Hello Unicoders -
The best way I know of to knock the end-of-summer blues is with a good
Unicode conference. So a final reminder, September 14 and 15 will be
here soon. I encourage you to take advantage of the time left for
advance registration (reserve your place, your proceedings, your lunch).
Hope to see you in a couple of weeks,
...walk-in registration will be as space permits...
What and When
Seventh International Unicode Conference
and Multilingual Computing Exhibition
September 14-15, 1995
Hyatt San Jose
1740 North First Street
San Jose, CA 95112-4584
Conference registration includes:
Full two days of sessions, continental breakfast and luncheon on both days,
refreshment breaks, all on-site conference materials, conference
proceedings, entry to exhibit area.
Unicode Consortium member - $395
includes employees of Corporate and Associate
Member companies, and Individual Members
Non-member -
Prior to August 14 $450
After August 14 $495
Exhibit area only $ 25
Student rate available upon request.
To register now complete and return the following information:
NAME: __________________________________________________
AFFILIATION: __________________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________
CITY/STATE: __________________________________________________
ZIP: __________________________________________________
TEL: __________________________ FAX: _________________
E-MAIL: ___________________________________________________
All rates quoted in US $.
[ ] Unicode Member $395
[ ] Non-member before August 14 $450
[ ] Non-member after August 14 $495
[ ] Exhibit area only $ 25
Paid by:
[ ] Visa [ ] Mastercard [ ] American Express [ ] Check
Credit Card Number Expiration Date
Name as it appears on card Signature
Please make checks payable to Global Meeting Services Inc.
Send by the following methods:
Unicode Conference
c/o 3627 Princess Avenue
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada V7N 2E4
Fax: 604-983-9158
E-mail: conference@unicode.org
CANCELLATION/SUBSTITUTION: Cancellations received and post-marked prior to
Sept. 1 will receive 80% refund to be mailed after the Conference.
Substitutions permitted to Sept. 13.
Conference management
The Seventh International Unicode Conference is held by Global Meeting
Services under licence from the Unicode Consortium. Unicode and the
Unicode logo are trademarks of Unicode, Inc. Used with permission. The
Multilingual Computing Exhibition is held by Multilingual Computing
Magazine and is managed by Global Meeting Services Inc.
For further information on the Conference or Exhibits contact Barbara at:
Tel: 604-983-9157
Fax: 604-983-9158
E-mail: conference@unicode.org
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