Re: Euro in IBM codepages

From: Lisa Moore (
Date: Tue May 19 1998 - 17:07:58 EDT


Ah, 1047. The updated 1047 and 819 were recently registered...I had missed
that they had completed the process. And the euro's GCGID is SC20 (SC200000).

1047, 8859-1, Latin 1 arranged for an EBCDIC layout has eight characters that
have been replaced, and three that have been moved:

1047 -> 924
  9F -> euro
  6A -> capital S caron
  BB -> small s caron
  BE -> capital Z caron
  9D -> small Z caron
  B7 -> capital OE ligature
  B8 -> small oe ligature
  B9 -> capital Y diaeresis
  4A -> capital Y acute
  B0 -> cent
  BA -> logical not

819, the code page IBM registers for the well known and well loved 8859-1,
takes the 8859-15 definition:

819 -> 923
  A4 -> euro
  A6 -> capital S caron
  A8 -> small s caron
  B4 -> capital Z caron
  B8 -> small Z caron
  BC -> capital OE ligature
  BD -> small oe ligature
  BE -> capital Y diaeresis

Thanks for asking,

Lisa on 05-19-98 12:51:45 PM
Please respond to
cc: Lisa Moore/Santa Teresa/IBM@ibmus
Subject: Re: Euro in IBM codepages

On 19 May 98 at 9:36, Lisa Moore wrote:

> - There are 10 new EBCDIC code pages which are registered with the euro
> replacing the international currency sign:
> 37 -> 1140, euro at 9F
> 273 -> 1141, euro at 9F
> 277 -> 1142, euro at 5A
> 278 -> 1143, euro at 5A
> 280 -> 1144, euro at 9F
> 284 -> 1145, euro at 9F
> 285 -> 1146, euro at 9F
> 297 -> 1147, euro at 9F
> 500 -> 1148, euro at 9F
> 871 -> 1149, euro at 9F

Conspicuous by its absence is code page 1047, which is probably the
most used code page in North America. Any plans for this ? Also, is
there a GCGID for the EURO ?


Tony Harminc

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