Well, the
US have started to teach the metric system widely in schools and
universities in the 1970s, so when these kids reach the age of 60 in
2020 and become Congress members, I hope that then this one will finally
be resolved. Until then, the dominant use of SI units in the US will
unfortunately remain the 9 mm bullet.
(thanking you for allowing a refreshing round of US bashing and
now ngoing back to working on the Unicode X11 fonts ... :)
-- Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK Email: mkuhn at acm.org, WWW: <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/>We in the US should not overlook the benefits of metric conversion, particularly as it applies to surveying standards. We would have to replace feet, rods, acres, etc. with meters and hectares. The entire US would have to be resurveyed. This would solve our unemployment problems for the forseeable future. As an added bonus, land disputes would tie up our courtrooms for years to come. All of our domestic resources would go towards resolving fractional-millimeter real estate issues. There would be no resources left with which to militarize the world. That onerous (though highly profitable) task would fall to someone else, or disappear. Long live metric conversion!
Donald Figge //
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