RE: FW: Unicode Hangul and Internet

From: Peck, Jon (
Date: Wed Apr 21 1999 - 11:42:26 EDT

Concerning the extract below, it appears that Excel, at least, does not keep
its files exactly in a Unicode format. It seems to use a format that
emphasizes ascii, but it doesn't use UTF-8. I am curious why UTF-8 wasn't

- Kim Peck

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Pratley []
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 11:29 PM
To: Unicode List
Subject: RE: FW: Unicode Hangul and Internet
In reality, Unicode *is* being used all over the world. Without trying to
sound too grandiose, it is important to realize that Unicode is incredibly
widely used today - the people using it just don't realize it. Around the
world and in Asia, in Japan and all parts of China, it is a safe bet that
>50% of text being written today on computers is stored as Unicode
(Microsoft Word97, Word98, and JustSystems' Ichitaro). In Asia, over 50% of
Internet content, in particular around 65% of Korean content is now viewed
in Unicode (Internet Explorer), even if the web content itself is not stored
in Unicode. This trend is continuing: Word97 Korean is already Unicode,
Hangul and Computer plans to move their AreA Hangul word processor to
Unicode, and Navigator 5 will be based on Unicode. Besides word processors
and browsers, there are other programs used everyday in Korea like Excel97
and PowerPoint97 that use precomposed Unicode Hangul syllables. And
Office2000 will add Access2000, based on Unicode, using precomposed Hangul.
So, the myth of Unicode "non-adoption" is just a myth.


Chris Pratley
Microsoft Office Program Manager

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