Mr. Michel Suignard has worked for more than fifteen years at Microsoft. He
was first a technical manager in the new-born French subsidiary and moved
after two years to the company headquarters in Redmond, Washington. He has
worked in the Systems Division as a development manager in charge of
globalization, with a specific focus on Far East products dealing
successfully with Windows, OS/2, and Windows NT. He went back to Paris at
the company European Head Quarter for a few years, managing
European-specific standard issues, including character sets. Since then, he
has returned to Redmond where he is a Senior Program Manager, in charge
first of the internationalization of the Publisher 98 text engine, with a
special emphasis for the Asian market. He is now in charge of
internationalization and typography within the Internet Explorer core team.
Mr. Suignard is a technical director of the Unicode Consortium and also the
NCITS/L2 International Representative Officer and, as such, plays an
important role in maintaining a good cooperation between the Unicode
Consortium and the ISO organization responsible for the development of
ISO/IEC 10646.