Alex wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: ? ??????? 20 1997 5:42
> To: Multiple Recipients of
> Subject: RE: Euro currency sign
>> Nobody wants the name "euro" and it carries entirely the
>> semantics, and the citizens were not consulted about it, but
>> damage has been done, and cannot easily be undone, so we're
stuck with
>> it. Let's just hope we can find a suitably derogatory
nickname :-)
>I have heard 'Eurin' suggested in the past.
>... pronounced "urin"? Very good.
>Alex G. Büchner
>Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory
>Phone:+44 (0)1232 368394 Fax: +44 (0)1232 366068
Urological person to have picked up on that, Alex.
Siobhan Harper-Jones
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