
Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 143
San Jose, CA -- May 4-8, 2015
Hosted by Adobe

UTC #143 Agenda
Revision date: May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Meeting opened at 10:35

7 members represented (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, Microsoft, UCB)

Introductions and Logistics review.

A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]

Oral review of action items.

A.6 Calendar review

Added: UTC #147 -- May 2-6, 2015 -- Hosted by Adobe, San Jose.

Lunch 11:35 - 12:35.

Added item for the agenda: D.2.2 Tamil Fractions

Added item for the agenda: B. kMandarin

B.11.2 Issue 280: Proposed Update UTR #23, Unicode Character Property Model
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.2.2 Document for review [Whistler, Freytag, L2/15-038

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.3 Issue 282: Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.3.2 Document for review (http://unicode.org/draft/reports/tr31/tr31.html) [Davis, L2/15-130

[143-C1] Consensus: Make Draft "tr31-22 draft 4" be the basis for a PRI for Unicode 9.0, reverting the change to R1a and R1b and making the new rule be R1x.

[143-A1] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI on UAX #31 for Unicode 9.0, based on "tr31-22 draft 4".

[143-A2] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on UAX #31 to close October 26, 2015.

[143-C2] Consensus: Accept tr31-22 draft 3 for publication for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.4 Issue 283: Proposed Update UAX #14, Unicode Line Breaking
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.4.2 Document for review [Heninger, L2/15-131

[143-A3] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: File a CLDR ticket based on his feedback on UAX #14 in L2/15-144 to not break currency symbols; to be the basis for a CLDR tailoring.

[143-A4] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Come up with a proposal to not break currency symbols in rule LB, for Unicode 9.0.

[143-C3] Consensus: Accept tr14-34 draft 3 for publication for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.1 Issue 279: Proposed Update UAX #9, Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.1.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/15-129

[143-C4] Consensus: Change the case of Paragraph Separator to clarify that it is the Bidi class and not the character, in the second bullet of L1 in tr9-32 draft 5 of UAX #9.

[143-A4a] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Change the case of Paragraph Separator to clarify that it is the Bidi class and not the character, in the second bullet of L1 in UAX #9, for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140

[143-A5] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Create a structure "unicode.org/emoji" for charts and other information, and move most of UTR #51 Annex A to that location.

Short break.

Kat Momoi, Michele Coady, Andrew Glass on the phone.

[143-C5] Consensus: Add the 12 keycap sequences in emoji-data.txt as provisional named sequences in Unicode 8.0.

[143-A6] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add 12 keycap sequences to NamedSequencesProv.txt for Unicode 8.0.

[143-C6] Consensus: Remove U+2388 HELM SYMBOL from emoji-data.txt and make corresponding changes where needed in text and charts.

[143-A7] Action Item for Mark Davis: Remove U+2388 HELM SYMBOL from emoji-data.txt.

[143-A8] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add the 12 provisional named sequences to the doc requesting future additions.

[143-A9] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Alex Hong's feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A10] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Lucas Welti feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A11] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Peter Mawhorter feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A12] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Eric Andrew Lewis feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A13] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update the text of StandardizedVariants.html to indicate that the color images are purely illustrative; and point to UTR #51 for details for more information.

[143-A14] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Anton J. Doss and William Lipa feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A15] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to William Overington feedback on UTR #51.

[143-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Review and improve the flow and clarity of UTR #51.

Short break.

E.1.2 Proposal for additional regional indicator symbols [Emoji SC, Peter Edberg, L2/15-145]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

E.1.2 Proposal to encode ‘Shiva Linga’ symbols [Pandey, L2/15-093]

[143-A17] Action Item for Shervin Afshar: Review the new emoji symbol proposals from Anshuman Pandey to see if any should be included in the map symbol proposal.

E.1.1 Proposal to include the Döner Kebab emoji [Zierer, L2/15-084]

[143-C7] Consensus: Remand L2/15-084 to the emoji subcommittee.

E.3 International symbol for an observer (revised) [Griffee, L2/15-031R]

[143-A18] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Make a glyph for OBSERVER EYE symbol and forward to Michel Suignard.

E.2 Proposal for addition of Group Mark symbol [Shirriff, L2/15-083]

[143-C8] Consensus: Accept U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083 similar to U+29E7 THERMODYNAMIC, for encoding in a future version of the standard.

