356 and above consensus 121-C4.
[121-A10] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add an invariant check for non-starter composition results. See L2/09-356 and above consensus 121-C4.
B.13.1.4 Discussion document for polishing Koranic support in Unicode [Pournader, L2/09-358R]
[121-A11] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Editorial Committee: Create 2 background documents for Public Review Issues, for issues #1 and #3 in L2/09-358R
[121-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the 2 PRIs on Arabic issues to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A13] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Mark Davis: Create an Arabic web page on the overall Unicode goal to enable plain text representation of the Koran.
Day 2, Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:35.
8 members represented: Apple, Yahoo!, Google, MS, UCB, Adobe, Sun (proxy), IBM.
Quorum is 7.
By phone: Laurentiu Iancu.
B.11.3 Request for Corrigendum to UAX#14, Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm [Freytag, L2/09-315]
[121-C5] Consensus: Issue a corrigendum as recommended by L2/09-315.
[121-A14] Action Item for Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Prepare and issue a corrigendum for UAX #14 as recommended by L2/09-315.
[121-A15] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Editorial Committee: Resolve inconsistency in the note under LD8 of UAX #14 and examine other usages of direct and indirect break in the document for problems.
[121-A15a] Action Item for Andy Heninger: Prepare and issue a proposed update for UAX #14.
[121-A15b] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for proposed update to UAX #14, to close January 26, 2010.
[121-C6] Consensus: Issue a proposed update for UAX #14 for Unicode 6.0.
B.10.2 Issue 150: Review of Draft UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatible Preprocessing
B. General feedback [L2/09-385]
B. Concerns about the "szett" exception [Davis, L2/09-363]
B.10.11.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/09-390, L2/09-391]
Very long discussion.
Lunch break at 12:55. Back at 1:55.
B. Unicode liaison report from WG2 [Constable, L2/09-396]
B.1.1.3 IR's meeting report [Anderson, L2/09-394]
B.1.1.4 Consent docket [Whistler, L2/09-395]
[121-C7] Consensus: Change block name HISTORIC KANA to KANA SUPPLEMENT.
[121-C8] Consensus: Accept 12 new emoji characters as documented in L2/09-395 section B:
[121-C9] Consensus: Accept 12 "half hour" clock face symbols documented in L2/09-395 section C:
... through ...
[121-C10] Consensus: Accept U+27BF DOUBLE CURLY LOOP for encoding in a future version of the standard and rescind approval of U+1F56F EMOJI COMPATIBILITY SYMBOL-16.
[121-C11] Consensus: Accept 26 regional indicator symbols for encoding in a future version of the standard: 1F1E6 REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A ... through ... 1F1FF REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER Z and rescind approval of: 1F566 EMOJI COMPATIBILITY SYMBOL-6 through 1F56E EMOJI COMPATIBILITY SYMBOL-15.
[121-C12] Consensus: 66 squared, negative-circled, and negative-squared Latin letters or letter sequences in the Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement block, as documented in L2/09-295, pages 41-43 for encoding in a future version of the standard. (= WG2 N3671)
[121-C13] Consensus: Accept U+26E7 INVERTED PENTAGRAM for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[121-C14] Consensus: Approve the removal of U+2B779 and the shifting up of the remaining characters in the block by one position.
[121-C15] Consensus: Approve 10 Devanagari characters for Kashmiri, for encoding in a future version of the standard:
[121-C16] Consensus: Accept the name changes to the emoji repertoire documented in L2/09-401.
[121-C17] Consensus: Accept name changes for four emoji characters as documented in L2/09-395, section N:
[121-A16] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: In ballot comments on FPDAM 8, request to remove middle dot (section I) and two batak symbols (section K), and change 3 alchemical symbol names with the word "sulfur" in them (section N).
[121-C18] Consensus: Approve all code point and glyph changes for emoji repertoire as documented in L2/09-401 (WG2 N3723).
[121-C19] Consensus: Assign the 23 Meetei Mayek historic characters at AAE0..AAF6 and block MEETEI MAYEK EXTENSIONS with a range AAE0..AAFF for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[121-A17] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline with changes resulting from the WG2 consent docket decisions. See L2/09-395.
