Re: Internationalization--the next generation

From: Dave Wellman (
Date: Wed May 26 1999 - 18:01:30 EDT

et al,

These discussions are always valuable for those that are involved in I18N
work, but the main problem I have is not Localization Tools, UI Masks,
Translations, Enabling or even Architectural considerations (such as Andrea
Vine, Pandora box of international E-mails).

The most pressing problem is management that is myopic to international
concerns. Even when more than %50 of sales come from international markets,
I am faced with a US centric mentality that stalls my job to a crawl.

When managements view of the international world is their last trip to
Switzerland you have a real problem. I have seen this same issue in
companies both small and large. The best place to start has always been
management that realizes that there is a need for I18N, but have no idea
what that need is.

This is not a uncommon problem and I'm interested in how others are dealing
with it.

Dave Wellman

(Just for fun:

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