[143-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083.

[143-A20] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+2BD2 GROUP MARK, with the left glyph on page 9 of L2/15-083 to doc requesting future additions.

[143-A21] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Obtain a font for U+2BD2 GROUP MARK and forward to Michel Suignard.

[143-A22] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Work with author of L2/15-083 to update proposal.

B.13.4 Unicode 9.0

Brief discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.1.3 Bidi Reference Implementations

[143-C9] Consensus: Release UAX #9 based on tr9-32d5 with the update made during the meeting, contingent upon verification that the test cases we release pass.

Adjourned for the day at 5:30.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

D.2.2 Tamil fractions

On Phone: Mani Manivannan, Naga Ganesan,

[143-A23] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Inform Government of Tamil Nadu about timing of the PDAM ballot, and CC Government of India.

[143-A24] Action Item for Deborah Anderson, Editorial Committee: Review the proposal for annotations in document L2/15-115 on Tamil symbols and fractions.

D.4.1 Representing the fractions 1/4 and 1/20 in Grantha text [Sharma, L2/15-085]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.10.1 Conjunct consonants with independent vowels in Kannada script [Rajan, Murthy, L2/15-127]

[143-A25] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update the Kannada block intro with info in document L2/15-127 for Unicode 8.0.

Short break.

B.11.5 Issue 284: Proposed Update UAX #44, Unicode Character Database
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.5.2 Document for review [Davis, et al, L2/15-132

[143-C10] Consensus: Release UAX #44 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr44-15d5 with updates discussed in the meeting. See L2/15-132R.

B.11.7 Issue 287: Proposed Update UAX #24, Unicode Script Property
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.7.2 Document for review [Davis, Whistler, L2/15-134

[143-A26] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Take feedback from Asmus Freytag (Tue Apr 7, 2015 in L2/15-144) into consideration when updating UAX #24 for Unicode 9.0.

[143-C11] Consensus: Release UAX #24 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr24-23d3 with updates discussed in the meeting. See L2/15-134.

B.11.8 Issue 288: Proposed Update UAX #41, Common References for Unicode Standard Annexes
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.8.2 Document for review [Iancu, McGowan, L2/15-135

[143-C12] Consensus: Release UAX #41 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr41-16d4. See L2/15-135.

B.11.10 Issue 290: Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.10.2 Document for review [Davis, Iancu, L2/15-137

[143-A27] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Karl Williamson on his feedback for UAX #29 (Feb 8, 2015 and Thu Apr 30, 2015) in L2/15-144.

[143-A28] Action Item for Mark Davis, Laurențiu Iancu: Review Karl Williamson's feedback (Feb 8, 2015 and Apr 30, 2015) on UAX #29 in L2/14-144, and make recommendations for updates to UAX #29, for Unicode 9.0.

B.14.1 Proposal to reclassify Ethiopic wordspace as a space separator (Zs) symbol [Yacob, L2/15-148]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.8.2 Proposal to encode the Masaram Gondi script (replaces L2/15-005) [Pandey, L2/15-090]

[143-C13] Consensus: Accept 75 Masaram Gondi characters at U+11D00..U+11D59 in block Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F for encoding in a future version of the standard, and with properties as updated in discussion.

[143-A29] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F.

[143-A30] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F to document requesting future additions.

[143-A31] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Send the Masaram Gondi font to Michel Suignard.

[143-A32] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Submit revised proposal for Masaram Gondi U+11D00..U+11D5F.

B.11.14 Issue 294: Emoji glyph and annotation recommendations
B.11.14.1 Feedback
B. General feedback [L2/15-144

[143-A33] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Kulpreet Chilana on PRI #294.

[143-A34] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Ryusei Yamaguchi on PRI #294.

[143-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Scott Boone on PRI #294.

[143-A36] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Marius Spix on PRI #294.

[143-A37] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Andrew West on PRI #294.

[143-A38] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Produce a summary document of resolution for PRI #294. See L2/15-151.

B.11.6 Issue 285: Proposed Update UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.6.2 Document for review [Scherer, et al, L2/15-133

[143-A39] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Prepare a proposed change for Sign Writing in the DUCET for UCA 9.0 which addresses feedback from Steve Slevinski in L2/15-144.

[143-A40] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to PRI #285 feedback from Steve Slevinski in L2/15-144.

