This is a reminder about the call for papers for the 7th UIW. As a
member of the Editorial Review Board, I would really like to have some
proposals to review. I hear from Barbara Jarzyna (who is managing this
year's conference) that she has received very few proposals so far.
A starter set of topics might include:
- language processing based on Unicode
(how about bidirectional languages or Chinese multilingual support?)
- font technology for Unicode
(the last UIW had some good talks on this)
- multilingual databases
(anyone want to state the problem? go into some solutions?)
- exotic languages
(now surely you could have some fun here...)
- internationalization
(the UIW theme is broader than just Unicode this year)
AND... if you are a little desperate about the April 4 deadline, let
me or Barbara or someone know.
Thank you very much!
Seventh International Unicode Conference
September 14-15, 1995
San Jose, CA, USA
The Seventh International Unicode Conference has the theme: Software
Globalization. As well as addressing implementation of the Unicode
Standard, and its relationship to International Standard ISO/IEC 10646, the
Conference will cover all issues related to the globalization of software
(with or without Unicode support) for today's world market-place.
The Seventh International Unicode Conference will bring together the leading
technical experts on software globalization and implementing the Unicode
Standard. In addition, the Conference is soliciting speakers on related
subjects, such as international typography and adaptation of software to
cultural parameters and linguistic requirements.
Conference attendees will include managers, engineers, software developers,
systems analysts, programmers and product marketing personnel responsible
for the development of software supporting Unicode/ISO 10646 as well as
those involved in all aspects of the globalization of software.
An abstract of your proposed paper must be received by WEDNESDAY APRIL 5,
1995 to be considered.
Presentations will be limited to 40 minutes, including a 10 minute question
and answer period.
Suggested topics are listed below. Please use them merely as guidelines.
While the emphasis of the Conference is on work based on the Unicode
Standard, papers on the globalization of software (regardless of Unicode
support) are welcomed.
- Unicode implementation issues
Code set conversions
Program migration
Scripts, font rendering and design, mathematical text
Internationalization of Windows, OS/2, etc.
- Localization processes
- Internationalization processes
- Software Globalization processes and issues
Technical implementation in globalization of software
- Marketing, financial and legal issues
Please feel free to pass this call on to interested colleagues or to post it
to appropriate lists.
Please supply all of the following information:
NAME: Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms: __________________________________
TITLE/POSITION: __________________________________
ORGANIZATION/AFFILIATION: __________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________
TELEPHONE: __________________________________
FAX: __________________________________
E-MAIL: __________________________________
TITLE OF PRESENTATION: __________________________________
TARGET AUDIENCE: You may check more than one
Manager [ ] Engineer [ ] Software developer [ ]
Systems Analyst [ ] Programmer [ ] Marketer [ ]
Other: please describe ______________________________
Please provide a brief synopsis of your presentation, including a statement
of purpose, and your conclusions or final summary.
Send your proposal by post, fax or e-mail to:
Global Meeting Services Inc.
Attention: Barbara
3627 Princess Avenue
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada V7N 2E4
Telephone: (604) 983-9157
Fax: (604) 983-9158
You will be sent an acknowledgment of your paper proposal by WEDNESDAY MAY
3, 1995.
The Unicode Standard:
The Unicode Standard is a 16-bit character encoding that is code-for-code
identical to International Standard ISO/IEC 10646. Encompassing the world's
principal scripts, it provides the foundation for the internationalization
and localization of software. With its simple and efficient approach to
special and modified characters, the Unicode Standard defines a new degree
of data portability between platforms and across borders. Software
especially modern, distributed systems) can be adapted for particular
countries far more easily than when existing character sets are used.
Demonstration/Exhibit Opportunities:
The Conference will have a separate area for corporations or individuals who
wish to display and promote their products and/or services.
This area will be open throughout the duration of the Conference. Every
effort will be made to provide maximum exposure and advertising.
Exhibit space is limited. For further information or to reserve a place,
please contact Barbara at the above location.
We look forward to your proposal(s) and anticipate a very successful
Conference in September.
%%% overflow headers %%%
To: "Rick @next" <>,
"Joan @rlg" <>,
"Mark @taligent" <>,
"Steve @taligent" <>,
"Jon Bale" <>,
"Alan Barrett" <>,
"Ed Batutis" <>,
"Jeurgen Bettels" <>,
"Don Carroll" <>,
"Larry Childs" <>,
"Unicode DL" <>, "Unicore DL" <>,
"Peter Edberg" <>,
"John Gioia" <>,
"Tim Greenwood" <>,
"Bill Hall" <>,
"Lloyd Honomichl" <>,
"John H. Jenkins" <>,
"Mike Ksar" <>, "John McConnell" <>,
"Lisa Moore" <>,
"Stephen P. Oksala" <>,
"Murray Sargent" <>,
"Karen Smith-Yoshimura" <>,
"Stephen Sparrow" <>,
"Michel Suignard" <>,
"V.S. Umamaheswaran" <>,
"Arnold Winkler" <>,
"Andy Witkowski" <>
Cc: "Rick @next" <>,
"Joan @rlg" <>,
"Mark @taligent" <>,
"Steve @taligent" <>,
"Glenn Adams" <>,
"Asmus Freytag" <>,
"Barbara Jarzyna" <>,
"Mike Kernaghan" <>,
"Michel Suignard" <>,
"Kenneth Whistler" <>,
"Joe@ Xerox" <>
%%% end overflow headers %%%
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