
UTC Meeting 157
Sunnyvale, CA September 18 - 21, 2018
Hosted by Apple
Meeting Logistical Information
UTC meetings follow the Unicode Consortium Technical Committee Procedures
UTC Document Register

Last updated: September 20, 2018

UTC Plenary Meeting:
    Tuesday, September 18         10:30 am to 5:30 pm
    Wednesday, September 19    10:30 am to 5:30 pm
    Thursday, September 20        9:30 am to 5:30 pm
    Friday, September 21            9:30 am to 3:00 pm

Members Meeting:
    Wednesday, September 19    9:30 am to 10:30 am

L2 Plenary Meeting:

    Friday, September 21           3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Scheduled Activities:

Agenda Person Day and Time (PST) Location
E.1 Emoji topics Davis, et al Tuesday, 2:00 pm  
B.3 and B.4 Lunde, Jenkins, et al Tuesday, 3:30 pm  
B.11.1 UTR#53 Evans, et al Wednesday, 10:30 am  
E.1 Emoji topics Davis, et al Wednesday, 2:00 pm  
C.7 ADLAM NASALIZATION MARK Barry, Glass, et al Wednesday, 3:00 pm  
B.12.2 UTS #51 Davis, Edberg Thursday, 2:00 pm  

Ad  Hoc Meetings:
Ad Hoc Subject Person Day and Time (PST) Location
E.1 Emoji topics Davis, et al Tuesday, 12:45 to 1:45 pm  
E.1 Emoji topics Davis, et al Wednesday, 12:45 to 1:45 pm  
C.3 Mongolian Moore, Hai, et al Thursday, 12:45 to 1:45 pm

Other meetings:

Meeting Person Day and Time (PST) Location
CLDR regular meeting   Wednesday, 8:00 to 9:30 am teleconference
SEI Board meeting Anderson, et al Wednesday, 1:00 to 2:00 pm  

A. Administrative Topics
A.1 UTC membership roll call
  A.1.1 Call for proxies
  A.1.2 Roll call

A.2 Declaration of meeting open

A.3 Registration of new documents

A.4 Approval of meeting agenda [L2/18-271]
  Latest version of this document

A.5 Minutes and action items
  A.5.1 Approval of minutes
    A.5.1.1Approve UTC meeting 156 minutes [L2/18-183]
  A.5.2  Action Items
    A.5.2.1 Review of open action items [L2/SD2]
    A.5.2.2 Recently closed action items [L2/18-273]

  Minutes posted at https://www.unicode.org/L2/meetings/utc-meetings.html

A.6 Calendar review
  UTC 158 January 14-17, 2019, host Google
  UTC 159 April 30-May 3, 2019, host Adobe
  UTC 160 July 23-26, 2019, host Microsoft
  UTC 161 October 7-10, 2019, host Apple, Annual Full Members Mtg
  UTC 162 January 13-16, 2020, host VMware, TBC
  UTC 163 April 28-May 1, 2020, host Adobe         

  Calendar posted at http://www.unicode.org/unicode/timesens/calendar.html

A.7 Letter ballot review

A.8 Schedule ad hoc meetings

A.9 Membership update

B. Liaison Reports and Technical Topics

B.1  JTC1/SC2/WG2
  B.1.1 Meeting reports
    B.1.1.1 Convenor's report
    B.1.1.2 Liaison reports
      B. Unicode liaison report to SC2 [Constable

      B. Unicode liaison report from SC2 [Constable]      
Script Encoding Initiative Liaison report (to WG2) [Anderson]
    B.1.1.3 IR's meeting report [Anderson]
    B.1.1.4 Consent docket
[Anderson, et al]
  B.1.2 SC2/WG2 minutes, recommendations, resolutions, report
    B.1.2.1 Minutes [SC/WG2]
    B.1.2.2 Reports
    B.1.2.3 Recommendations [WG2]
  B.1.3 Amendments/Ballots
    B.1.3.1 5th Edition
     B. DAM 2
     B.1.3.2 Additional repertoire for ISO/IEC 10646:2017 (6th ed.) CD, Revised [Suignard, L2/18-302]
     B.1.3.3 Review ballot comments [Anderson]
  B.1.4 Ad Hoc reports
  B.1.5 Review pipeline characters to ensure all new characters are in ballot comments or a separate document [Whistler]
  B.1.6 Review of document requesting new additions [Anderson, L2/18-309]

