Have you ever had problems dealing with multiple languages on your
Ever thought of sending a Chinese(Simplified & Traditional), Japanese,
Korean, Tamil, Jawi, Thai, Vietnamese, French, German, Greek, Cyrillic,
Italian, Spanish, etc... e-mail to your friends? (the list can go on and on.
You just name the language you need, and we will add it). Have you ever tried
to create text, article or documents in these languages?
With MASS 2.3...... Now U Can! :-)
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Multilingual Application Support Service (Version 2.3)
MASS 2.3
Multilingual Application Support Service, Version 2.3 (MASS 2.3), developed
at Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore,
provides a multilingual environment support for the end users as well as
the application developers. The main component of this environment is a
multilingual input server, MINE an acronym for 'Multilingual Input for Novice
and Expert users'. The MINE server facilitates character input in several
natural lnguages. Another component of MASS is a primitive multilingual
text editor called mledit. The combination of the MINE server and mledit is
sufficient to allow the end user to create simple multilingual text documents.
A third component is UXTERM, a X terminal emulator which can support Unicode
and many other code standards.
The following are the three components and their functinality in a glance.
1. MINE (Multilingual Input for Novice and Expert users)
- For input of multiple languages.
2. MLEDIT (Multilingual Editor)
- For creating/editing of multilingual text;
- For converting one code standard to another;
- For translating Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese, and vice versa;
- For converting Pinyin/Zhuyin/Wade Giles phonetic systems for Chinese;
- ... and much more.
3. UXTERM (Unicode, i.e. Multilingual Xterm)
- For running program (without GUI) that requires multiple languages;
- For creating/editing of multilingual text;
- ... and much more.
For more information, please refer to the WWW page:
MASS WWW Page (Ascii/GB/Big5):
Good News
We are pleased to release a demo copy of one of the MASS components - the
Unicode xterm called "uxterm". You can have a feel on seeing multiple languages
in a single documents. For example, with Unicode, you can view both Simplified
Chinese and Traditional Chinese at the same documents.
You can retrieve the demo copy from the following site. For more information,
please read until the end of this email.
anonymous ftp site: ftp.iss.nus.sg
directory: /pub/iss/projects/uxterm
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(C) Copyright 1994 Institute of Systems Science. All Rights Reserved.
ISS disclaims all warranties with regard to this software, including all
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall ISS
be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any
damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether
in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising
out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software.
Permission to use, copy and distribute this software for any purpose
other than its commercial exploitation is hereby granted without fee,
provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
supporting documentation, and that the name of ISS not be used in
advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
without specific, written prior permission.
Unicode XTERM (Version 2.3)
Demo Copy
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
UXTERM is an extension of the X11 terminal emulation program called
xterm. Its main functional extension is the additional support for
Unicode and many other code standards and coding schemes. In
particular, it can be used for:
- running program (without GUI) that requires multiple languages;
- creating/editing of multilingual text;
- ... and much more.
Different coding schemes may be selected by CTRL-MOUSE_BUTTON_3. The
coding schemes supported directly by UXTERM include:
UTF-8, UTF-7, GB, HZ, Big5, CNS, EUC-JIS, Shift-JIS, KSC,
ISO-2022, ISO-8859, TIS, EACC, CCCII, etc.
To perform copy-and-paste with another localized applications, you
have to select the right coding scheme first. For instance, to copy
to/from a simplified cxterm, you need to set the coding scheme in
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Background Information
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UXTERM is a component of a complete system called the Multilingual
Application Support Service (MASS). The entire system is currently
supported the following Unix platforms with X Window System (X11
Release 4 or 5) support:
Platform OS File name
-------- -- ---------
1. IBM POWERstations AIX 3.2.x uxterm.aix3.2.5
2. Sun SPARCstation SunOS 4.1.x uxterm.SunOS4.1.3
3. Sun SPARCstation Solaris 2.x uxterm.solaris2.3
4. HP 9000 Series 700 HP-UX 9.x uxterm.hp9.0.3
5. NEC EWS EWS SVR4.2 uxterm.nec4.2
MASS is planned to be ported to the Microsoft Windows, Linux and DEC OSF1.
To input multilingual text to UXTERM, please use MINE input server of
the MASS system. For more information, please refer to the WWW page:
MASS WWW Page (Ascii/GB/Big5):
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Installing UXTERM 2.3 Demo Copy
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Follow the steps listed below to install UXTERM 2.3.
anonymous ftp site: ftp.iss.nus.sg
directory: /pub/iss/projects/uxterm
0. Decide which version you want. There are:
a. uxterm.SunOS4.1.3 for Sun OS 4.1.3
b. uxterm.aix3.2.5 for AIX 3.2.5
c. uxterm.hp9.0.3 for HP-UX 9.0.3
d. uxterm.solaris2.3 for Solaris 2.3
For each file, we have compressed to both .Z and .gz. You need to retrieve
only one version. If you have gunzip on your machine, we recommend you to
retrieve .gz version because they are smaller.
For example,
if you want to run uxterm on Solaris 2.3, retrieve the following files:
% ftp to ftp.iss.nus.sg
% Connected to holodeck.iss.nus.sg.
220 holodeck FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Mon Apr 18 10:17:46 GMT+0800 1994)
Name (ftp.iss.nus.sg:mass): anonymous <ret>
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
Password: (you have to type your email address)
ftp> cd /pub/iss/projects/uxterm
ftp> bin
ftp> prompt
ftp> mget UTerm cc.all.Z readme.* uni24.bdf.Z uxterm.solaris2.3.Z
[Note: UTerm cc.all.Z readme.* uni24.bdf.Z are data files you need to
download, for all version of uxterm.]
1. Copy the executable to a directory in your path, e.g.:
mv uxterm.solaris2.3 /opt1/bin/uxterm
2. Copy cc.all to some data directory and set the environment variable
CCDIR to point to it, e.g.:
mv cc.all /opt1
setenv CCDIR /opt1
3. Install a public Unicode font and set the font path by "xset +fp".
Please see the readme.READNEWS file for more information of the public
domain Unicode font.
In the ftp.iss.nus.sg:/pub/iss/projects/uxterm, you can find uni24.bdf.
Compile this bdf font file to pcf format.
4. Copy the X application default file of uxterm named "UTerm" to the directory
pointed by the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR.
The first line in UTerm specify the Unicode fontname, which if you use
the Uniocde font uni24.bdf, is uni24.
5. Run (make sure that "uxterm" is in your path):
uxterm &
6. Make sure that your terminal setting is 8-bit clean by executing:
stty -istrip cs8
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For further information, please send email to:
or contact:
Dr. Teow-Hin Ngair
Institute of Systems Science
National University of Singapore
Kent Ridge, S(0511)
Republic of Singapore
Telephone: (65) 772-6668
Fax: (65) 774-4998
- --
MASS is a product of the Institute of Systems Science, NUS, Singapore.
SPARCstation and SunOS are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Microsoft Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
All other products are the property of their respective owners.
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