Stop it. I have got this mail more than 300 times since yesterday.
-----Original Message-----
From: Nobuo(SOTECH Nobuo) []
Sent: Monday, January 05, 1998 1:42 AM
To: Multiple Recipients of
Subject: RE: short Unicode names?
<< File: ATT00011.htm; charset = GB2312 >> Dear Sir,
I don't know what's happening, but we received more than
40 email (with the same content) from you in the past 4
days. We don't know how to stop this.
Reply To:
Sent: Saturday, January 3, 1998 2:24 AM
To: Multiple Recipients of
Subject: Re: short Unicode names?
Werner Lemberg wrote this:
> Is there an algorithm how to convert long Unicode names like 'LATIN
> CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE' into short Adobe-ish names like 'Aacute'?
> With `short' I mean a name not longer than about 32 characters and no
> spaces in it.
> Or are there already short Unicode names defined? U+00C1 is not very
> descriptive...
I have a Unicode -> Adobe-ish names table I could mail you.
-- Bjorn Brox,, CORENA A/S, P.O.Box 1024, Kongsberg Naeringspark, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY Phone: +47 32737435, Fax: +47 32736877, Mobile: +47 92638590
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