Draft Minutes of UTC Meeting 145
Sunnyvale, CA -- November 2-4, 2015
Hosted by Apple
UTC #145 Agenda
Revision date: November 16, 2015
Monday, November 2, 2015
Meeting opened at 10:30.
8.5 Members represented: Apple, Adobe, Huawei, IBM, Facebook, MS, UCB, Google, EmojiXpress
11 Full members, 7 in regular attendance
4 Inst, 1 in regular attendance
Quorum is 4.5
A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]
[145-A1] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Get the Tangut sources file of the 10646 CD from Michel Suignard and take necessary steps to incorporate it into the UCD for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A2] Action Item for Mark Davis: Clarify the warning in the Bidi demo as to the limitations of the demo.
Short break.
B.15.2 Proposal to add one character to UAX #45 [Lunde, L2/15-225]
[145-C1] Consensus: Accept the proposal in L2/15-225 to add one character to UAX #45 in Unicode 9.0. The source number will be UTC-01312.
[145-A3] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update UAX #45 to add the character from L2/15-225, UTC-01312.
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
[145-C2] Consensus: UTC agrees to adopt the proposed handling of duplicates in the U-source data file, per the suggestions by Ken Lunde in the August 31, 2015 feedback on UAX #45 in document L2/15-277.
[145-A4] Action Item for John Jenkins: Fix the five duplicate entries identified by Ken Lunde in the August 31, 2015 feedback on UAX #45 in document L2/15-277.
B.15.5 Request to add 1,656 U-source ideographs [West, L2/15-260]
[145-C3] Consensus: Add 1656 U-source ideographs to UAX #45 with the status "UK2015", based on document L2/15-260, for Unicode 9.0. Identifiers will be UTC-01313 through UTC-02968.
[145-A5] Action Item for John Jenkins: Add the 1656 additions to UAX #45 as per L2/15-260. Include updates to the three duplicate entries: UTC-02577 is a dup of UTC-00776; UTC-02637 is a dup of UTC-00550; UTC-02641 is a dup of UTC-00262. See Consensus 145-C3.
B.15.1 UTC Character Submission for 2015 (Extension H) [Unicode, Lunde, L2/15-223]
[145-C4] Consensus: Accept the proposal to submit 313 characters documented in L2/15-223 and send to the IRG.
[145-A6] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Submit L2/15-223 to the IRG on November 2, 2015.
B.15.3 Error Report for CJK Unified Ideographs Extensions C and E (WG2 N4682) [West, Fan, L2/15-242]
[145-A7] Action Item for John Jenkins: Check the radical stroke values of U+2B9D7 and U+2C88D in Extension F, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-242.
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30.
B.11.4 Issue 303: Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback
B.11.4.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/15-290]
[145-A8] Action Item for Mark Davis: Review tables in UAX #31 for possible errors, based on feedback from Philippe Verdy on PRI #303.
E.1.5 The name of U+1F91E [Emoji SC, L2/15-273]
[145-C5] Consensus: Change the name of U+1F91E to HAND WITH INDEX AND MIDDLE FINGERS CROSSED.
[145-A9] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include name change of U+1F91E to HAND WITH INDEX AND MIDDLE FINGERS CROSSED.
E.1.6 LEFT SPEECH BUBBLE as emoji; modifiers for SLEUTH... [Emoji SC, L2/15-274]
[145-A10] Action Item for Mark Davis, Emoji SC: Update the emoji modifier status of U+1F575 to Secondary in emoji-data.txt, in version 2.0 of the data.
[145-A11] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add U+1F5E8 to emoji-data.txt for version 2.0 with default representation = text.
E.1.7 More variation sequences for text/emoji presentation [Emoji SC, L2/15-275]
E.1.9 A proposal for 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji [Pournader, L2/15-301]
[145-C6] Consensus: Accept the proposal in document L2/15-301 on emoji variation sequences for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A12] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji. See document L2/15-301.
[145-A13] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Provide data in document L2/15-301 in text format.
