User System Interfaces and Symbols

Title: Proposed Draft Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 9995-3

Action required: For recommendation as FPDAM by the JTC1 working group responsible for the

former SC18/WG9 to JTC1, after proper consideration.

Source: Canadian national body

Date: 1997-09-26

Rationale : The urgent and official requirement for support of the EURO SIGN in commercial user

applications by 1999-01-01 calls for amending the common group 2 of keyboard standard

ISO/IEC 9995-3 for inclusion of this character. ISO/IEC 10646-1 (Universal multiple-octet-

coded character set) will likely be amended in consequence, and a new part of ISO/IEC

8859 (part 15, Latin alphabet number 0) will also be likely adopted for interchange purposes.

The natural replacement position is the one used for character " Soft hyphen ", which is a

character that currently has very little use, if any, in applications. In general the " Soft

hyphen " character is typically not used for keyboard data entry although it might be present

in system files (such as dictionary-based hyphenation mechanisms).

Special request to national bodies :

Although the EURO SIGN should be defined in the common group 2 of ISO/IEC 9995-3,

there will likely be requirements to amend standard national keyboard layouts to have easier

access to this character. It is recommended that level 3 of key E03 of national keyboard

layouts be used to harmonize the entry of this character in different countries. Those

countries for which this would be a problem are kindly requested to inform ISO/IEC

JTC1/[SC18]/WG9 for adequate international documentation. This recommendation and

known derivations could be part of a note in Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 9995-3.

Information technology -- Keyboard layouts for text and office systems -- ISO/IEC 9995

Part 3:

Complementary layouts of the alphanumeric zone of the alphanumeric section

Partie 3 :

Dispositions complémentaires de la zone alphanumérique du module alphanumérique


English version :

On page 2, Table 1, first line of column titled Level 2, change " Soft Hyphen " to " Euro sign "

Add the following paragraph at the Note 3 following table 1 :

" It is recommended that countries choosing to support the Euro sign on their national keyboard layout should use key E03 level 3 to this effect ".

Version française :

À la page 2, Tableau 1, 1ère ligne de la colonne intitulée Niveau 2, remplacer " Tiret conditionnel " par : " Symbole euro ".

Ajouter le paragraphe suivant à la note 3 qui suit le tableau 1 :

" Aux pays qui choisiraient d'offrir le soutien du symbole euro sur leur clavier national, l'on recommande à cette fin l'utilisation de la touche E03, niveau 3. "