W3C Working Draft on character model requirements

From: Martin J. Duerst (duerst@w3.org)
Date: Mon Jul 13 1998 - 01:21:52 EDT

Dear Unicorers,

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C, http://www.w3.org) has made
public the following Working Draft:

Requirements for String Identity Matching and String Indexing

    World Wide Web Consortium Working Draft 10-July-1998


This Working Draft is the work of the W3C I18N Working Group.
It will not directly lead to a W3C Proposed Recommendation or
Recommendation, but will be used as a basis for further W3C
specifications. Please see the "Status of this Document" section
for further information.

The above work was started when it became aparent from discussions
with other W3C Working Groups that, in order to insure consistent
behaviour of the WWW as a whole, further specifications would be
needed in addition to such things as the distinction between characters
and glyphs and the reference processing model of [RFC 2070] (requiring
HTML user agents to behave as if they used Unicode internally).

Any comments to the above Working Draft are highly appreciated and
should be directed to the address indicated in the Working Draft.
Please feel free to forward this anouncement to any other party
you think might be interested.

With kind regards, Martin.

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