B.1.3.1 Resolutions of WG2 meeting 55 (WG2 N3704) [WG2, L2/09-407]
Oral report by Mike Ksar, and discussion.
Adjourned at 5:30
Day 3, Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:39.
8 members represented: MS, UCB, Adobe, Apple, Google, Yahoo, IBM, Sun (proxy).
B.16 Recommended Unicode escaping mechanism [Davis, L2/09-348]
[121-C20] Consensus: Discuss alternative methods for escaping Unicode characters in UTS #18 and recommend the adoption of the Ruby style approach where feasible.
[121-A18] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Issue a proposed update of UTS #18.
[121-A19] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for UTS #18 to close January 26, 2010.
B.7.1 Liaison report [Anderson, L2/09-381]
Brief discussion.
B.10.2 Issue 150: Review of Draft UTS #46: Unicode IDNA Compatible Preprocessing
Very long discussion.
[121-C21] Consensus: Modify document L2/09-390 in accordance with discussion, and have it reviewed by the editorial committee.
[121-A20] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update the revision 2 document of UTS #46 that is available for public review (PRI #150).
[121-A21] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Update the PRI #150 closing date to January 26, 2010, and add info about new draft and closing date update.
[121-A22] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update proposed draft UTS #46 and post.
[121-A23] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Thank Tom@bluesky for his feedback on UTS #46. See L2/09-385.
B.15 Improving the Unicode Standard usability [Davis, L2/09-361]
[121-A24] Action Item for Mark Davis, Eric Muller, Editorial Committee: Look at feasibility of providing finer grained stable links into sections of the book PDFs.
Lunch 1:00 - 2:00
Discussion of Action item 117-A13: Investigate putting together a list that identifies all CJK characters separated only by the source separation rule, for possible inclusion into the UCD. The action item was closed as a result of the discussion.
B.13.9 Property correction for U+A9B3 Javanese sign cecak telu [Whistler, L2/09-350]
[121-C22] Consensus: Make Other_Alphabetic = false for U+A9B3 JAVANESE SIGN CECAK TELU in a future version of the Unicode Standard.
[121-A25] Action Item for Mark Davis: Make Other_Alphabetic = false for U+A9B3 JAVANESE SIGN CECAK TELU in PropList.txt.
D.2.1 Proposal to Encode Mathematical Diagonals [Iancu, L2/09-397]
Laurentiu Iancu on the phone. Need to return to this discussion later, after investigating unification questions.
D.3.1 A Proposal to Revise a Part of Emoticons in PDAM 8 (WG2 N3711) [Ogata, L2/09-370]
[121-A26] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Get the emoji working group to review the proposed name changes in L2/09-370, taking into account the glyph changes in FPDAM 8.
B.9.2 Proposal for CLDR to specify preferred character sequences [Edberg, L2/09-264]
[121-A27] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Reformulate the proposal in L2/09-264 to separate locale-dependent (CLDR) from locale-independent issues which should be in the Unicode Standard.
B.13.4 Cased and Case_Ignorable not disjoint [Scherer, L2/09-355]
[121-A28] Action Item for Mark Davis, Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Clarify that the star operator used in the regex for Final_Sigma of Table 3-15 is "greedy" and that Cased and Case_Ignorable properties are not disjoint.
[121-A29] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update D136 to highlight that Case_Ignorable is a narrow-use property.
B.13.6 Ideographic Property [Davis, L2/09-357]
[121-A30] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add a clarification to UAX #44 that the Ideographic property does not apply to cuneiform or hieroglyphs.
B.13.7 Clarifying compatibility characters [Davis, L2/09-362]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.4 Preliminary proposal to encode the Modi script [Pandey, L2/09-249]
Brief discussion.
C.9 Towards an encoding for the Maithili Script [Pandey/SEI, L2/09-329]
Discussion. Feedback via Deborah Anderson to Anshuman Pandey.
C.11 Proposal to encode the Samvat date sign for Arabic [Pandey, L2/09-144]
Discussion. Feedback via Deborah Anderson to Anshuman Pandey.
