Re: Language identifier proposals request

From: Mark Leisher (
Date: Mon Sep 04 1995 - 19:32:00 EDT

    Asmus> You wrote:
>> Asmus, thanks for the description.
>> What was going to be our proposal to the UTC will now simply be
>> submitted to the mailing list after an internal review. Rick
>> McGowan kindly reminded me that language identification is not
>> really within the scope of the Unicode Standard.

    Asmus> There is growing recognition that there are subjects
    Asmus> closely related to the subject matter of the Unicod
    Asmus> Standard proper, for which a work-item in the UTC would
    Asmus> meet the interest of the membership. Let me make clear that
    Asmus> Unicode will consider these situations carefully, but is
    Asmus> open to proposals resulting in new work items. In case of
    Asmus> lanuguage identifiers, this discussion keeps re-surfacing
    Asmus> and therefore it might well become appropriate to consider
    Asmus> some form of Unicode publication, perhaps a technical
    Asmus> report. For this matter to make progress you would need to
    Asmus> find support in the membership as well as find one or more
    Asmus> volunteers to do the technical work in between
    Asmus> meetings. One thing I could see as useful would be to
    Asmus> publish a survey of existing schemes along with any new
    Asmus> proposal meeting the demands I outlined in my last
    Asmus> mail. Your mailing has generated some responses already
    Asmus> that might be useful.

Hmm. Some more work might make it reasonably complete enough to
submit to the UTC.

    Asmus> PS: were you planning to attend the Unicode Conference?

Yes. I'll be there.
Mark Leisher "The trick is not gaining the knowledge,
Computing Research Lab but surviving the lessons."
New Mexico State University -- "Svaha," Charles de Lint
Box 30001, Dept. 3CRL
Las Cruces, NM 88003

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