[145-A14] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update StandardizedVariants.txt with 278 standardized variation sequences for emoji. See document L2/15-301.
[145-A15] Action Item for Mark Davis, Emoji SC: Add information to the emoji charts for 278 standardized variation sequences, in the Unicode 9.0 timeframe. See document L2/15-301.
[145-A16] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add an invariant test to flag any cases where default text representation for emoji but no variation selectors. See document L2/15-301.
E.1.3 Preliminary proposal to add more food emoji characters [Komatsu / Emoji SC, L2/15-267]
Long discussion, mainly concerning names.
E.1.8 Unicode Customized Emoji (UCE) Proposal [Davis, et al, L2/15-252]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.15.8 Add IDS data to the Unihan Database [Lunde, L2/15-313]
[145-A17] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Draft a document for IRG 45 to request IDS data and to clean up. See document L2/15-313.
[145-A18] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Request IDS data from IRG's Han master database. See document L2/15-313.
B.3.2 Request for kTotalStrokes Data for Extension E & Beyond [Lunde, L2/15-216]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.1.2 SC2/WG2 minutes, recommendations, resolutions, report
B.1.2.1 Recommendations [L2/15-265]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
E.2 Proposal for addition of bitcoin sign [Shirriff, L2/15-229]
[145-C7] Consensus: Accept U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in L2/15-229.
[145-A19] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN to the pipeline. See document L2/15-229.
[145-A20] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to proposer of L2/15-229 re U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN.
[145-A21] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Obtain font for printing U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN. L2/15-229 and send to Michel Suignard.
[145-A22] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+20BF BITCOIN SIGN to document requesting new additions. L2/15-229.
Meeting adjourned for the day at 5:25.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Meeting opened at 9:30.
7.5 Members represented: Apple, Adobe, Huawei, IBM, UCB, Google, EmojiXpress, MS
D.2.1 Proposal to Add Tamil Nukta Character [Hosken, L2/15-256]
Brief discussion only.
D.13 Proposal to add one extra character to the Ahom Block [Hosken, L2/15-272]
[145-C8] Consensus: Accept U+1171A AHOM LETTER ALTERNATE BA for encoding in a future version of the standard, with props as given in document L2/15-272.
[145-A23] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+1171A AHOM LETTER ALTERNATE BA. See document L2/15-272.
[145-A24] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+1171A AHOM LETTER ALTERNATE BA to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-272.
D.2.1 Proposal to Add Tamil Nukta Character [Hosken, L2/15-256]
[145-C9] Consensus: Accept U+0BBC TAMIL SIGN NUKTA for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in document L2/15-256.
[145-A25] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+0BBC TAMIL SIGN NUKTA. See document L2/15-256.
[145-A26] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add U+0BBC TAMIL SIGN NUKTA to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-256.
[145-C10] Consensus: Add Tamil to the script Extension Property for U+1133C GRANTHA SIGN NUKTA.
[145-A27] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader: Add Tamil to the Script Extension property for U+1133C GRANTHA SIGN NUKTA, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-256.
[145-A28] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Update the core spec for Grantha and Tamil to explain the usage of U+1133C GRANTHA SIGN NUKTA in Tamil, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-256.
D.4 Proposal to encode the Makasar script (supersedes L2/15-179) [Pandey, L2/15-233]
[145-C11] Consensus: Accept 25 Makasar characters at U+11EE0..U+11EF8 with block "Makasar" at U+11330..U+11EFF for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in document L2/15-233.
[145-A29] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add 25 Makasar characters at 11EE0..11EF8 to pipeline. See document L2/15-233.
[145-A30] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 25 Makasar characters at 11EE0..11EF8 to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-233.
[145-A31] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Provide a font for Makasar to Michel Suignard as soon as possible. See document L2/15-233.
[145-A32] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Update L2/15-233 with proposal summary form and other updates, then forward to the document register by December 1, 2015.
Rollcall adjustment: Facebook now present.
8.5 members represented.