B. Collation problems in the draft tr10 text [Davis, L2/15-108]

[143-A41] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Make a suggested terminological update in UTS #10 for the term "blocked" in Unicode 9.0. See L2/15-108.

[143-A42] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Incorporate feedback in L2/15-108 for UTS #10 in version 8.0.

[143-C14] Consensus: Release UTS #10 for Unicode 8.0, based on tr10-31d3, after incorporating feedback discussed in the meeting.

D.7.1 Revised proposal to encode Gujarati signs for the transliteration of Arabic (replaces L2/14-131) [Pandey, L2/15-103]

[143-C15] Consensus: Accept 6 Gujarati signs for encoding in a future version of the standard:


with combining class of 0 for all characters, and ignored in collation.

[143-A43] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-103.

[143-A44] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 6 Gujarati signs to document requesting future additions. See L2/15-103.

[143-A45] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Send the font to Michel Suignard for 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-103.

[143-A46] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Update proposal for 6 Gujarati signs and submit. See L2/15-103.

D.8.1 Preliminary proposal to encode the Gunjala Gondi script [Pandey, L2/15-086]

[143-A47] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Incorporate feedback from the script ad-hoc into the next revision of the Gunjala Gondi proposal. See L2/15-103.

C.3.2 Preliminary proposal to encode Syriac letters for Garshuni Malayalam [Pandey, L2/15-088]

[143-C16] Consensus: Accept 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni Malayalam in the range U+0860..U+086A in block Syriac Supplement U+0860..U+086F, for encoding in a future version of the standard:


[143-A48] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni. See L2/15-088.

[143-A49] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni to document requesting future additions. See L2/15-088.

[143-A50] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Update proposal for 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni and submit. See L2/15-088.

[143-A51] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Provide font to Michel Suignard for 6 Gujarati signs. See L2/15-088.

[143-A52] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Verify joining type and joining group for 11 Syriac letters for Garshuni. See L2/15-088.

C.5 Preliminary proposal to encode the Old Sogdian script [SEI/Pandey, L2/15-089]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.9.1 Proposal to Encode Diwani Siyaq Numbers [Pandey, L2/15-066]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

D.6.1 Bengali letter UA used in Kokborok [Sahu, L2/15-091]

[143-A53] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Respond to Sahu on L2/15-091.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Meeting opened at 9:45.

7 members represented: (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, MS, UCB)

Calendar review/update. Moved the May 2016 UTC meeting to May 9-13, 2016. Considering to move the 1Q 2016 meeting to January 25-29, to avoid Superbowl week in Santa Clara.

B.11.17 Issue 297: Unicode 8.0.0 Beta
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.17.2 Document for review [Whistler]

[143-A54] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Andrew Glass: Review Richard Wordingham's feedback input on the 8.0 beta, and make recommendations for the July UTC meeting.

[143-A55] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Richard Wordingham's feedback on PRI #297.

[143-A56] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to R.S. Wihananto's feedback on PRI #297.

[143-A56a] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Andrew Glass: Investigate the 3 pieces of feedback from R.S. Wihananto on Javanese, Balinese, & Sundanese in feedback to PRI #297.

[143-A57] Action Item for Laurențiu Iancu, Ken Whistler: Check the annotation for U+1DA8B SIGNWRITING PARENTHESIS based on David Corbett's feedback (Fri Mar 13, 2015).

[143-A58] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to David Corbett's feedback on PRI #297.

[143-A59] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Review 2 pieces of feedback on Devanagari from Shreevatsa R, for Unicode 8.0.

[143-A60] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Shreevatsa R's feedback's feedback on PRI #297.

[143-A61] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Nick Lawson's feedback's feedback on PRI #297.

[143-A62] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Review descriptions of white space properties in the standard and come up with a proposal for clearer definitions and new texts for Section 6.2 of the core spec, for Unicode 9.0.

[143-A63] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add the alias "hanukiah" to U+1F54E, for Unicode 8.0.

[143-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Analyze Asmus Freytag's feedback of May 4 on PRI #297 for the Editorial Committee.

C.12 Proposal to encode three control characters for Egyptian Hieroglyphs [Richmond, L2/15-123]

[143-A65] Action Item for Andrew Glass: Work on a revised proposal for Egyptian quadrat formation. See L2/15-123.

