The beta version of the UCD includes nine files which are intended to help beta testers evaluate the changes since the previous version. Those files are not part of the UCD, and will be present only during the beta period. Those files are only informative. While we believe that those files present accurate data, there is no guarantee that the data is indeed accurate. The files are not intended to be machine readable. All files cover: - the code points which have been assigned - the properties which have been added or removed - for each property, the code points for which the value of the property has changed - the changes to blocks - the changes to named sequences - the changes to normalization corrections - the changes to standardized variants The *.summary.diffs files give only a summary, in the form of the number of things which have changed; the *.changes.diffs file add a list of the new characters, and a list of the property changes for existing characters; the *.all.diffs file adds the property changes for the new characters. The *.nounihan.* files cover only the properties not in the Unihan database. The *.unihan.* files cover only the properties expressed in the Unihan database. The *.all.* files cover all the properties. --- -.nounihan.summary.diffs contains only the number of things (code points, blocks, etc.) which have changed between versions and . The format is + - # = (, ) where: - is the number of things in - is the number of things added in the - is the number of things removed in - is the number of things changed in - is the number of things which are not accounted - --- -.nounihan.changes.diffs gives a bit more details: the code points which have been assigned are listed, together with the character name; for each property, the code points with a changed value are listed, as well as the old and the new value. The new or removed blocks, named sequences, standardized variants are listed. --- -.nounihan.all.diffs does not ignore the newly assigned characters. The most important consequence is that if a property of a newly assigned code point has changed, then the change is counted and listed. However, this does not mean that all the values of the properties for all the newly assigned characters are listed: for example, the combining class of unassigned code points is 0, and it remains 0 for most newly assigned characters. Hence only a subset of the newly assigned characters are listed for the changes to the combining class property. ---