D.5 Proposal to encode the Dogra script (supersedes L2/15-213) [Pandey, L2/15-234]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.14 Proposal to encode the Hanifi Rohingya script in Unicode [Pandey, L2/15-278]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.14.3 Proposal to Define a UCD Property for Prefixed Format Control Characters [Iancu, L2/15-231]
[145-A33] Action Item for Andy Heninger, Mark Davis: Review list of Unicode properties in the current version of the standard and make changes necessary to UTS #18. See document L2/15-231.
[145-A34] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI based on L2/15-231 for Prefixed Format Control Characters. See document L2/15-231.
[145-A35] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI for UTS #18 to close January 18, 2016. See document L2/15-231.
B.14.4 Proposal to Redefine the Long Property Alias STerm to Sentence_Terminal [Iancu, L2/15-237]
[145-C12] Consensus: Redefine the long name alias of the STerm property from STerm to Sentence_Terminal in PropertyAliases.txt, for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A36] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update PropertyValueAliases.txt to change the long name alias of the STerm property from STerm to Sentence_Terminal for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-237.
[145-A37] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Update documentation in UAX #44 on STerm, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-237.
[145-A38] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Editorial Committee: Update the derivation line in UAX #29 on STerm, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-237.
B.12.3.2 Deprecating confusablesWholeScript.txt [Davis, L2/15-226]
[145-C13] Consensus: Remove confusablesWholeScript.txt data file from UTS #39 for its 9.0 version.
[145-A39] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Update UTS #39 to remove confusablesWholeScript.txt and rewrite the algorithm. See document L2/15-226.
B.14.2 Remove some Hira/Kata from Script_Extensions [Davis, L2/15-227]
[145-A40] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Prepare a PRI based on document L2/15-227, as amended in discussion, abbreviate the lists using script extensions format.
[145-A41] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on Script_Extensions based on document L2/15-227 to close January 18, 2016.
[145-A42] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Review sections of UAX #24 around discussion of L2/15-227 and especially the relationship between writing systems and scripts.
B.14.5 Relations between certain Han properties [Davis, L2/15-250]
[145-A43] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add an invariant test to insure that property "Ideographic" is a superset of "Unified_Ideograph".
[145-A44] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Document the relationship between "Ideographic" and "Unified_Ideograph" properties in UAX #44 for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-250.
[145-A45] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Review script and script extension property assignments to Script=Han raised by the characters in document L2/15-250.
Lunch 12:30 - 1:30
E.1.4 UCD Emoji Properties? [Davis, L2/15-299]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
E.1.11 CSS control of emoji presentation [Edberg, Davis, L2/15-314]
[145-A46] Action Item for Mark Davis: Request that W3C define a mechanism in CSS for emoji presentation, as described in document L2/15-314.
E.1.4 UCD Emoji Properties? [Davis, L2/15-299]
[145-C14] Consensus: Add four binary properties described in UTR #51. Not for the UCD, based on L2/15-299R, as amended in discussion: Emoji, Emoji_Presentation, Emoji_Modifier, Emoji_Modifier_Base.
[145-A47] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Update UTR #51 and data files to reflect the above Consensus 145-C14 on adding four binary properties.
Short break.
B.11.1.2 Proposed Update UTR #51, Unicode Emoji [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-228]
[145-A48] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Takashi Kazama's feedback in PRI #300.
E.1.3 Preliminary proposal to add more food emoji characters [Komatsu / Emoji SC, L2/15-267R]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
E.1.8 Unicode Customized Emoji (UCE) Proposal [Davis, et al, L2/15-252]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
D.6 Proposal to encode the Gunjala Gondi script [Pandey, L2/15-235]
[145-C15] Consensus: Accept 63 Gunjala Gondi characters from U+11D60..U+11DA9 with block "Gunjala Gondi", U+11D60..U+11DAF, for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in document L2/15-235.
[145-A49] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 63 Gunjala Gondi characters from U+11D60..U+11DA9.