Lunch 11:45 - 12:45.

D.2.3 Proposals for addition of ... characters in Tamil Block [Anantham, L2/15-152]
D.2.4 Proposals for New Script – Tamil-Latin(TL) Script for Indian Languages ... in Tamil Block [Anantham, L2/15-153

[143-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to the proposer of L2/15-152 and L2/15-153 that the UTC will take no action on these proposals.

C.3.1 Syriac appears to be missing various combining characters [Pournader, L2/15-081]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.10 Issue 290: Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.10.2 Document for review [Davis, Iancu, L2/15-137

[143-C17] Consensus: Release UAX #29 based on tr29-26d5 for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.18 Issue 298: Proposed Update UAX #15, Unicode Normalization Forms
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.18.2 Document for review [Davis, et al, L2/15-143

[143-C18] Consensus: Release UAX #15 based on tr15-42d3 for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.16 Issue 296: Proposed Update UAX #42, Unicode Character Database in XML
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.16.2 Document for review [Muller, et al, L2/15-132

[143-C19] Consensus: Release UAX #42 based on tr42-16d2 for Unicode 8.0.

Short break.

B.11.14.2 Summary of Unicode 8.0 actions resulting from PRI 294 [Edberg, L2/15-151]

[143-C20] Consensus: Update chart glyphs and annotations based on L2/15-151 for Unicode 8.0.

[143-A67] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Make annotation changes based on L2/15-151 for Unicode 8.0.

[143-A68] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #294.

B.11.15 Issue 295: Feedback on repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646: 2014 (4th Edition, Amendment 2) B. General feedback [L2/15-144]

[143-A69] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback from Charles Cox on PRI #295 (Fri Feb 27 2015).

[143-A70] Action Item for Rick McGowan, Lisa Moore: Respond to feedback from Suzuki Toshiya on PRI #295, referencing Michel Suignard's disposition of comments, page 7, as guidance on how to respond.

[143-A71] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #295.

E.1.3 Proposal for additional regional indicator symbols [Emoji SC, Peter Edberg, L2/15-145]

[143-M1] Motion: Change the "Deprecated" property for U+E0020..U+E007E and add language to UTR #51 describing the mechanism given in 2A of document L2/15-145R, for Unicode 8.0.

Moved by Peter Edberg, seconded by Roozbeh Pournader.

6 for (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, UCB)
1 against (Microsoft)
0 abstain ()

Motion passes.

[143-A72] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropList.txt for Unicode 8.0 to un-deprecate the tags U+E0020..U+E007E. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A73] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the NamesList.txt annotations for the Tag Character block, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #44 to indicate the change in deprecation status, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A75] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UTR #51 for the new mechanism for flags for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A76] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee:: Update the core specification Section 23.9 on Deprecated Tags for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A77] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Highlight the changes for tags in section on Migration on the landing page, for Unicode 8.0. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A78] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee:: Update the language tag FAQ on the website. See Motion 143-M1.

[143-A79] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Suggest updates for UAX #29 for new flag mechanism (Grapheme Cluster Break) for Unicode 9.0. See Motion 143-M1.

B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140

Short break.

B.3.2 Horizontal Extension Proposal [Lunde, L2/14-297R]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.15.4.1 CJK ideographs glyphs representation and sources references (WG2 N4544) [Suignard, L2/14-149]
B.15.4.2 See also: UTC #141 Minutes [Moore, L2/14-250

[143-C21] Consensus: Approve the J3 and J4 source references in Unihan database, based on CJKSrc.txt file specified in L2/14-149, plus 205 glyph changes, for Unicode 8.0.

B.12.1.1 Proposal to add an urgently needed character to UAX #45 [Lunde, L2/15-109]

[143-C22] Consensus: Support the encoding of an urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-109, for a future version of the standard.

[143-A80] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Work with IRG on encoding the urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-109.

B.15.3 Proposal to encode a Chinese character as UNC [Fan, L2/15-114]

[143-C23] Consensus: Support the encoding of an urgently needed CJK character documented in L2/15-114, for a future version of the standard.

[143-A81] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Contact Chinese National Body regarding the character documented in L2/15-114.

[143-A82] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the two urgently needed characters documented in L2/15-109 and L2/15-114 to UAX #45, USource Data and USource Glyphs for Unicode 8.0.