B.2 SC2/SC22/SC34/SC35/SC36/TC37/SC29/TC12
  B.2.1 Liaison reports
    B.2.1.1 Unicode Consortium Liaison Report to TC 37/SC 2 [Constable]  
    B.2.1.2 Unicode Consortium Liaison Report to JTC1/SC 2  
    B.2.1.3 Liaison report from OWG Sort Editor [Whistler]    
  B.2.2 JTC/SC documents
    B.2.2.1 SC2
      B. 10646
      B. 14651
    B.2.2.2 SC35
    b B. WG5
    B.2.2.3 TC37/SC2
      B. Liaison report [Constable]
    B.2.2.4 JTC1

  B.3.1 Liaison report [Lunde, Jenkins]
  B.3.2 US/Unicode Activity Report for IRG #51 [Lunde, L2/18-295]
  B.3.3 IRG Working Set 2015 Version 6.0 (IRG N2308) & Draft Extension G (WG2 N5006) [IRG, L2/18-268]
  B.3.4 IRG Working Set 2017 Version 2.0 (IRG N2309)  [IRG, L2/18-269]
  B.3.5 IRG N2309 IRG Working Set 2017 Version 2.0 UTC Comments [UTC/Lunde, L2/18-270]

 B.4 CJK
  B.4.1 Additional document for kMainlandTelegraph changes [Chung, L2/18-263]
  B.4.2 Request to add 15 U-source ideographs [Chung, L2/18-288]
  B.4.3 Proposed kTaiwanTelegraph changes [Chung, L2/18-289]
  B.4.4 Proposal to add 9 Taiwanese and 2 Hakka ideographs to UAX #45 [Burkimsher, L2/18-290]
  B.4.5 Draft Revised IICore Radical-stroke Charts [Jenkins, L2/18-291]
  B.4.6 UAX #45 Radical-stroke Charts [Jenkins, L2/18-292]
  B.4.7 Proposal to define new Unihan Database property: kIICore2020 [Lunde, L2/18-279]

  B.5.1 Liaison report [Suignard]

  B.6.1 Liaison report [Moore]

B.7 UC Berkeley Department of Linguistics - Script Encoding Initiative
  B.7.1 Liaison report [Anderson, L2/18-299]

  B.8.1 Liaison report [Umaoka, Scherer]

B.9 Unicode Locales Project (CLDR)
  B.9.1 Liaison report [Davis, Edberg]
B.10 Unicode Localization Interoperability (ULI)
  B.10.1 Liaison report [Loomis]

B.11 Public Review Issues
  B.11.1 Issue 378: Draft UTR #53, Unicode Arabic Mark Rendering 
    B.11.1.1 Feedback
      B. General feedback [L2/18-274]
    B.11.1.2 Document for review [Evans, et al, L2/18-298]
  B.11.2 Issue 379: Proposed Update UAX #44, Unicode Character Database 
    B.11.2.1 Feedback
      B. General feedback [L2/18-274]
    B.11.1.2 Document for review [Davis, et al, L2/18-297]  
  B.11.3 Other feedback
     B.11.3.1 Feedback     
        B. General feedback [L2/18-274]
        B. Feedback from WG2 email discussion list [Anderson]
     B.11.3.2 Other documents

B.12 Unicode Technical Reports, Standards, and Standard Annexes
   B.12.1 Working Draft Proposed Update Unicode® Standard Annex #38 [Jenkins, L2/18-304]
   B.12.2 Working Draft of Proposed Update UTS #51, Unicode Emoji [Davis, Edberg, L2/18-308]

B.13 Editorial Committee/Unicode Standard
  B.13.1 Errata
  B.13.2 Editorial Committee report [Whistler]
  B.13.3 Unicode V12.0
  B.13.4 Authorize V12.0 beta
B.14 Properties
  B.14.1 Proposed fix for character name restrictions on use of hyphen-minus [Whistler, L2/18-267R]
  B.14.2 Freeze Bidi maximum explicit level at 125 [Scherer, L2/18-296
  B.14.3 Deprecation Inconsistencies in Code Chart Annotations [Buff, L2/18-301