[145-A50] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 63 Gunjala Gondi characters from U+11D60..U+11DA9 to document requesting future additions.
[145-A51] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Create a proposal summary form for document L2/15-235 and re-submit that update to the document register.
[145-A52] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Obtain a font for Gunjala Gondi and forward to Michel Suignard for publication of the standard.
[145-A53] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Add collation information to the proposal in document L2/15-235.
C.4.1 Proposal of Japanese HENTAIGANA [Japan NB, L2/15-239]
C.4.2 Hentaigana List after Matsue discussion [Tashiro, L2/15-300]
Adjourned for the day at 5:30.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Meeting opened at 10:15.
8.5 Members represented: Apple, Adobe, Google, Facebook, Huawei, IBM, MS, EmojiXpress, UCB
B.12.1.2 Proposal to Represent the Slashed Zero Variant of Empty Set [Beeton, et al, L2/15-268]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.1.1.4 Consent docket [Whistler, L2/15-270]
[145-C16] Consensus: (A1) Change the name of U+08E2 to ARABIC DISPUTED END OF AYAH. (A2, A3) Remove U+186A2; add U+18817 and U+18818, and reorder the Tangut block and components block, and change glyphs based on document L2/15-265.
[145-C17] Consensus: Approve new Zanabazar Square glyph changes, repertoire, code points, and names on the basis of CD2 draft, document L2/15-303.
[145-C18] Consensus: Approve new Soyombo repertoire, codepoints, names, and glyphs, on the basis of CD2 draft, document L2/15-303.
[145-C19] Consensus: Update the previously approved eight emoji code points as documented in L2/15-270 and L2/15-265.
[145-A54] Action Item for Mark Davis, Emoji SC: Update the emoji-candidates.html chart as documented in L2/15-270 and L2/15-265.
[145-C20] Consensus: Approve U+312E BOPOMOFO LETTER O WITH DOT ABOVE for encoding in a future version of the standard. See document L2/15-270.
[145-C21] Consensus: Accept U+1F6D3 STUPA and U+1F6D4 PAGODA for encoding in a future version of the standard. See document L2/15-270.
[145-A55] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline based on changes in the consent docket, document L2/15-270 up to section B5.
B.15.8 Add IDS data to the Unihan Database [Lunde, L2/15-313]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B.15.11 Proposal to allow negative residual strokes in kRS* (radical/stroke) fields of Unihan [Lunde, L2/15-317R]
[145-C22] Consensus: Allow negative residual strokes in the normative field kRSUnicode and in other radical-stroke fields that are provisional. See document L2/15-317R.
[145-A56] Action Item for John Jenkins: Update the regex and description in UAX #38, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-317R.
[145-A57] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Update L2/15-317, add a note about sorting, and send to the IRG.
[145-A58] Action Item for John Jenkins, Ken Lunde, Michel Suignard: Update kRSUnicode and other fields of the Unihan database as per document L2/15-317R for Unicode 9.0.
B.11.11.1 General feedback [L2/15-277]
[145-A59] Action Item for John Jenkins, Michel Suignard: For U+2386E, update kTotalStrokes to 25 and kRSUnicode to 75.21. For Unicode 9.0.
[145-A60] Action Item for Ken Lunde: Relay August 31, 2015 feedback in document L2/15-277 to John Jenkins for action in Unicode 9.0.
Lunch 12:30 - 13:30
Emoji ad hoc group met during lunch.
[145-A61] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Emoji SC: Produce a revision of document L2/15-252 based upon discussion.
D.12.1 Proposal to Create Variation Sequences for Khamti Characters [Hosken, L2/15-320]
[145-C23] Consensus: Accept the 27 variation sequences in document L2/15-320 for Unicode version 9.0.
[145-A62] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add 27 variation sequences for Khamti to the pipeline. See document L2/15-320.
[145-A63] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 27 variation sequences for Khamti to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-320.
[145-A63a] Action Item for Martin Hosken: Send Khamti variants font to Michel. See document L2/15-320.