B.12.1.2 Approval of UAX #45 for Unicode 8.0.

[143-C24] Consensus: Release UAX #45 for Unicode 8.0 with the addition of the two urgently needed characters.

B.15.2 Request to add 93 Chinese characters [Fan, L2/15-098]

[143-A83] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Send the request to add 93 characters to the Chinese National Body. See L2/15-098.

B.15.1 Extension F [Suignard, L2/14-295]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.9 Issue 289: Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B. kKorean vs. kHangul [Chung, L2/15-096

[143-A84] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Work with Jaemin Chung to vet the kHangul field in Unihan.

B. Unified input on proposed changes to Unihan readings (revision 3) [Edberg, L2/15-036R3]

[143-A85] Action Item for John Jenkins, Editorial Committee: Document in UAX #38 that the kMandarin and kTotalStrokes fields are targetted for use by CLDR collation and transliteration, for Unicode 8.0. See Consensus 126-C3.

[143-C25] Consensus: Take the kMandarin changes documented in tables 1, 1a, and 2 (except for U+556B), of document L2/15-036R3. Add to kMandarin the readings in table 4 as secondary values, for Unicode 9.0.

[143-A86] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Supply the data for changes to kMandarin readings to John Jenkins, for Unicode 9.0.

B.11.9 Issue 289: Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan) B.11.9.2 Document for review [Jenkins, et al, L2/15-136]

[143-C26] Consensus: Release UAX #38 tr38-18d3 for Unicode 8.0.

E.1.4 Emoji Additions: Animals, Compatibility, and More Popular Requests (revised) [Emoji SC, Cummings, L2/15-054R2]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

Adjourned for the day at 5:30.

Friday, May 08, 2015

Meeting opened at 9:35.

7 members represented: (Adobe, Apple, Google, Huawei, IBM, MS, UCB)

C.7 Encoding Pitman shorthand scripts (replaces L2/14-254) [Rajaram, L2/15-116]

Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.

B.11.13 Issue 293: Draft UTR #51, Unicode Emoji
B.11.13.2 Document for review (http://www.unicode.org/draft/reports/tr51/) [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-140

[143-C27] Consensus: Issue a PRI based on Annex B Flags in Draft 10 dated May 7, 2015, of Draft UTR #51, to close July 20, 2015.

[143-C28] Consensus: Delay the inclusion of the material on Annex B Flags in UTR #51 until the PRI is resolved.

[143-A87] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Draft PRI text for Annex B Flags in UTR #51.

[143-A88] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on Annex B Flags in UTR #51 to close July 20, 2015.

[143-C29] Consensus: Approve Draft 10 of UTR #51 revision 2, dated May 7, 2015, and as amended in discussion.

[143-A89] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Prepare the draft of UTR #51 Revision 2 draft 10 for publication.

[143-A90] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the final approved version of UTR #51 based on Revision 2 draft 10.

[143-A91] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #293. // Draft will be updated and published.

B.11.2 Issue 280: Proposed Update UTR #23, Unicode Character Property Model
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.2.2 Document for review [Whistler, Freytag, L2/15-038

[143-A92] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare UTR #23, Revision 10 draft 1 for publication.

[143-A93] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post final version of UTR #23.

[143-A94] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #280.

E.1.4 Emoji Additions: Animals, Compatibility, and More Popular Requests (revised) [Emoji SC, Cummings, L2/15-054R4]

[143-C30] Consensus: Accept 38 emoji characters with glyphs, properties, and codepoints as documented in L2/15-054R4 for encoding in Unicode Version 9.

[143-A95] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 38 emoji characters with glyphs, properties, and codepoints as documented in L2/15-054R4.

[143-A96] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 38 emoji characters as documented in L2/15-054R4 to the document requesting future additions.

[143-A97] Action Item for Peter Edberg: Provide a font for 38 emoji characters as documented in L2/15-054R4.

Lunch 11:45 - 12:45.

B.11.11 Issue 291: Proposed Update UTS #46, Unicode IDNA Compatibility Processing
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.11.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-138

[143-C31] Consensus: Release UTR #46 based on tr46-14d3, and as modified in discussion, for version 8.0.

[143-A100] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #291.

B.11.12 Issue 292: Proposed Update UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms
B. General feedback [L2/15-144
B.11.12.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-139

[143-A101] Action Item for Mark Davis: See if additional limitations should be added to the document based on feedback on PRI #292 from Roozbeh Pournader in L2/15-144.

