FPDAM 1 to ISO/IEC 9995-3 for *international* keyboard support of the EURO SIGN

From: Alain LaBonté - 3 (alb@sct.gouv.qc.ca)
Date: Tue Dec 09 1997 - 11:01:52 EST

Resent, this time with the annexed file


as per resolution 7 of the first meeting of JTC1/WG5 (formerly known as
JTC1/SC18/WG9) held in Cupertino at Apple's headquarters in November, could
you please take appropriate measures for initiating FPDAM processing of the
short annexed document as soon as possible. This is urgent matter, as the
implementation of the EURO is scheduled for 1999-01-01, and we need to have
international consensus on this by the next meeting of JTC1/WG5, at least
to set the direction for DAM approval. If ballot could be initiated before
Christmas with the minimum delays involved and require that countries cast
their vote as far as possible before the next JTC1/WG5 planned for
1998-05-11 (in Reykjavík), that would be ideal.

Thanks a lot.

Alain LaBonté

Project Editor, ISO/IEC 9995-3

A 10:18 97-12-09 +0000, Richard Hodgkinson a écrit :
>Hi Alain, here's the information that you request.......
>1. The JTC 1/WG 5 number for the FPDAM to 9995-3 is N 0001-K
>2. Yes, please send it directly to the JTC 1 secretariat for ballot
>as resolution 7 from the WG 9 closing plenary "WG 5 instructs Alain LaBonte,
>the editor, to rewrite the FPDAM 1 (WG 9 N 1749R) concerning ISO/IEC 9995-3
>according to the proposal of the group consisting to move to the third
level of
>the same key the international monetary symbol and to replace it on the
>level by the Euro sign, The editor will then send it to the JTC 1 Secretariat
>for DIS ballot processing."
>My Best Regards and a Merry Christmas.....Richard
>Richard Hodgkinson
>Convenor ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 5
>Cross Product Support, Information Development,
>MP 095, IBM Hursley Park, United Kingdom
>'Phone/internal: 7-245812, 'Phone/external: (+44) 01962 815812, Fax: (+44)
>01962 842327

[Alain] :
This is of course a mistake. You can't directly go to DIS processing, it
has to be FPDAM processing (equivalent of FCD ballot). But that mistake
apart, I'll do that.



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