A 08:39 98-06-19 -0700, Chris Wendt a écrit :
>Microsoft is not expecting that the ISO-8859-1 to -10 definitions will
>change to include the Euro.
>Current Microsoft mail clients label outgoing mail messages as iso-8859-1
>when sending the Latin 1 charset and are making no exceptions if user
>entered characters in the 0x80 to 0x9F range of the Windows-1252 charset.
>There is of course no guarantee that messages containing characters outside
>the iso-8859-1 range are rendered correctly at the recipient's machine.
>Our Web authoring tools will label "Windows-1252" in these cases.
>Our future mail client products will assign the label "us-ascii",
>"iso-8859-1" or "Windows-1252" depending on the existence of Windows-1252
>characters 0x80 to 0x9f or Latin 1 characters 0xa0 to 0xff in the input
>Microsoft has requested registration of "Windows-1252" with IANA a while ago
>and has updated all Windows-125x charsets to include code points for the
>-----Original Message-----
>From: <Brendan_Murray/DUB/Lotus@lotus.com>
>To: Unicode List <unicode@unicode.org>
>Date: Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:54 AM
>Subject: Outlook & the Euro
>>It appears that Outlook Express and Outlook 98 send data containing the
>>Euro at 0x80, the Windows codepage assignment, but mark the data as being
>>8859-x. Are there any plans to fix this, or does MS expect the reassignment
>>of characters in the C1 range to graphics?
>>If the latter, can we expect a proposal to this effect to be sent for
[Alain] :
It would be nice if for email, in order to communicate with standard 8-bit
environments, there be also an *option* so that translation from and to
Latin-9 (ISO/IEC 8859-15) be done by Microsoft products.
This would allow communicating in a standard way in the 8-bit realm outside
of Windows environments. Otherwise there is indeed a character loss in
other environments, and the characters lost are less useful than those in
the C1 space used by 1252, which is, btw, a nice and avant-gardiste
character set since the very time it was available (but it remains private,
with interchange problems for the external word -- other private
environments also take advantage, in general, of standard interchange).
What I suggest is not a revolution, just a sensible option for those who
wish so (and it should perhaps be a default in French, Finnish and
euro-currency aware 8-bit environments which are concerned all the time).
Alain LaBonté
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