C.10 Proposal to encode Coptic Numerals [L2/09-163]
C.30.1 Encoding of Dot Reph of Malyalam and Change in glyph for Avagraha in Malyalam [Lata, L2/09-378]
[121-A31] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments on Amd 8 for dot-reph U+0D4E MALAYALAM LETTER DOT REPH, a request for the annotation "Not used in the reformed Malayalam orthography."
C.24 Proposal to Include Duployan Shorthands and Chinook Script in UCS [L2/09-364]
Discussion with Van Anderson on the phone.
Meeting adjourned for the day at 6:03.
Day 4, Thursday, November 5, 2009
Meeting opened at 10:35 after members meeting.
9 members present: MS, UCB, Adobe, Sun(proxy), Apple, Google, Sybase, IBM, Yahoo.
C.3 Grantha
C.3.1 Comment on L2/09-372 (Number of Viramas in closely related Malayalam and Grantha scripts) [Ganesan, L2/09-405]
C.3.2 Comments on Mr Ganesan's Grantha Proposal [Sharma, L2/09-316]
C.3.3 Proposal to encode the Grantha script [Sharma, L2/09-372]
C.3.4 Why jihvamuliya and upadhmaniya characters are not proposed for Grantha [Sharma, L2/09-373]
C.3.5 Request for encoding 11355 GRANTHA LENGTH MARK [Sharma, L2/09-374]
C.3.6 Further clarification on Grantha virama-ligatures [Sharma, L2/09-375]
C.3.7 Letter concerning Grantha Proposal [Lata, L2/09-380]
C.3.8 Proposal to encode the Grantha script [Ganesan, L2/09-345]
Discussion. Naga Ganesan on phone.
[121-A32] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Work with the proposers encoding Grantha to resolve the issues.
[121-A33] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Put Tamil Fractions onto the agenda for the next meeting:
C.29.1 Request for encoding Tamil major fractions [Sharma, L2/09-376]
C.29.2 Tamil fractions - Comment on L2/09-376 [Ganesan, L2/09-398]
C.29.3 Comment on L2/09-376 Tamil fractions [Dias, L2/09-416]
B.13.10 Deprecating properties [Davis, L2/09-296]
[121-C23] Consensus: Deprecate the FC_NFKC_Closure and Expands_On* properties, and document the stabilized and deprecated properties in UAX #44.
[121-A34] Action Item for Mark Davis: Change DerivedNormalizationProps.txt to reflect deprecation of the FC_NFKC_Closure and Expands_On* properties.
[121-A35] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update and issue a proposed update of UAX #44, to document deprecation of the FC_NFKC_Closure and Expands_On* properties.
[121-C24] Consensus: Decisions to deprecate or stabilize a property, or to create a new property should have public review.
[121-A36] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Editorial Committee: Draft a background document on deprecating properties in L2/09-296 and post for public review, to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A37] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for proposed update of UAX #44 to close January 26, 2010.
D.2.1 Proposal to Encode Mathematical Diagonals [Iancu, L2/09-397]
Laurentiu Iancu, Barbara Beeton on phone.
[121-C25] Consensus: Accept U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL for encoding in a future version of the standard. L2/09-397.
[121-A38] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL. See L2/09-397.
[121-A39] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Rick McGowan, Murray Sargent: Update the proposal L2/09-397 with discussion of U+2571 and U+2572, and font implications for the charts. Forward to WG2 as a Unicode/SEI contribution.
[121-A40] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Rick McGowan, Murray Sargent: Deliver a font for 2 new math characters U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL.
[121-C26] Consensus: Issue a proposed update of UTR #25 that includes a discussion of the two new math operators U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL and other diagonal characters.
[121-A41] Action Item for Murray Sargent, Editorial Committee: Update UTR #25 to discuss the math operators U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL and other diagonal characters, and issue as a proposed update.
[121-A42] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post PRI for UTR #25 proposed update, to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Document the implications of the two new math operators U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL in a future version of the standard.
[121-A44] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 2 new math operators U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL to the document requesting new additions.
[121-A45] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the annotations for U+2571, U+2572, U+2573 in the names list. See L2/09-397.
