Can anyone on Unicode help this fellow? Arabic questions, and font
generation. Thanks
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alim Ahat []
> Sent: Wednesday, May
> To:
> Subject:
> Dear Sir/Madam:
> I would like to ask some question about unicode 2.1 of Arabic characters.
> I
> have MS-Windows 3.x with Arabic language support and macromedia
> fontographer. I would like to creation some Arabic TrueType fonts by
> Fontographer, and tried several times, but always failed.
> How I can setting the Arabic Truetype parameters in the Fontographer?
> How I can setting the Arabic Unicode/Code Page/First Char and Last Char?
> Your quick responce would be highly appreciated.
> Sincerely yours,
> Alim Ahat
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