Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 143
San Jose, CA -- May 4-8, 2015
Hosted by Adobe
UTC #143 Agenda
Revision date: May 12, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Meeting opened at 10:35
7 members represented (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, UCB)
Introductions and Logistics review.
A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]
Oral review of action items.
A.6 Calendar review
Added: UTC #147 -- May 2-6, 2015 -- Hosted by Adobe, San Jose.
Lunch 11:35 - 12:35.
Added item for the agenda: D.2.2 Tamil Fractions
Added item for the agenda: B. kMandarin
B.11.2 Issue 280: Proposed Update UTR #23, Unicode Character Property Model
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.2.2 Document for review [Whistler, Freytag, L2/15-038]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.3 Issue 282: Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.3.2 Document for review (http://unicode.org/draft/reports/tr31/tr31.html) [Davis, L2/15-130]
[143-C1] Consensus: Make Draft "tr31-22 draft 4" be the basis for a PRI for Unicode 9.0, reverting the change to R1a and R1b and making the new rule be R1x.
[143-A1] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI on UAX #31 for Unicode 9.0, based on "tr31-22 draft 4".
[143-A2] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on UAX #31 to close October 26, 2015.
[143-C2] Consensus: Accept tr31-22 draft 3 for publication for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.4 Issue 283: Proposed Update UAX #14, Unicode Line Breaking
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.4.2 Document for review [Heninger, L2/15-131]
[143-A3] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: File a CLDR ticket based on his feedback on UAX #14 in L2/15-144 to not break currency symbols; to be the basis for a CLDR tailoring.
[143-A4] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Come up with a proposal to not break currency symbols in rule LB, for Unicode 9.0.
[143-C3] Consensus: Accept tr14-34 draft 3 for publication for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.1 Issue 279: Proposed Update UAX #9, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.1.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/15-129]
[143-C4] Consensus: Change the case of Paragraph Separator to clarify that it is the Bidi class and not the character, in the second bullet of L1 in tr9-32 draft 5 of UAX #9.
[143-A4a] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Change the case of Paragraph Separator to clarify that it is the Bidi class and not the character, in the second bullet of L1 in UAX #9, for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140]
[143-A5] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Create a structure "unicode.org/emoji" for charts and other information, and move most of UTR #51 Annex A to that location.
Short break.
Kat Momoi, Michele Coady, Andrew Glass on the phone.
[143-C5] Consensus: Add the 12 keycap sequences in emoji-data.txt as provisional named sequences in Unicode 8.0.
[143-A6] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add 12 keycap sequences to NamedSequencesProv.txt for Unicode 8.0.
[143-C6] Consensus: Remove U+2388 HELM SYMBOL from emoji-data.txt and make corresponding changes where needed in text and charts.
[143-A7] Action Item for Mark Davis: Remove U+2388 HELM SYMBOL from emoji-data.txt.
[143-A8] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add the 12 provisional named sequences to the doc requesting future additions.
[143-A9] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Alex Hong's feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Lucas Welti feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A11] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Peter Mawhorter feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Eric Andrew Lewis feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A13] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update the text of StandardizedVariants.html to indicate that the color images are purely illustrative; and point to UTR #51 for details for more information.
[143-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Anton J. Doss and William Lipa feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to William Overington feedback on UTR #51.
[143-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Review and improve the flow and clarity of UTR #51.
Short break.
E.1.2 Proposal for additional regional indicator symbols [Emoji SC, Peter Edberg, L2/15-145]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
E.1.2 Proposal to encode ‘Shiva Linga’ symbols [Pandey, L2/15-093]
[143-A17] Action Item for Shervin Afshar: Review the new emoji symbol proposals from Anshuman Pandey to see if any should be included in the map symbol proposal.
E.1.1 Proposal to include the Döner Kebab emoji [Zierer, L2/15-084]
[143-C7] Consensus: Remand L2/15-084 to the emoji subcommittee.
E.3 International symbol for an observer (revised) [Griffee, L2/15-031R]
[143-A18] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Make a glyph for OBSERVER EYE symbol and forward to Michel Suignard.
