Hello - very glad to hear that you are on top of the changes to Unicode
2.0. Unicode 2.1 only exists as a technical report. The changes and
additions documented by Unicode 2.1 are being incorporated into Unicode
3.0, so the first time they will appear in book form will be with the
publication of Unicode 3.0. Unicode 3.0 is targeted to be available in the
fall of this year.
Best regards,
Lisa Moore
Eric Maryniak <> on 01/29/99 03:50:05 AM
To: Unicode List <>
cc: (bcc: Lisa Moore/Santa Teresa/IBM)
Subject: Q: Unicode 2.1 available in printed form (book)?
Dear Unicode-rs,
Please excuse me for possibly asking a stupid question, but I'm new
to this list and could not find the answer on
It seems that the latest printed (as book) Unicode standard is 2.0.
However, there are quite a number of significant changes (a/o euro) in 2.1.
Is there a release date for 2.1 in book form?
(i'm really just to lazy to process the amendments by hand in our 2.0 copy
Kind regards,
Eric Maryniak
-- Eric Maryniak <> Home page: Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI) Tel/Fax: +31 20 4628650/6685079. Internet:
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