[145-A64] Action Item for Ken Whistler, Editorial Committee: Add the words "or spacing marks" in section 23.4 Variation Selectors of the core spec, for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-320.
E.1.14 Remove 2 characters from Emoji_Modifier_Base [Edberg, L2/15-322]
Joining on the phone: Jennifer Lee, Jeremy Burge, Fred Horn.
[145-A65] Action Item for Mark Davis, Emoji SC: Remove U+1F3C2 and U+1F3C7 from emoji charts and UTR #51, as documented in L2/15-322.
E.1.10 Female Runner Emoji Submission [Huddle, McGettigan-Dumas, L2/15-271]
[145-C24] Consensus: The UTC sees the need to specify a female runner emoji and is looking at more general mechanisms for specifying gender.
[145-A66] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to authors of L2/15-271.
[145-A67] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update emoji info selection.html to request that proposals contain no codepoints; and include links to example proposals.
E.1.13 Emoji ZWJ Sequence Considered Harmful [Pournader, L2/15-319]
[145-A68] Action Item for Mark Davis: Add a caution to UTR #51 about zero width joiner. See document L2/15-319.
B.11.1.2 Proposed Update UTR #51, Unicode Emoji [Davis, Edberg, L2/15-228]
[145-C25] Consensus: Publicly post the 2.0 versions of emoji-data.txt and emoji-sequences.txt, and emoji-zwj-sequences.txt. See document L2/15-228.
[145-A69] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg: Post the 2.0 versions of the three emoji data files. See document L2/15-228.
[145-C26] Consensus: Post Working Draft UTR #51 as UTR #51 versions 2, after incorporating feedback received in discussion.
[145-A70] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Editorial Committee: Prepare UTR #51 for publication.
[145-A71] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #300. The draft will be updated and published.
[145-A72] Action Item for Mark Davis: Send UTR #51 to Greg Welch and the PR people for their information and comment.
[145-A73] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Do final preparation of UTR #51 version 2 and associated data files for publication, and post.
B.12.1.2 Proposal to Represent the Slashed Zero Variant of Empty Set [Beeton, et al, L2/15-268]
[145-C27] Consensus: Represent slashed zero variant for empty set:
<2205, FE00> EMPTY SET zero with long diagonal
stroke overlay form
<0030, FE00> DIGIT ZERO short diagonal stroke form
Add for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A74] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to add 2 new empty-set and digit-zero variation sequences. See above Consensus 145-C27 and document L2/15-268.
[145-A75] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Add new empty-set and digit-zero variation sequences to StandardizedVariants.txt for 9.0. See above Consensus 145-C27 and document L2/15-268.
[145-A76] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add new empty-set and digit-zero variation sequences to document requesting new additions. See above Consensus 145-C27 and document L2/15-268.
[145-A77] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Murray Sargent, Editorial Committee: Make appropriate updates to UTR #25 with respect to new empty-set and slashed-zero variants. See above Consensus 145-C27 and document L2/15-268.
[145-A78] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Editorial Committee: Make appropriate updates to the core spec for Unicode 9.0. See above Consensus 145-C27 and document L2/15-268.
B.11.10.3 UTR#50 Vertical_Orientation Assignments for Unicode 8.0 Characters [Ishii, L2/15-311]
[145-C28] Consensus: Approve UTR #50 Revision 14 for publication.
[145-A79] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #309. UTR #50 will be updated and released.
[145-A80] Action Item for Koji Ishii, Editorial Committee: Prepare UTR #50 for publication.
[145-A80a] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post UTR #50 for publication, including data files.
B.14.6 Proposal for Line Breaking of Halfwidth Forms [Ishii, L2/15-259]
[145-C29] Consensus: Accept the linebreak property changes documented in L2/15-259 for all characters through U+FFDC, for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A81] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu: Update the Linebreak.txt data files for Unicode 9.0. See document L2/15-259.