E.2 Proposal for addition of Group Mark symbol [Shirriff, L2/15-083]
[143-C8] Consensus: Accept U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083 similar to U+29E7 THERMODYNAMIC, for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[143-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083.
[143-A20] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083 to doc requesting future additions.
[143-A21] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Obtain a font for U+2BD2 GROUP MARK and forward to Michel Suignard.
[143-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Work with author of L2/15-083 to update proposal.
B.13.4 Unicode 9.0
Brief discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.1.3 Bidi Reference Implementations
[143-C9] Consensus: Release UAX #9 based on tr9-32d5 with the update made during the meeting, contingent upon verification that the test cases we release pass.
Adjourned for the day at 5:30.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
D.2.2 Tamil fractions
On Phone: Mani Manivannan, Naga Ganesan,
[143-A23] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Inform Government of Tamil Nadu about timing of the PDAM ballot, and CC Government of India.
[143-A24] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee: Review the proposal for annotations in document L2/15-115 on Tamil symbols and fractions.
D.4.1 Representing the fractions 1/4 and 1/20 in Grantha text [Sharma, L2/15-085]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.10.1 Conjunct consonants with independent vowels in Kannada script [Rajan, Murthy, L2/15-127]
[143-A25] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update the Kannada block intro with info in document L2/15-127 for Unicode 8.0.
Short break.
B.11.5 Issue 284: Proposed Update UAX #44, Unicode Character Database
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.5.2 Document for review [Davis, et al, L2/15-132]
[143-C10] Consensus: Release UAX #44 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr44-15d5 with updates discussed in the meeting. See L2/15-132R.
B.11.7 Issue 287: Proposed Update UAX #24, Unicode Script Property
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.7.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/15-134]
[143-A26] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Take feedback from Asmus Freytag (Tue Apr 7, 2015 in L2/15-144) into consideration when updating UAX #24 for Unicode 9.0.
[143-C11] Consensus: Release UAX #24 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr24-23d3 with updates discussed in the meeting. See L2/15-134.
B.11.8 Issue 288: Proposed Update UAX #41, Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.8.2 Document for review [Iancu, McGowan, L2/15-135]
[143-C12] Consensus: Release UAX #41 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr41-16d4. See L2/15-135.
B.11.10 Issue 290: Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.10.2 Document for review [Davis, Iancu, L2/15-137]
[143-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Williamson on his feedback for UAX #29 (Feb 8, 2015 and Thu Apr 30, 2015) in L2/15-144.
[143-A28] Action Item for Mark Davis, Laurențiu Iancu: Review Karl Williamson's feedback (Feb 8, 2015 and Apr 30, 2015) on UAX #29 in L2/14-144, and make recommendations for updates to UAX #29, for Unicode 9.0.
B.14.1 Proposal to reclassify Ethiopic wordspace as a space separator (Zs) symbol [Yacob, L2/15-148]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.8.2 Proposal to encode the Masaram Gondi script (replaces L2/15-005) [Pandey, L2/15-090]
[143-C13] Consensus: Accept 75 Masaram Gondi characters at U+11D00..U+11D59 in block Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F for encoding in a future version of the standard, and with properties as updated in discussion.
[143-A29] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F.
[143-A30] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F to document requesting future additions.
[143-A31] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Send the Masaram Gondi font to Michel Suignard.
[143-A32] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Submit revised proposal for Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F.
B.11.14 Issue 294: Emoji glyph and annotation recommendations
B.11.14.1 Feedback
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
[143-A33] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Kulpreet Chilana on PRI #294.
[143-A34] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Ryusei Yamaguchi on PRI #294.
[143-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Scott Boone on PRI #294.
[143-A36] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Marius Spix on PRI #294.
[143-A37] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Andrew West on PRI #294.
[143-A38] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Produce a summary document of resolution for PRI #294. See L2/15-151.
B.11.6 Issue 285: Proposed Update UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.6.2 Document for review [Scherer, et al, L2/15-133]
[143-A39] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Prepare a proposed change for Sign Writing in the DUCET for UCA 9.0 which addresses feedback from Steve Slevinski in L2/15-144.
[143-A40] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to PRI #285 feedback from Steve Slevinski in L2/15-144.
