RE: Mapping between Windows codepage and ISO codepage

From: Bill Hall (
Date: Fri Jul 10 1998 - 16:11:19 EDT

Hi, Addison, I sent him a long report. I think I passed the test.


> ----------
> From: Victor Tse[]
> Reply To:
> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 1998 6:41 PM
> To: Unicode List
> Subject: Mapping between Windows codepage and ISO codepage
> Gurus,
> On Windows, there are cp1252, cp1250, cp1251 and etc. On UNIX, there
> are
> 8859-1,9.
> I know that cp1252 is corresponds to 8859-1. Are they exactly the same
> code point by code point?
> What about the other? Can you tell me their relationship?
> Is cp1251 corresponds to 8859-5? I see that the encoding are very
> different between cp1251 and 8859-5.
> A conversion seen to be needed when a Windows(Russian) client talks to
> UNIX(Russian) server.
> A mapping table between UNIX locale identifier (such as en_us) and the
> corresponding codepage used(such as 8859-1)
> will also be very helpful. Any pointer to literature that have those
> information?
> Any insight on why Windows do not use the ISO charset standard and
> invent their own charset?
> Thanks for your help.
> Victor Tse

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