B. Add email identifier profile to TR39 [Davis, L2/15-080]

[143-A102] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Add text based on L2/15-080 to a new proposed update of UTS #39, targeted at Unicode 9.0.

[143-A103] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for proposed update of UTS #39 for Unicode 9.0, to close October 26, 2015.

B. UTS #39 Type values from MSR-2 [Davis, L2/15-147]

[143-A104] Action Item for Mark Davis: Remove the MSR changes listed in L2/15-147.

[143-A105] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: For the 9.0 version of UTS #39, make sure that we call out the list of proposed changes early. See L2/15-147.

B.11.12 Issue 292: Proposed Update UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms B.11.12.2 Document for review [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-139]

[143-C32] Consensus: Release the 8.0 version of UTS #39 based on tr39-10d1.

[143-A106] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRIs: 279, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 296, 297, 298.

[143-A107] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Prepare final publication documents for all UAXes and UTSes for Unicode 8.0.

B.11.19.1 Feedback from prior meetings [L2/15-033]

[143-A108] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to John Cowan's feedback in L2/15-033.

[143-A109] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Create a proposal to clarify the use of music format characters in the core spec based on discussion in UTC.

B.11.19.2 Other feedback [L2/15-019]

[143-A110] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Double-check to make sure we responded to feedback from Joshua Dong in L2/15-019.

[143-C33] Consensus: Approve the release of Unicode 8.0.

[143-A111] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Do the release for Unicode 8.0.

C.11 Preliminary proposal to encode the north-eastern Iberian script [Ferrer, et al, L2/15-120]

[143-A112] Action Item for Chris Little: Respond to Ferrer et al on Iberian script proposals L2/15-119 and L2/15-120.

Thanks to Adobe for hosting the meeting.

Adjourned for the week at 2:20pm.

UTC Attendance

Person Representing
Shervin Afshar High Tech Passport
Deborah Anderson UC Berkeley
Fesseha Atlaw self
Peter Constable Microsoft
Craig Cornelius Google
Craig Cummings Informatica
Mark Davis Google
Peter Edberg Apple
Behnam Esfahbod self
Paul Hunt Adobe
Laurențiu Iancu Microsoft
Chris Little LSA
Steven Loomis IBM
Ken Lunde Adobe
Rick McGowan Unicode
Thomas Milo MARA/DecoType
Lisa Moore IBM
Eric Muller self
Anshuman Pandey self
Roozbeh Pournader Google
Murray Sargent Microsoft
Markus Scherer Google
Alolita Sharma Twitter
Chen Shiwei Huawei
Sandeep Subramanian self
Michel Suignard Unicode
Ken Whistler self
Isabelle Zaugg self
By Phone
Michele Coady Microsoft
Naga Ganesan self
Andrew Glass Microsoft
John Jenkins Apple
Mani Manivannan self
Kat Momoi Google
Katrina Parrott Cub Club
Michelle Perham Microsoft
Ram Rajaram self
Vinodh Rajan self
Daniel Yacob self

Members Represented

Full Member



02/04/15 02/05/15

1. Adobe Systems, Inc.


yes yes yes

2. Apple, Inc.


yes yes yes

3. Google, Inc.


yes yes yes

4. Huawei


yes yes yes

5. IBM Corporation


yes yes yes

6. Microsoft Corporation


yes yes yes

7. Oracle America, Inc.










9. Sultanate of Oman, MARA





10. Yahoo!










Institutional Member





1. Bangladesh, MSICT





2. India, MIT





3. Tamil Nadu, TVA





4.  West Bengal, SNLTR





5. UCB


yes yes yes






Supporting Member





1. Monotype Imaging Corp










Associate Member





1. DecoType





2. High Tech Passport yes




3. Twitter

yes yes








Individual Member





1. Shervin  Afshar





2. Craig Cummings

yes yes yes yes

3. Behnam Esfahbod



3. Katrina Parrott


yes yes yes

4. Alolita Sharma









Members not in regular attendance: Bangladesh, India, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Monotype, Oracle, SAP, Yahoo!

Total full members in regular attendance: 7

Total institutional members in regular attendance: 1

Total supporting members in regular attendance: 0

Quorum: 4.5