B. Collation problems in the draft tr10 text [Davis, L2/15-108]
[143-A41] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Make a suggested terminological update in UTS #10 for the term "blocked" in Unicode 9.0. See L2/15-108.
[143-A42] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Incorporate feedback in L2/15-108 for UTS #10 in version 8.0.
[143-C14] Consensus: Release UTS #10 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr10-31d3, after incorporating feedback discussed in the meeting.
D.7.1 Revised proposal to encode Gujarati signs for the transliteration of Arabic (replaces L2/14-131) [Pandey, L2/15-103]
[143-C15] Consensus: Accept 6 Gujarati signs for encoding in a future version of the standard:
with combining class of 0 for all characters, and ignored in collation.
[143-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-103.
[143-A44] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 6 Gujarati signs to document requesting future additions. See L2/15-103.
[143-A45] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Send the font to Michel Suignard for 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-103.
[143-A46] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Update proposal for 6 Gujarati signs and submit. See L2/15-103.
D.8.1 Preliminary proposal to encode the Gunjala Gondi script [Pandey, L2/15-086]
[143-A47] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Incorporate feedback from the script ad-hoc into the next revision of the Gunjala Gondi proposal. See L2/15-103.
C.3.2 Preliminary proposal to encode Syriac letters for Garshuni Malayalam [Pandey, L2/15-088]
[143-C16] Consensus: Accept 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni Malayalam in the range U+0860..U+086A in block Syriac Supplement U+0860..U+086F, for encoding in a future version of the standard:
[143-A48] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni. See L2/15-088.
[143-A49] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni to document requesting future additions. See L2/15-088.
[143-A50] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Update proposal for 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni and submit. See L2/15-088.
[143-A51] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Provide font to Michel Suignard for 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-088.
[143-A52] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Verify joining type and joining group for 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni. See L2/15-088.
C.5 Preliminary proposal to encode the Old Sogdian script [SEI/Pandey, L2/15-089]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.9.1 Proposal to Encode Diwani Siyaq Numbers [Pandey, L2/15-066]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.6.1 Bengali letter UA used in Kokborok [Sahu, L2/15-091]
[143-A53] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to Sahu on L2/15-091.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Meeting opened at 9:45.
7 members represented: (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, MS, UCB)
Calendar review/update. Moved the May 2016 UTC meeting to May 9-13, 2016. Considering to move the 1Q 2016 meeting to January 25-29, to avoid Superbowl week in Santa Clara.
B.11.17 Issue 297: Unicode 8.0.0 Beta
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.17.2 Document for review [Whistler]
[143-A54] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Andrew Glass: Review Richard Wordingham's feedback input on the 8.0 beta, and make recommendations for the July UTC meeting.
[143-A55] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham's feedback on PRI #297.
[143-A56] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to R.S. Wihananto's feedback on PRI #297.
[143-A56a] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Andrew Glass: Investigate the 3 pieces of feedback from R.S. Wihananto on Javanese, Balinese, & Sundanese in feedback to PRI #297.
[143-A57] Action Item for Laurențiu Iancu, Ken Whistler: Check the annotation for U+1DA8B SIGNWRITING PARENTHESIS based on David Corbett's feedback (Fri Mar 13, 2015).
[143-A58] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to David Corbett's feedback on PRI #297.
[143-A59] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Review 2 pieces of feedback on Devanagari from Shreevatsa R, for Unicode 8.0.
[143-A60] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shreevatsa R's feedback's feedback on PRI #297.
[143-A61] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Nick Lawson's feedback's feedback on PRI #297.
[143-A62] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Review descriptions of white space properties in the standard and come up with a proposal for clearer definitions and new texts for Section 6.2 of the core spec, for Unicode 9.0.
[143-A63] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add the alias "hanukiah" to U+1F54E, for Unicode 8.0.
[143-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Analyze Asmus Freytag's feedback of May 4 on PRI #297 for the Editorial Committee.
C.12 Proposal to encode three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs [Richmond, L2/15-123]
[143-A65] Action Item for Andrew Glass: Work on a revised proposal for Egyptian quadrat formation. See L2/15-123.
Lunch 11:45 - 12:45.