E.3 Proposal to include additional Japanese TV symbols [Japan NB, L2/15-238]
[145-C30] Consensus: Accept U+1F23B plus the list of 18 ARIB symbols based on the consent docket L2/15-270, for encoding in Unicode 9.0.
[145-A82] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include U+1F23B plus the list of 18 ARIB symbols based on the consent docket L2/15-270.
C.4.4 About the inclusion of standardized codepoints for Hentaigana [Yada, L2/15-318]
[145-A83] Action Item for Ken Lunde, Ken Whistler: Prepare a document that highlights the hentaigana that UTC has questions about, and send to Tatsuo Kobayashi. See document L2/15-318.
Adjourned for the day at 5:45.
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Meeting opened at 9:35.
6.5 Members represented: Apple, Adobe, Google, IBM, MS(proxy), UCB, EmojiXpress
C.15 Draft Mongolian variation selectors [Suignard, L2/15-304]
Brief discussion.
C.17 Encoding Pitman Shorthand scripts (replaces L2/14-254) [Ramachandran, L2/15-116]
[145-A84] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Relay script ad hoc feedback to Ramachandran.
C.6 Proposal for encoding the Medefaidrin (Oberi Okaime) script in the SMP (replaces L2/15-117R2) [Rovenchak, et al, L2/15-298]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.5 Proposal for encoding the Mandombe script in the SMP (replaces L2/15-118R) [Rovenchak, et al, L2/15-297]
C.5 Comments on L2/15-297 Proposal for encoding the Mandombe script in the SMP [Andries, L2/15-310]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.7 Preliminary draft of the Ptolemaic repertoire (A: Man and his occupations) [Suignard, L2/15-240]
Rollcall adjustment: Facebook now present.
7.5 members represented.
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
C.7.1 Comments on L2/15-240 Preliminary Draft of the Ptolemaic Repertoire [Richmond, L2/15-305]
Discussion. UTC took no action at this time.
B. Unicode liaison report from SC2 [Constable, L2/15-269]
Rollcall adjustment: Huawei now present.
8.5 members represented.
Discussion. Oral report from Peter Constable by phone.
D.9 Revised code chart and names list for Zanabazar Square [Pandey, L2/15-246]
Discussion. Oral report from Peter Constable by phone.
D.5 Proposal to encode the Dogra script (supersedes L2/15-213) [Pandey, L2/15-234R]
[145-C31] Consensus: Accept 59 Dogra characters at U+11800..U+1183A with block "Dogra" at U+11800..U+1184F, for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in document L2/15/234R.
[145-A85] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 59 Dogra characters. See document L2/15-234R.
[145-A86] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Dogra to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-234R.
[145-A87] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Provide a Dogra font to Michel Suignard. See L2/15-234R.
[145-A87a] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Add ISO proposal summary form to document L2/15-234R.
D.15 Indic Siyaq numbers. L2/15-121R2
[145-C32] Consensus: Accept 68 Indic Siyaq Number characters at U+1EC71..U+1ECB4, with block "Indic Siyaq Numbers" U+1EC70..U+1ECBF, for encoding in a future version of the standard, with properties as given in document L2/15-121R2.
[145-A88] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline to include 68 Indic Siyaq characters. See document L2/15-121R2
[145-A89] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add Indic Siyaq Numbers to document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-121R2.
[145-A90] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Provide an Indic Siyaq font to Michel Suignard. See document L2/15-121R2.
[145-A90a] Action Item for Anshuman Pandey: Add the ISO proposal summary form to document L2/15-121R2.
Short break.
E.1.3 Preliminary proposal to add more food emoji characters [Komatsu / Emoji SC, L2/15-267R2]
[145-C33] Consensus: Accept 7 emoji characters at U+1F95A..U+1F95E, U+1F990..U+1F991, with the name of "MILK CARTON AND GLASS" modified to be "GLASS OF MILK" with image as given in L2/15-267R (not R2), for encoding in a future version of the standard.
[145-A91] Action Item for Hiroyuki Komatsu: Produce an R3 version of proposal L2/15-267R2 with final names and sample images.
