First, I think you have to get a Japanese (double byte) enabled
version of Visual C++ and the Japanese (double byte) enabled
Win32 SDK. The second at least is required in order for you
to get the API function to understand that you are dealing with
double byte characters. If you use the English version of VC++
and SDK, the API probaly things that the strings passed to it
are in a single byte encoding and your mail header/contents is not
processed correctly. (Maybe you can set the _MBCS flag and the
English VC++ works as well. I don't know whether this works for
the APIs.)
I also don't know Java but I've heard that the the Java API should
have the required language support included. Check Sun's Java
site for more information on that.
Heinz Baumann
Sen. Software Developer
Engineering - Autodesk Inc.
vineet wrote:
> I have a problem if possible please help me.
> I develop program in english version of Visual C++. The program will
> send the mail to a mail server. Now tell what shloud i do before sending
> the mail so that all japanese characters come.
> At the server side i take the mail (thru .forward and process)
> what should be done at server side. At server side program is in java.
> Please help.
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