D.2.3 Proposals for addition of ... characters in Tamil Block [Anantham, L2/15-152]
D.2.4 Proposals for New Script – Tamil-Latin(TL) Script for Indian Languages
... in Tamil Block [Anantham, L2/15-153]
[143-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to the proposer of L2/15-152 and L2/15-153 that the UTC will take no action on these proposals.
C.3.1 Syriac appears to be missing various combining characters [Pournader, L2/15-081]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.10 Issue 290: Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.10.2 Document for review [Davis, Iancu, L2/15-137]
[143-C17] Consensus: Release UAX #29 based on tr29-26d5 for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.18 Issue 298: Proposed Update UAX #15, Unicode Normalization Forms
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.18.2 Document for review [Davis, et al, L2/15-143]
[143-C18] Consensus: Release UAX #15 based on tr15-42d3 for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.16 Issue 296: Proposed Update UAX #42, Unicode Character Database in XML
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.16.2 Document for review [Muller, et al, L2/15-132]
[143-C19] Consensus: Release UAX #42 based on tr42-16d2 for Unicode 8.0.
Short break.
B.11.14.2 Summary of Unicode 8.0 actions resulting from PRI 294 [Edberg, L2/15-151]
[143-C20] Consensus: Update chart glyphs and annotations based on L2/15-151 for Unicode 8.0.
[143-A67] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Make annotation changes based on L2/15-151 for Unicode 8.0.
[143-A68] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #294.
B.11.15 Issue 295: Feedback on repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646: 2014 (4th Edition, Amendment 2) B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
[143-A69] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Charles Cox on PRI #295 (Fri Feb 27 2015).
[143-A70] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Lisa Moore: Respond to feedback from Suzuki Toshiya on PRI #295, referencing Michel Suignard's disposition of comments, page 7, as guidance on how to respond.
[143-A71] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #295.
E.1.3 Proposal for additional regional indicator symbols [Emoji SC, Peter Edberg, L2/15-145]
[143-M1] Motion: Change the "Deprecated" property for U+E0020..U+E007E and add language to UTR #51 describing the mechanism given in 2A of document L2/15-145R, for Unicode 8.0.
Moved by Peter Edberg, seconded by Roozbeh Pournader.
6 for (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, UCB)
1 against (Microsoft)
0 abstain ()
Motion passes.
[143-A72] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropList.txt for Unicode 8.0 to un-deprecate the tags U+E0020..U+E007E. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A73] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the NamesList.txt annotations for the Tag Character block, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #44 to indicate the change in deprecation status, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A75] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UTR #51 for the new mechanism for flags for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A76] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee:: Update the core specification Section 23.9 on Deprecated Tags for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A77] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Highlight the changes for tags in section on Migration on the landing page, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A78] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee:: Update the language tag FAQ on the website. See Motion 143-M1.
[143-A79] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Suggest updates for UAX #29 for new flag mechanism (Grapheme Cluster Break) for Unicode 9.0. See Motion 143-M1.
B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140]
Short break.
B.3.2 Horizontal Extension Proposal [Lunde, L2/14-297R]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.15.4.1 CJK ideographs glyphs representation and sources references (WG2 N4544) [Suignard, L2/14-149]
B.15.4.2 See also: UTC #141 Minutes [Moore, L2/14-250]
[143-C21] Consensus: Approve the J3 and J4 source references in Unihan database, based on CJKSrc.txt file specified in L2/14-149, plus 205 glyph changes, for Unicode 8.0.
B.12.1.1 Proposal to add an urgently needed character to UAX #45 [Lunde, L2/15-109]
[143-C22] Consensus: Support the encoding of an urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-109, for a future version of the standard.
[143-A80] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Work with IRG on encoding the urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-109.
B.15.3 Proposal to encode a Chinese character as UNC [Fan, L2/15-114]
[143-C23] Consensus: Support the encoding of an urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-114, for a future version of the standard.
[143-A81] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Contact Chinese National Body regarding the character documented in L2/15-114.
[143-A82] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the two urgently needed characters documented in L2/15-109 and L2/15-114 to UAX #45, USource Data and USource Glyphs for Unicode 8.0.
B.12.1.2 Approval of UAX #45 for Unicode 8.0.
