Enhancing Unicode expression with
Interlinear Annotation and Replacement Characters
Tatsuo Kobayashi - Scholex Co., Ltd., JUSTSYSTEM Digital Culture Research Center

Intended Audience: Software Engineers, Font Designers, Technical Writers,Publishers, Printing Industry

Session Level: Intermediate, Advanced

This presentation and demonstration is an experiment to express non character objects in Unicode plane text with already standardized "Interlinear Annotation" and "Replacement Character".

There have been strong requirements in market to handle non character objects such as logotypes and Kanji glyphs which have no character code assignments.

To handle these objects, combination of "REPLACEMENT CHARACTER"(U+FFFD) and INLINE ANNOTATION(U+FFF9-U+FFFB) is very useful. In this presentation, we will discuss several potential application fields of this method, together with conformation to Unicode Standard. Also, there are a couple of demonstrations of this method.