
Subject: UTC Agenda - Grantha encoding
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2012 22:11:24 +0530
From: Santhalingam Chockaiah <csantham@hotmail.com>
To: <lisam@us.ibm.com>

Dr. Lisa Moore
Unicode Technical Committee
Unicode Consortium
Dear Dr. Moore,
Having retired from the Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology, I have for more than thirty years of experience as an epigraphist. During all this time I have shared my epigraphic knowledge with all interested persons. Just last week Dr. Naga Ganesan requested the publication reference for an inscription at Arittapatti near Madurai and I gave him the information.
I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the UTC agenda item related to the encoding of the two Tamil letters NNNA and LLLA as Grantha characters. I would like to register my strong objections against such a move.
I have evaluated the arguments put forth by Dr. Naga Ganesan and Dr. S. Palaniappan regarding this matter. Dr. S. Palaniappan has submitted more than enough evidence in support of his arguments. All his evidences are undeniable. On no occasion LLLA and NNNA are used as Grantha letters in South Indian inscriptions. These two are pure Tamil letters. For the sake of maintaining the integrity and reliability of a future digital epigraphic corpus, I want the individuality of Tamil language and letters to be maintained at all cost. The interests of millions of Tamils who have a stake in their heritage represented by the Tamil inscriptions should be safe guarded. So I request the proposal to be rejected.
C. Santhalingam, Ph.D.
Pandya Nadu Centre for Historical Research