[143-C24] Consensus: Release UAX #45 for Unicode 8.0 with the addition of the two urgently needed characters.
B.15.2 Request to add 93 Chinese characters [Fan, L2/15-098]
[143-A83] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Send the request to add 93 characters to the Chinese National Body. See L2/15-098.
B.15.1 Extension F [Suignard, L2/14-295]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.9 Issue 289: Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B. kKorean vs. kHangul [Chung, L2/15-096]
[143-A84] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Work with Jaemin Chung to vet the kHangul field in Unihan.
B. Unified input on proposed changes to Unihan readings (revision 3) [Edberg, L2/15-036R3]
[143-A85] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Document in UAX #38 that the kMandarin and kTotalStrokes fields are targetted for use by CLDR collation and transliteration, for Unicode 8.0. See Consensus 126-C3.
[143-C25] Consensus: Take the kMandarin changes documented in tables 1, 1a, and 2 (except for U+556B), of document L2/15-036R3. Add to kMandarin the readings in table 4 as secondary values, for Unicode 9.0.
[143-A86] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Supply the data for changes to kMandarin readings to John Jenkins, for Unicode 9.0.
B.11.9 Issue 289: Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan) B.11.9.2 Document for review [Jenkins, et al, L2/15-136]
[143-C26] Consensus: Release UAX #38 tr38-18d3 for Unicode 8.0.
E.1.4 Emoji Additions: Animals, Compatibility, and More Popular Requests (revised) [Emoji SC, Cummings, L2/15-054R2]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
Adjourned for the day at 5:30.
Friday, May 08, 2015
Meeting opened at 9:35.
7 members represented: (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, MS, UCB)
C.7 Encoding Pitman shorthand scripts (replaces L2/14-254) [Rajaram, L2/15-116]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140]
[143-C27] Consensus: Issue a PRI based on Annex B Flags in Draft 10 dated May 7, 2015, of Draft UTR #51, to close July 20, 2015.
[143-C28] Consensus: Delay the inclusion of the material on Annex B Flags in UTR #51 until the PRI is resolved.
[143-A87] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Draft PRI text for Annex B Flags in UTR #51.
[143-A88] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on Annex B Flags in UTR #51 to close July 20, 2015.
[143-C29] Consensus: Approve Draft 10 of UTR #51 revision 2, dated May 7, 2015, and as amended in discussion.
[143-A89] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Prepare the draft of UTR #51 Revision 2 draft 10 for publication.
[143-A90] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the final approved version of UTR #51 based on Revision 2 draft 10.
[143-A91] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #293. // Draft will be updated and published.
B.11.2 Issue 280: Proposed Update UTR #23, Unicode Character Property Model
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.2.2 Document for review [Whistler, Freytag, L2/15-038]
[143-A92] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare UTR #23, Revision 10 draft 1 for publication.
[143-A93] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post final version of UTR #23.
[143-A94] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #280.
E.1.4 Emoji Additions: Animals, Compatibility, and More Popular Requests (revised) [Emoji SC, Cummings, L2/15-054R4]
[143-C30] Consensus: Accept 38 emoji characters with glyphs, properties, and codepoints as documented in L2/15-054R4 for encoding in Unicode Version 9.
[143-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 38 emoji characters with glyphs, properties, and codepoints as documented in L2/15-054R4.
[143-A96] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 38 emoji characters as documented in L2/15-054R4 to the document requesting future additions.
[143-A97] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Provide a font for 38 emoji characters as documented in L2/15-054R4.
Lunch 11:45 - 12:45.
B.11.11 Issue 291: Proposed Update UTS #46, Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.11.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-138]
[143-C31] Consensus: Release UTR #46 based on tr46-14d3, and as modified in discussion, for version 8.0.
[143-A100] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #291.
B.11.12 Issue 292: Proposed Update UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms
B. General feedback [L2/15-144]
B.11.12.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-139]
[143-A101] Action Item for Mark Davis: See if additional limitations should be added to the document based on feedback on PRI #292 from Roozbeh Pournader in L2/15-144.