[121-A46] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add the 2 new math characters U+27CB RISING DIAGONAL and U+27CD FALLING DIAGONAL to the confusables list in UTS #39, when they are approved.
B.13.11 Simplifying D131 [Davis, L2/09-297]
[121-C27] Consensus: Add a new definition D147 for a loose caseless match based on L2/09-297.
[121-A47] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add the new definition D147 to a future version of the standard.
B.13.7 Clarifying compatibility characters [Davis, L2/09-362]
Long discussion.
Lunch 1:00 - 2:00
B.13.1.1 BN values [Davis, L2/09-313]
[121-C28] Consensus: Change the bidi class of U+070F SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK from BN to AL.
[121-A48] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Change the bidi class of U+070F SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK from BN to AL in UnicodeData.txt in Unicode 6.0.
[121-A49] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add a "red flag invariant test" for BN with the 6 exceptions 001C..001F and 17B4..17B5 added to the exception list.
B.13.1.2 Default values for Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph [Williams, L2/09-388]
[121-C29] Consensus: Change the BidiMirroring.txt and PropertyValueAliases.txt to document that the default value of Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph property is the codepoint itself, but that simply indicates that there is no appropriate character available.
[121-A50] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update BidiMirroring.txt to document the default value of Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph..
[121-A51] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropertyValueAliases.txt to document the default value of Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph..
[121-A52] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add a discussion of the interpretation of the Bidi_Mirroring_Glyph property to UAX #44.
B.13.1.3 BidiTest.txt improvements [Scherer, L2/09-354]
[121-C30] Consensus: Accept T2 from L2/09-354 for Unicode 6.0.
[121-A53] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update BidiText.txt removing the @Type lines for Unicode 6.0.
[121-A54] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Consider the editorial feedback in L2/09-354.
[121-A55] Action Item for Markus Scherer: Produce a fleshed-out proposal for default options for paragraph direction in UAX #9, for consideration. To be circulated on for comment.
[121-A56] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Supply additional bizarre test cases for BidiTest.txt.
B.13.1.5 A proposal for HTML improvements for bidi [Lanin, L2/09-411]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B. Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4079 (ISO/IEC CD 10646, Information Technology - Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)) (WG2 N3716) [Suignard, L2/09-414]
Discussion and oral report from Michel Suignard. UTC took no action at this time.
C.31 Koranic L2/09-419
[121-C31] Consensus: Accept 4 new Arabic characters U+08F0 - U+08F3 for encoding in a future version of the standard, as documented in L2/09-419, in a new block Arabic-Extend-A range 08A0 - 08FF.
[121-A57] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 4 new Arabic characters U+08F0 - U+08F3. See L2/09-419 and consensus 121-C31.
[121-A58] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 4 new Arabic characters to the document requesting new additions to 10646. See consensus 121-C31.
[121-A59] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Update L2/09-419 as a Unicode contribution.
[121-A60] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Provide a font to the editors.
[121-A61] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add information from the "Consfusability" section in document L2/09-419 to confusability list in UTS #39.
C.11 Proposal to encode the Samvat date sign for Arabic [Pandey, L2/09-144]
[121-C32] Consensus: Encode U+0604 ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT with properties as documented in L2/09-144 and Bidi class = AN, in a future version of the standard.
[121-A62] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+0604 ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT. See L2/09-144 and consensus 121-C32.
[121-A63] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+0604 ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT to the document requesting new additions to 10646. See L2/09-144 and consensus 121-C32.
[121-A64] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Forward L2/09-144 to WG2 as an SEI contribution.
[121-A65] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font to the editors for U+0604 ARABIC SIGN SAMVAT.
C.27.3 Proposal to add one character in the Arabic block for representation of Kashmiri and annotation of existing characters [India NB, L2/09-406]
[121-A66] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Deborah Anderson: Respond to the Government of India re L2/09-406 to clarify the use of Ye in Kashmiri.
[121-A67] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Deborah Anderson: Discuss whether U+065A is the appropriate character for use in Kashmiri.
[121-A68] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add Kashmiri to the annotation in the list of languages for U+06CC.
