[ Advisory Committee
The IUC 29 Program Review Committee is responsible for
reviewing submissions for presentations and creating a rich,
relevant program that keeps the Internationalization &
Unicode Conference at the forefront of software and Web
Joe Becker is
one of the founders of the Unicode Standard effort,
and an Officer Emeritus of the Unicode Consortium.
He has worked on artificial intelligence at BBN and
multilingual workstation software at Xerox. He
speaks survival-level Chinese, French, German,
Japanese, and Russian, and has forgotten Latin.
Ishida, is
the W3C Internationalization Activity Lead. This
activity has the mission of ensuring universal
access to the Web, regardless of language, script or
culture, by proposing & coordinating any techniques,
conventions, guidelines and activities within the
W3C that help to make and keep the Web
international. Richard is also chair of the GEO
(Guidelines, Education & Outreach) Working Group.
For many years Richard's seminars and consulting
have helped product groups around the world develop
websites, documents, software, and on-screen
information so that it can be easily localized for
the international marketplace. His background
includes translation and interpreting, computational
linguistics, and translation tools. He has studied
French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese
and Arabic. Top
McGowan, Vice President, Unicode, Inc.
Before joining the staff of the Unicode Consortium
full time, Mr McGowan worked at AT&T, NeXT and Apple
as a software engineer, both in the US and Japan. As
well as being one of the authors of the Unicode
Standard, his varied experience includes fluency in
Japanese and 15 years on the Unicode Technical
Committee. Top |
Addison Phillips,
Globalization Architect, Quest Software. In addition
to his work with Quest, Mr. Phillips is the current
chair of the W3C Internationalization Core Working
Group and is active in other standards activities
related to internationalization and Unicode.
Top |
Russ Rolfe is the Lead Program Manager for
the Windows Globalization Evangelism team. He works
as one of the advocates to Microsoft development
teams for international customers, letting the teams
know what Microsoft's customers' international
issues and needs are. He managed the creation of
Microsoft's book, "Developing International Software
- 2nd. Edition." He has been involved with
Globalization, Internationalization and Localization
for over 25 years. He spent a year developing the
Internationalization guidelines for AT&T's $10
billion global venture with BT (British Telecom). He
spent 12 years with ALPNET (a global
company) developing tools and procedures to improve
the globalization and localization process. In the
early 80's, he also spent five years with Weidner
Communications as project manager developing a
Japanese to English machine translation system. He
was one of founding members of the OSCAR group who
created the Translation Memory Exchange (TMX)
standard and is
currently a member of the W3Cs International GEO
(Guidelines, Education and Outreach) Task Force.
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Tex Texin has been providing globalization services
including architecture, strategy, training, and
implementation to the software industry for many years.
Tex has created numerous globalized products, managed
internationalization development teams, developed
internationalization and localization tools, and guided
companies in taking business to new regional markets. Tex is also an advocate for internationalization
standards in software and on the Web. He is a
representative to the Unicode Consortium and the World
Wide Web Consortium.
Tex maintains two Web sites for internationalization,
the popular and a site focused on
the Progress Software community and others:
Tex is now Internationalization Architect for Yahoo!
Andrea Vine has been in internationalization
for over 15 years, so long as to question her
sanity. She has worked for large firms such as Sun
Microsystems, Computer Associates and Xerox, and was
an independent consultant for 7 years. Currently
working as an independent consultant in the UK, she
also contributes articles and information to trade
journals and books. She has spoken many times at the
Unicode conference, and has presented numerable
seminars in the California
Bay Area. Top |
Cathy Wissink,
Group Program Manager, Global Platform Technologies
Services, Microsoft.
Since 1991, Cathy has worked on numerous
internationalization projects within Microsoft,
including the Win32 NLS API, the
System.Globalization namespace in the .NET
Framework, and diverse internationalization tools
and packages. Cathy has been involved in
implementing Unicode on Windows since version 1.0
was enabled on Windows NT 3.1, and has participated
in the Unicode Consortium in varied roles over the
years, including serving as Microsoft's primary
representative to the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC),
UTC vice chair, and chair of INCITS/L2
(the US technical committee for character sets and
internationalization). She has published and
presented many white papers and articles on
Microsoft-specific internationalization.
Top |
François Yergeau is a specialist in XML and
internationalization, with almost twenty years
experience in the latter field. He is active in
standardization (ISO, IETF, Unicode, W3C), sits on
two W3C working groups (Internationalization Core
and XML Core) and is a member of the Board of
Directors of the Centre international pour le
développement de l'inforoute en français (CIDIF). He
holds B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Université Laval
in Québec. Top |