B. Add email identifier profile to TR39 [Davis, L2/15-080]
[143-A102] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add text based on L2/15-080 to a new proposed update of UTS #39, targeted at Unicode 9.0.
[143-A103] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for proposed update of UTS #39 for Unicode 9.0, to close October 26, 2015.
B. UTS #39 Type values from MSR-2 [Davis, L2/15-147]
[143-A104] Action Item for Mark Davis: Remove the MSR changes listed in L2/15-147.
[143-A105] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: For the 9.0 version of UTS #39, make sure that we call out the list of proposed changes early. See L2/15-147.
B.11.12 Issue 292: Proposed Update UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms B.11.12.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-139]
[143-C32] Consensus: Release the 8.0 version of UTS #39 based on tr39-10d1.
[143-A106] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRIs: 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 297, 298.
[143-A107] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare final publication documents for all UAXes and UTSes for Unicode 8.0.
B.11.19.1 Feedback from prior meetings [L2/15-033]
[143-A108] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to John Cowan's feedback in L2/15-033.
[143-A109] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Create a proposal to clarify the use of music format characters in the core spec based on discussion in UTC.
B.11.19.2 Other feedback [L2/15-019]
[143-A110] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Double-check to make sure we responded to feedback from Joshua Dong in L2/15-019.
[143-C33] Consensus: Approve the release of Unicode 8.0.
[143-A111] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Do the release for Unicode 8.0.
C.11 Preliminary proposal to encode the north-eastern Iberian script [Ferrer, et al, L2/15-120]
[143-A112] Action Item for Chris Little: Respond to Ferrer et al on Iberian script proposals L2/15-119 and L2/15-120.
Thanks to Adobe for hosting the meeting.
Adjourned for the week at 2:20pm.
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing |
Shervin Afshar | High Tech Passport |
Deborah Anderson | UC Berkeley |
Fesseha Atlaw | self |
Peter Constable | Microsoft |
Craig Cornelius | |
Craig Cummings | Informatica |
Mark Davis | |
Peter Edberg | Apple |
Behnam Esfahbod | self |
Paul Hunt | Adobe |
Laurențiu Iancu | Microsoft |
Chris Little | LSA |
Steven Loomis | IBM |
Ken Lunde | Adobe |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Thomas Milo | MARA/DecoType |
Lisa Moore | IBM |
Eric Muller | self |
Anshuman Pandey | self |
Roozbeh Pournader | |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
Markus Scherer | |
Alolita Sharma | |
Chen Shiwei | Huawei |
Sandeep Subramanian | self |
Michel Suignard | Unicode |
Ken Whistler | self |
Isabelle Zaugg | self |
By Phone | |
Michele Coady | Microsoft |
Naga Ganesan | self |
Andrew Glass | Microsoft |
John Jenkins | Apple |
Mani Manivannan | self |
Kat Momoi | |
Katrina Parrott | Cub Club |
Michelle Perham | Microsoft |
Ram Rajaram | self |
Vinodh Rajan | self |
Daniel Yacob | self |
Members Represented
Full Member |
02/02/15 |
02/03/15 |
02/04/15 | 02/05/15 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
2. Apple, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
3. Google, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
4. Huawei |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
5. IBM Corporation |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
6. Microsoft Corporation |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
7. Oracle America, Inc. |
8. SAP AG |
9. Sultanate of Oman, MARA |
10. Yahoo! |
Institutional Member |
1. Bangladesh, MSICT |
2. India, MIT |
3. Tamil Nadu, TVA |
4. West Bengal, SNLTR |
5. UCB |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
Supporting Member |
1. Monotype Imaging Corp |
Associate Member |
1. DecoType |
2. High Tech Passport | yes |
yes |
yes |
3. Twitter |
yes | yes |
Individual Member |
1. Shervin Afshar |
yes |
yes |
yes |
2. Craig Cummings |
yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Behnam Esfahbod |
yes |
yes | ||
3. Katrina Parrott |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
4. Alolita Sharma |
yes |
yes | ||
Members not in regular attendance: Bangladesh, India, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Monotype, Oracle, SAP, Yahoo!
Total full members in regular attendance: 7
Total institutional members in regular attendance: 1
Total supporting members in regular attendance: 0
Quorum: 4.5