L2/24-260 Proposed corrections to past UTC minutes Peter Constable 2024-10-30 While reviewing some past UTC, I discovered some obvious errors: - UTC 90: two action items numbered 90-A30 - UTC 120 and UTC 122: each has a decision numbered “118-C1” to approve UTC 117 minutes and copied from UTC 118 minutes. - UTC 170: two action items numbered 170-C36 (Note: minutes for UTC 119 and UTC 121 were approved at UTC 127 (127-C7). I propose the following UTC actions: [181-Cn] Consensus: Amend the UTC 90 minutes in L2/02-070 changing the second occurrence of “[90-A30]” to “[90-A30a]”. [181-Cn] Consensus: Amend the UTC 120 minutes in L2/09-225 and the UTC 122 minutes in L2/10-015 replacing in each the line beginning “[118-C1] Consensus:…” with the following: “(A decision to approve prior meeting minutes was not correctly recorded.)” [181-Cn] Consensus: Amend the UTC 170 minutes in L2/22-016 changing the second occurrence of “[170-C36]” to “[170-C36a]”. [181-A] Action item for Robin Leroy, UTC: Revise minutes from UTC 90, UTC 120, UTC 122 and UTC 170 as described in 181-Cn – 181-Cn.