C.7.1 Proposal to encode additional short vowel characters for Devanagari [Pandey, L2/09-320]
[121-A69] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay UTC feedback on L2/09-320 and get more input from Indic experts.
C.27.4 Comments on 'Consensus on Kashmiri additions for Devanagari' (N3727 L2/09-389) [Pandey, L2/09-403]
[121-A70] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to Anshuman Pandey with UTC feedback re L2/09-403.
Adjourned for the day at 5:37.
Day 5, Friday, November 6, 2009
Meeting opened at 9:30.
9 members represented. MS, Adobe, UCB, IBM, Apple, Google, Yahoo, Sun(proxy), Sybase.
B.2.3 TC37 Report [Constable]
Oral report on recent ISO developments.
[121-A71] Action Item for Peter Constable: Communicate the UTC concerns about registration process issues to TC37/SC2 regarding ISO 639.
[121-A72] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Communicate with TC46/SC2 regarding possible changes to the registration process for ISO 15924 code table in theISO concept database.
B.1.4.4 10646 CD B. Disposition of comments on SC2 N 4079 (ISO/IEC CD 10646, Information Technology - Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)) (WG2 N3716) [Suignard, L2/09-414]
[121-C33] Consensus: Approve a new release of UTR #45 that contains U-Source information for the compatibility characters in the range U+FA0C through U+FA2D.
[121-A73] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Add source reference information for the U0 source for the compatibility characters in the range U+FA0C through U+FA2D, by the end of November 2009.
[121-A74] Action Item for Eric Muller: Ensure the alignment of CJK ideographic sources and source references between 10646 and Unicode 6.0.
[121-A75] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments on amendment 8 the issue that three CJK sources are being mixed together (G_GFZB).
[121-A76] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add to ballot comments on the FCD a request for a specific format for multi-column charts for CJK compatibility ideographs.
B.10.2 L2/09-390 UTR #46 Draft
Short break 10:40.
B.10.3 Public Review Feedback [L2/09-385]
[121-A77] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Fix the typo for Bilaliale in .
[121-A78] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Forward the comment in L2/09-385 on French charts to Francois Yergeau and Patrick Andries.
[121-C34] Consensus: Change the derivation of \p{blank} property in UTS #18 to a simpler formulation. See Karl Williamson's feedback in L2/09-385.
[121-A79] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Karl Williamson to thank him for feedback on UTS #18; it will be under consideration for the next version.
[121-A80] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Change the derivation of \p{blank} property in UTS #18 and issue a proposed update.
[121-A81] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the proposed update for UTS #18 for public review, to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A82] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Lorna Priest re annotation for U+A78B in code charts.
[121-A83] Action Item for Michel Suignard: Investigate inappropriate rendering of ASCII single and double quote marks in Unibook.
[121-A84] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Follow up on Javanese comment in L2/09-385 from Budi Sayoga (ensure that our encoding is complete).
[121-A85] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee: Add explanation of character ??? to Javanese block intro for Unicode 6.0.
[121-A86] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #147. The char will be deprecated in Unicode 6.0 (when other chars are encoded).
B.12 Editorial Committee
B.12.1 Errata
B.12.2 Editorial Committee report [Whistler]
B.12.3 Unicode 5.2, 6.0
Oral report by Ken Whistler.
[121-A87] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Open a 6.0 data directory.
B.11.4.1 Default Ignorable code points in UCA [Davis, L2/09-353]
[121-C35] Consensus: Have soft-hyphen sort as ignorable (have zeros in primary, secondary, and tertiary levels) in UCA 6.0.
[121-A88] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Change soft-hyphen to have zeros in primary, secondary, and tertiary levels for UCA 6.0.
[121-A89] Action Item for Mark Davis: Communicate the change in collation of soft-hyphen to the CLDR TC.
[121-A90] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add this change in ballot comments on the draft of 14651.
B.11.4.2 Additional UCA Files [Davis, L2/09-360]
[121-C36] Consensus: Move Collationtest.html into UTS #10 for UCA 6.0.
[121-C37] Consensus: Add the non-log files from L2/09-360 to UCA 6.0 with a description of the format and use in a new section of UTS #10.
