Re: LC_CTYPE locale category and character sets.

From: Jonathan Coxhead (
Date: Sat Jul 18 1998 - 00:37:30 EDT

   Geoffrey Waigh wrote,

 | If so, shouldn't this be handled as a locale specific font issue
 | where the accented capital letters are represented by glyphs
 | without accents rather than mapping them to the wrong letter?

   I detect someone who believes, as I do, that uppercase French letters
with no accents are just glyphic variants of the forms with the accent; and
that if there is demend for it, it will be a rendering option that can be
selected by those French speakers who want it.

   I also believe that the case mapping in Turkish is exactly the same as
anywhere else in the world---it's just that a Turkish uppercase i is
displayed with a dot. They also have 2 more characters, lowercase dotless i
and uppercase dotless i, which are *not* displayed with a dot. This seems
much more likely than the situation as recorded at present in the Unicode
standard---it's just a different choice of glyph for what is clearly the
same character.

   I'm pretty sure I have also seen, on this very list, citations for the
uppercase sharp s character. Is it not in anyone's sights for inclusion?


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