David Kumhyr - IBM Corporation
David works in IBM's Tivoli division and is responsible for
developing tools to support internationalization and translation,
internationalization architecture, translation process and
evaluating and developing new technologies relating to
internationalization. David was recently named IBM Software Group
Master Inventor for the second time. He holds IBM's 18th Invention
Achievement Plateau, with over 68 filed and 17 issued US and
foreign patents. David is a graduate of North Carolina State University at
Raleigh. His first foray into system design was as an intern with
the Wake County North Carolina District Attorney's Office where he
developed and implemented the PMSS felony case management system.
Most DA's offices in North Carolina adopted this federally
sponsored system. Prior to returning to university he served as
Chief of Police with the Holly Springs Police Department. At 22
years old he was the youngest Chief of Police in North
Carolina. |