FW: Availability of a Helvetica TrueType font for Windows

From: Robert Norton (robno@microsoft.com)
Date: Wed Apr 26 1995 - 11:09:08 EDT

The only people who should have it are Linotype.
They are not very good at making TrueType.
Linda Lee Moronna (516 434 2074) used to be the only remaining type
person, but her office doesn't know if they have it. (Their most used
face) I have left a message with their sales people to call me, or
email Ed Hart at his email address, or both.
I will report if I hear more.
From: Murray Sargent
To: Robert Norton
Subject: FW: Availability of a Helvetica TrueType font for Windows
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 1995 6:48PM

Can you send this to the appropriate soul?

From: <unicode@Unicode.ORG>
To: <unicode@Unicode.ORG>
Subject: Availability of a Helvetica TrueType font for Windows
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 1995 7:08AM

Does anyone know of a source for the Helvetica font in TrueType for Windows?

I know that I could buy Adobe Type Manager and get the font that way and I
know that ATM works fine. However, I'd like to avoid complicating my
Windows environment any more than it already is.

Ed Hart

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