How do the Koreans do it?

Date: Wed Oct 26 1994 - 09:02:01 EDT

From: NAME: Misha Wolf
        TEL: + 44 171 510 6722
        ADDR: London, England <M_WOLF@AM@REC>
To: NAME: Unicore <in%"richsun!!!unicore"@rcssob@mrgate>,
        NAME: Unicode <in%"richsun!!!unicode"@rcssob@mrgate>,
        NAME: ISO10646 LIST <in%"richsun!!JHUVM.HCF.JHU.EDU!ISO10646"@rcssob@mrgate>

Can anyone explain how Korean vendors currently (ie pre-Unicode) encode the
11,172 Hangul syllables using two octets?

  Misha Wolf | Reuters Limited
  Internet: | 85 Fleet Street
  If replying, please check my return address is correct | London EC4P 4AJ
  Phone: +44 171 510 6722 Fax: +44 171 510 8726 | England

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