December 14, 2002
It has recently come to our attention that our IP address is among a
large block of IP addresses that are being listed by, which is a blacklist maintainer. If your ISP or your e-mail administrator uses to filter
incoming mail, you will not be able to receive any e-mail from us. There is
nothing that we can do about this situation for now. You have three choices: (1)
request that be put onto an explicit "white
list" at your domain or ISP, (2) read the Unicode mail list
on-line via our web archives, or
(3) subscribe to the list via an address or domain that does not block mail from (There are several well-known providers of free web-based e-mail
accounts, including and
When a user attempts to subscribe to our mail list the request for subscription
is always scanned by a human administrator. If we detect, through
scanning mail bounces,
that your confirmation message is being rejected by your domain because of this listing by, we may attempt to contact you by e-mail from
a another domain to let you know that your subscription cannot be fulfilled.
You can always reach us by filling in the
online contact form, or by
telephone or snail mail.
Details, for those who wish to know more
Our domain,, is hosted by among a segment of the network that is apparently under the
control of or These providers have
been identified by as being spammer-friendly. In particular (we have been
told) for information one should
see this page. A block of IP addresses is being listed in an attempt to gain
the attention of those who could do something about the alleged spammers. We
have no further information. As long as or any other black list maintainers
believe that the providers of our network connectivity are involved in spam operations,
we will be unable to serve users who subscribe to those lists. For further
information, please see
this page and this page.
We are endeavoring to find a solution to the current situation, short of the
catastrophic step of moving
our services to another provider.