[145-A92] Action Item for Mark Davis: Update emoji-candidates list. See document L2/15-267R3.
[145-A92a] Action Item for Ken Whistler: Update the pipeline for seven emoji in document L2/15-267R3.
[145-A93] Action Item for Paul Hunt: Provide a font to Michel for document L2/15-267R3.
[145-A94] Action Item for Tayfun Karadeniz: Produce color version images for document L2/15-267R3 for the candidates page.
[145-A95] Action Item for Deborah Anderson: Add 7 emoji characters at U+1F95A..U+1F95E, U+1F990..U+1F991 to the document requesting new additions. See document L2/15-267R3.
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
[145-A96] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Eric Muller's feedback on PRI #301 (Tue Sep 29 16:09:19 CDT 2015). // Thank you. The annotations will not be removed. Talk to Ken W.
[145-A97] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #301.
[145-A98] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Close PRI #302.
[145-A99] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #304 and PRI #305 to close on January 18, 2016.
Lunch break 12:30 - 1:30
Calendar update. Added Q3 2016 meeting: UTC Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2016, hosted by Apple (Sunnyvale).
B.11.4 Issue 303: Proposed Update UAX #31, Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
B.11.4.2 Document for review [Davis, L2/15-290]
[145-A100] Action Item for Mark Davis, Editorial Committee: Refresh the proposed update of UAX #31.
[145-A101] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend the closing date of PRI #303 to January 18, 2016.
B.11.8 Issue 307: Proposed Update UAX #38, Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
[145-A102] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend the closing date of PRI #307 to January 18, 2016.
B.11.7 Issue 306: Proposed Update UAX #29, Unicode Text Segmentation
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
B.11.77.2 Document for review [Davis, Iancu, L2/15-293]
[145-A103] Action Item for Laurentiu Iancu, Editorial Committee: Review feedback on PRI #306 from Karl Williamson dated August 23, 2015. See document L2/15-277.
[145-A104] Action Item for Mark Davis, Laurentiu Iancu, Editorial Committee: Review feedback on UAX #29 in PRI #306 from Karl Williamson (dated Oct 24, 2015). See document L2/15-277.
[145-A105] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to feedback in PRI #306 from Likasoft and Karl Williamson (dated Oct 24-28, 2015). See document L2/15-277.
[145-A106] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend the closing date of PRI #306 to January 18, 2016.
B.12.2 UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm
B.12.2.1 Working Draft Proposed Update UTS #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm (snapshot; WD link) [Scherer, L2/15-308]
[145-A107] Action Item for Markus Scherer, Editorial Committee: Prepare a proposed update UTS #10 based on document L2/15-308, as modified in discussion.
[145-A108] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post a PRI for UTS #10 to close January 18, 2016.
B.12.3 UTS #39, Unicode Security Mechanisms
B.12.3.1 Working Draft [Davis, Suignard, L2/15-302]
[145-A109] Action Item for Mark Davis: Prepare a proposed update UTS #39 based on document L2/15-302 as amended in discussion.
B.11.9 Issue 308: Property Change for U+202F NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
B.11.9.2 Document for review [UTC/Edberg, L2/15-295]
[145-A110] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to J. S. Choi re feedback on PRI #308 (Oct 14, 2015).
[145-A111] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Extend PRI #308 to close January 18, 2016.
Short break.
[145-A112] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Request Anshuman Pandey to consolidate several small symbol proposals for the next meeting.
[145-A113] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Add C.3.1, C.8, D.8, and D.11 to the agenda for the next UTC meeting.
[145-A114] Action Item for Lisa Moore: Add document L2/15-089R to the agenda for the next UTC meeting.
B. General feedback [L2/15-277]
[145-A115] Action Item for Mark Davis: Review Simon Sapin's error report in document L2/15-277, July 30, 2015, for UTS #46.
[145-A116] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Simon Sapin re error report in L2/15-277, July 30, 2015, for UTS #46.
