Michael Everson wrote:
> Ar 10:24 +0000 1997-10-21, scrmobh Charles Wicksteed:
> >Michael Everson wrote:
> >
> >>The feedback has been that € is best.
> >
> >There are arguments for not adding a new entity name at all.
> >Until the entity name has been incorporated into browsers, we would
> >have to use "€" (8364 decimal = 0x20AC) anyway, though even
> >this assumes the users have a font with the correct glyph. In
> >about 3 years time, I would consider it safe to use "€"
> >instead, but I can't see any reason to make global edits to all my
> >web pages (or modify my HTML editor), when the only effect would be
> >to spoil the display of users with old browsers. So I would
> >never use it.
> There is the new part of 8859, "Latin 0" as it is called since it is under
> ballot. This may be in use by a lot of people without UCS browsers.
The current tally is:
Unicode-capable browsers : at least 4 (*)
Latin-0-capable browsers : 0
* NC 4.0, IE 4.0, Alis's Tango, Accent's Multilingual Mosaic
Are you suggesting this ratio will, somehow, be reversed?
Misha Wolf Email: misha.wolf@reuters.com 85 Fleet Street
Standards Manager Voice: +44 171 542 6722 London EC4P 4AJ
Reuters Limited Fax : +44 171 542 8314 UK
12th International Unicode Conference, 8-9 Apr 1998, Tokyo, www.unicode.org
7th World Wide Web Conference, 14-18 Apr 1998, Brisbane, www7.conf.au
Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
except where the sender specifically states them to be the views of
Reuters Ltd.
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