[121-C38] Consensus: Issue a proposed update of UTS #10 and create an public alpha UCA 6.0.0 folder.
[121-A91] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Produce a proposed update of UTS #10.
[121-A92] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post proposed update UTS #10 to close January 26, 2010.
[121-A93] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Fix the problems in UCA 5.2 release, CollationTest.html and associated test files.
[121-A94] Action Item for Mark Davis: Create a 6.0 UCA alpha directory containing copies of the 5.2.0 test and rules files with associated explanatory readme.
B.13.8 Maintaining a typology of Unicode characters [Whistler, L2/09-280]
[121-C39] Consensus: Authorize a proposed draft UTR classification information about all Unicode characters.
[121-C40] Consensus: Authorize a public review issue on proposed classification of Unicode characters based on document L2/09-280 and data in L2/09-421.
[121-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare the background doc.
[121-A96] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on proposed classification of Unicode characters to close January 26, 2010. See L2/09-280 .
Lunch 1:15 - 2:00
C.21 Proposed Changes to Runic Block U+16A0 [Deron, L2/09-312]
Discussion. There is consensus that most of the proposals are for a glyph-based disunification of the runes.
[121-A97] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Chris Little: Follow up with author of L2/09-312R. There should be further investigation of the staveless runes.
C.26 Vedic and Sanskrit
C.26.1 Request for change of annotation of 0951 Devanagari Stress Sign Udatta [Sharma, L2/09-340]
C.26.2 Misrepresentation in Unicode of characters related to the Sanskrit sounds Jihvamuliya and Upadhmaniya [Sharma, L2/09-342]
C.26.3 Request for encoding 1CF3 ROTATED ARDHAVISARGA [Sharma, L2/09-343]
C.26.4 Request for encoding 1CF4 VEDIC TONE CANDRA ABOVE [Sharma, L2/09-344]
C.26.5 Vedic comments [Scharf, L2/09-404]
[121-A98] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Change the first annotation on 0951 to "mostly used for svarita with rare use for udatta" as suggested in L2/09-404.
C.30.2 Request for annotations to be added to Malayalam NNNA and TTTA [Sharma, L2/09-341]
[121-A99] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Sharma that UTC declined to add the annotations suggested in L2/09-341.
C.20 Proposal to Encode the Typikon Symbols in Unicode [Shardt, Andreev, L2/09-310]
[121-A100] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Follow up with the author of L2/09-310. ((Suggest that A674 - A677 would be appropriate locations for these. Take a look at things in the 2600 block.))
UTC adjourned at 3:00.
L2 continues.
[121-A101] Action Item for Eric Muller: Research the changes in JTC1 procedure and communicate to the L2 membership.
L2 meeting adjourned at 3:40.
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing | E-mail Address |
Deborah Anderson | U C Berkeley | |
Peter Constable | Microsoft | |
Craig Cummings | Yahoo! | |
Mark Davis | | |
Peter Edberg | Apple | |
Mike Ksar | WG2 | |
Chris Little | LSA | |
Rick McGowan | Unicode | |
Lisa Moore | IBM | |
Russ Nekorchuk | self | |
Eric Muller | Adobe | |
Roozbeh Pournader | Gnome | |
Alexey Proskuryakov | Apple | |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft | |
Michel Suignard | Unicode | |
Erik van der Poel | | |
Ken Whistler | Sybase | |
By Phone | ||
Van Anderson | self | |
N. Ganesan | self | |
Mike McKenna | ||
Simon Montagu | self | |
Shawn Steele | Microsoft |
Members Represented
Full Member |
11/2/09 |
11/3/09 |
11/4/09 |
11/5/09 |
11/6/09 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
2. Apple Computer, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
3. Denic e.G. |
4. Google, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
5. IBM Corporation |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
6. Microsoft Corporation |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
7. Oracle Corporation |
8. SAP AG |
9. Sun Microsystems, Inc. |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
yes(proxy) |
10. Sybase, Inc. |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
11. Yahoo! |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Institutional Member |
1. |
2. Tamil Nadu & TVU |
3. W Bengal SNLTR |
4. UCB |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Supporting Member |
1. Monotype Imaging Corp |