B.15 Ad hoc reports
  B.15.1 Mongolian
  B.15.2 Emoji
  B.15.3 Tai Tham
  B.15.4 W3C internationalization initiatives meeting

B.16 Other

C. Scripts  

C.1 WG2-related
  C.1.1 Review of script documents requested by WG2
C.2 Review of UTC script proposals
  C.2.1 Script Ad Hoc recommendations to the UTC [Anderson, et al, [Anderson, et al, L2/18-300]
C.3 Mongolian
  C.3.1 Solution for NNBSP Issues [Sanlig, L2/18-293]
  C.3.2 Proposal to encode two Mongolian letters [Sanlig, et al, L2/18-294]
C.4 Preliminary proposal to encode Book Pahlavi in Unicode [Pandey, L2/18-276]
C.5 Phags-pa
   C.5.1 A Glyph Error of 'Phags-pa Alternate YA(U+A86D) [Lo Dyih-Yuaan, L2/18-278]
   C.5.2 Discussion of ‘Glyph Error of 'Phags-pa Alternate YA’  [West, L2/18-280]
C.6 Comments on proposed Vietnamese Reading Marks [West, et al, L2/18-281]
C.7 Proposal to encode ADLAM NASALIZATION MARK for ADLaM script [Barry, et al, L2/18-282R]
  C.7.1 General feedback [L2/18-274]
C.8 Proposal to encode the Palaeohispanic script [Ferrer, et al, L2/18-283]
C.9 Preliminary proposal for encoding the Yezidi script in the SMP of the UCS (revision 1) [Karaca, et al, L2/18-284]
C.10 Further information on Khitan Small Script clusters [Anderson, L2/18-285]
C.11 Feedback on N4836 (L2/17-236) Proposal to add LATIN LETTER THORN WITH DIAGONAL to the UCS STROKE [Stokes, et al, L2/18-286]

D. South Asian

D.1 Review of Indic-related UTC documents
  D.1.1 Review of Indic-related documents and recommendations to the UTC [Anderson, et al, L2/18-300]
D.2 Additional information on L2/18-084 TAKRI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R [Srinidhi, Sridatta, L2/18-247R]
D.3 Syloti Nagri feedback [Srinidhi, L2/18-259]
D.4 Error in three Wancho character names [Anderson, L2/18-264]
D.5 Further remarks on the encoding model of Vedic gomukha characters [Sharma, L2/18-287]

E. Symbols

E.1 Emoji
  E.1.1 ESC Recommendations for 2018Q3 UTC [ESC, L2/18-307
  E.1.2 Emoji character proposals
    E.1.2.1 Emoji Proposal: PICKUP TRUCK [Maggio, L2/18-260]
    E.1.2.2 Emoji Proposal: POTTED PLANT [Emojination/Bonnie Discepolo, et al, L2/18-261]
    E.1.2.3 Emoji Proposal: TISSUE BOX [Emojination/Bonnie Discepolo, et al, L2/18-262]
    E.1.2.4 Emoji Proposal: FEATHER emoji [Kamkoff, L2/18-265]
    E.1.2.5 Proposal to add GRAVE emoji [Kimura-Thollander, L2/18-266]
    E.1.2.6 Proposal for Capsicum Emoji [Pilypas, L2/18-277
  E.1.3 Emoji sequence proposals
    E.1.3.1 RGI emoji sequences for people in wheelchairs and with probing cane [Edberg, L2/18-306]  
  E.1.4 Comments on draft candidates for Emoji 12.0  
    E.1.4.1 Comments on accumulated feedback on Unicode 12.0 draft candidates [ESC/Davis, L2/18-253]
E.2 Proposal to add characters from legacy computers and teletext to the UCS [Ewell, et al, L2/18-275R]
E.3 Revised EXTERNAL LINK Proposal [Bayer, L2/18-303]

F. Miscellaneousb>


G. Close of Meeting


G.1 Thank our hosts