[145-A117] Action Item for Andrew Glass, Editorial Committee: Update UAX #9 based on feedback from Pedro Navarro, Sept 16, 2015; and prepare a proposed update for Unicode 9.0.
[145-A118] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Reply to Pedro Navarro's feedback of Sept 1, 2015.
[145-A119] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Post the PRI on UAX #9 to close January 18, 2016.
[145-A120] Action Item for Roozbeh Pournader, Rick McGowan: Reply to Loïc Etienne's feedback of Sept 23, 2015 in document L2/15-277, re Todo soft hyphen.
[145-A121] Action Item for Mark Davis, Peter Edberg, Emoji SC: Investigate Phil Armstrong's error report from Oct 2, 2015. See document L2/15-277.
[145-A122] Action Item for Rick McGowan: Respond to Phil Armstrong's error report from Oct 2, 2015. See document L2/15-277.
C.14 Comments on N’Ko Additions [Anderson, Everson, L2/15-287]
Discussion. Script ad hoc will discuss.
B.10 Unicode Localization Interoperability (ULI)
B.10.1 Liaison report [Loomis, L2/15-324]
Oral report by Steven Loomis.
UTC adjourned for the week at 4:00 p.m.
L2 continued.
UTC Attendance
Person | Representing |
Shervin Afshar | self |
Deborah Anderson | UC Berkeley |
Yona Chen | Huawei |
Craig Cornelius | |
Craig Cummings | Informatica |
Mark Davis | |
Nick Doiron | self (Asia Fnd) |
Peter Edberg | Apple |
Behnam Esfahbod | |
Ben Hamilton | |
Martin Hosken | SIL |
Paul Hunt | Adobe |
Laurențiu Iancu | Microsoft |
Tayfun Karadeniz | EmojiXpress |
Hiro Komatsu | |
Daphne Larose | Apple |
Jennifer Lee | self |
Steven Loomis | IBM |
Ken Lunde | Adobe |
Rick McGowan | Unicode |
Karan Miśra | Apple |
Diana Moltrup | Apple |
Kat Momoi | |
Lisa Moore | IBM |
Roozbeh Pournader | |
Murray Sargent | Microsoft |
Fredrik Stenshamn | Apple |
Michel Suignard | Unicode |
Linus Tanaka | self |
Tex Texin | self (Xencraft) |
Ken Whistler | Unicode |
By Phone | |
Jeremy Burge | Emojipedia |
Peter Constable | Microsoft |
Andrew Glass | Microsoft |
Fred Horn | self (Ricoh) |
John Jenkins | Apple |
Andrew West | self |
Members Represented
Full Member |
11/02 |
11/03 | 11/04 | 11/05 |
1. Adobe Systems, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
2. Apple, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
3. Facebook |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
4. Google, Inc. |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
5. Huawei |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
6. IBM Corporation |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
7. Microsoft Corporation |
yes |
yes | yes | yes(proxy) |
8. Oracle America, Inc. |
9. SAP AG |
10. Sultanate of Oman, MARA |
11. Yahoo! |
Institutional Member |
1. Bangladesh, MSICT |
2. India, MIT |
3. Tamil Nadu, TVA |
4. West Bengal, SNLTR |
5. UCB |
yes |
yes | yes | yes |
Supporting Member |
1. Emoji One |
2. EmojiXpress |
yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Monotype Imaging Corp |
Associate Member |
1. High Tech Passport |
2. SIL | yes |
yes |
yes | |
3. Twitter |
Individual Member |
1. Shervin Afshar |
yes | |||
3. Craig Cummings |
yes | yes | yes | yes |
3. Fred Horn |
yes | |||
3. Jennifer Lee |
yes | yes | yes | |
3. Linus Tanaka |
yes | |||
3. Tex Texin |
yes | yes | ||
Members not in regular attendance: Bangladesh, India, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Monotype, Oracle, SAP, Yahoo!
Total full members in regular attendance: 7
Total institutional members in regular attendance: 1
Total supporting members in regular attendance: 0
Quorum: 4.5