From: John O'Conner (
Date: Tue Mar 16 1999 - 15:47:41 EST

The numeric formatting rules for some European locales (France for example)
specify a NO-BREAK SPACE as a digit grouping separator in a particular
programming language environment. For example, formatting the number
12345.67 for France would result in a string like this "12 345,67". A
NO-BREAK SPACE (u+00a0) is between the 2 and 3.

The reverse operation of parsing a string to produce a number should be
able to read the text "12 345,67" (with a NBSP) and create the number
12345.67. When a user types in this number, presumably in a French locale,
it seems that they would most often simply type a SPACE (u+0020) between
these digits. Looking at some French keyboard layouts, not surprised, I
don't see this character defined either. So a problem occurs
frequently...the number parser doesn't parse the complete *intended*

My question is this:
What Unicode standard rule, if any, would I break if I treat both SPACE and
NO-BREAK SPACE as equivalents for the purpose of parsing text to numbers?

John O.

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