Re: What is ku/ten

From: Wenlin Institute (
Date: Thu Jul 10 1997 - 14:58:31 EDT

Ku/ten form means that the code is given as two decimal numbers, each
between 1 and 94. Mapping to hexadecimal GB is simple, just add 0xA0;
that is, change 1 to 0xA1, 2 to 0xA2, ..., 94 to 0xFE.

For example, 1601 (16/01) becomes 0xB0A1 (0xB0 = 16 + 0xA0).

Ku/ten is a Japanese term. In Chinese it is called qu/wei
(qu1 'section', wei4 'position').

-Tom Bishop

At 12:18 AM 7/10/97 -0700, you wrote:
>I got the file UNIHAN.TXT and I don't understand what it meant by
>"ku/ten form" as in
># kGB0
># The GB 2312-80 mapping for this character in ku/ten form
>Will anyone please kindly tell me what it means? Can I easily convert
>this mapping into the hexidecimal GB code?
>Bob Cheung

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